


本分析的目的是找出正确的招聘方法,防止员工流失。本报告将突出这些问题,并就此提出建议。已被确定为公司的问题是:格鲁吉亚招聘专员没有先验知识Autoaccess公司的目标。知识的缺乏导致招聘错误的人(Collings & Wood, 2009)。格鲁吉亚在知识方面存在巨大的差距。她以前在呼叫中心的经验在目前的情况下是没有用的。格鲁吉亚在知识方面存在差距。公司的员工流动率很高。他们需要雇佣合适的员工,以确保新员工不会浪费资源。员工没有真正的激励模式。有必要确保员工的目标与公司的总体目标一致。公司缺乏团队建设模式,以确保员工团结协作。新雇佣的员工不符合现有员工的模式。应该有一个系统来解决员工的差距(Storey, 2007)。缺乏透明度和共同的愿景。新雇佣的员工不了解他们需要什么来适应组织范式。


涉众之间的沟通有很大的差距。这导致员工之间的关系进一步恶化(Story, 2007)。这是公司员工流动率高的另一个主要原因。从分析中发现,公司缺乏绩效的激励因素。需要对招聘的理论因素、激励因素和保持员工在公司内部的方法进行分析。本节阐述了提高公司业绩的途径。Taylors的科学管理理论和McGregor的X理论强调员工应该为他们的服务提供有形的金钱。Taylors’s theory of scientific management认为,员工应该根据他们的技术资格来录用,他们应该为公司提供的服务付费。在这个理论中,员工的报酬是他们的生产力。没有考虑其他动机因素。X理论假设员工天生懒惰,而且他们的知识也比主管少。它强调对员工的微观管理(Clegg, Kornberger,和Pitsis, 2015)。理论X没有考虑内部动机的内在因素。


The purpose of this analysis is to identify right hiring practices, prevent employee turnover. This report will highlight the issues and propose recommendations for the same. The issues that has been identified for the company are :Georgia the recruitment specialist does not have prior knowledge about the objectives of Autoaccess Company. This lack in knowledge leads to hiring of the wrong person for the job (Collings & Wood, 2009). There is significant gap in knowledge for Georgia. Her prior experience in call center is not useful in this current situation. There is gap in knowledge for Georgia. There are high employee turnover rates for the company. They need to hire the right personnel to ensure that the resources are not wasted for the newly hired employee. There is no real motivational model for the employees. There is a need to ensure that the objectives of the employees are aligned with the overall objective of the company.There is lack of team building model in the company to ensure that the people work together cohesively. The newly hired employees do not fit into the paradigm with the exiting employees. There is should be a system in place to address the gaps of the employee (Storey, 2007).There is lack of transparency and shared vision. The newly hired employees do not have understanding of what is required by them to fit into the organizational paradigm.

There is a significant gap in communication between the stakeholders involved. This has led to further worsening of the relationship between the employees (Story, 2007). This is another major reason for the high employee turnover rates for the company. It has been identified from analysis that the company lacks motivational factors for performance. There needs to be an analysis of the theoretical factors for recruitment, motivation and ways to keep the employees within the company. The ways to improve performance of the company have been elucidated in this section. Taylors’ theory of scientific management and the Theory X by McGregor stress on the fact that the employees should be given tangible money for their services rendered. Taylors’ theory of scientific management states that the employees should be hired based on their technical qualifications and they should be paid for the services rendered by the company. The employees are paid for their productivity in this theory. There is no factoring in of other motivational factors. Theory X assumes that employees are intrinsically lazy to work and also have lesser knowledge than the supervisors. It gives emphasis to micromanagement of the employee (Clegg, Kornberger, and Pitsis, 2015). The intrinsic factors of internal motivations are not considered in Theory X.