


The company could have made better decisions when the requirement was dominant and the action was only lacking but possible. There are multiple options that were available for it to have taken at the right time and implement them without delay.
The leadership could have changed for the better and this could have been demanded by the shareholders who wanted to see the company successful. The leaders are more responsible for taking important decisions and they are also responsible for accepting that they have made a wrong decision. This is a great quality of a leader, and this is possible when the leaders are more selfless and benevolent in their actions keeping the company goals in mind as the utmost priority.
Motorola could have exited the business with a profit when it realised that it could not have met the market demand, even if it started to consider the turnaround due to extensive competition of rival companies. The exit strategies is either to sell the entire stake or to sell majority stake, which makes the company more safe and the new leadership can quickly take over and prepare a new strategy of tackling the failure of the company.
To save itself from insolvency, it could have exited with a substantial profit or less loss burden when the identification of its anticipated failure could have come from outside or hostile takeover attempts from rivals (Quick, 2013). It is very difficult to remain aloof from the fact that the company is a failure, and it has to accept that it is no more a favourite company for customers. This clearly indicates that it remained ignorant of the existent failure in the company and they could not ascertain its coming.
It was necessary to embrace a different attitude towards failure that it could have seen failure, as a temporary setback which shall remain alive for a while and phase out leading to success (Brückner and Przyklenk, 2013). Such an attitude is apparent for success and if it had been the dominant organisational culture that could have saved it from being termed as a permanent failure. This is because failure is never final unless one accepts it in their mind and this is what had happened in Motorola, which had accepted defeat at a stage when it needed to survive through turning the tide into its favour. The massive brand rebuilding exercise is one way of achieving the lost glory and coming to terms with the market and customers. Brands are always rebuilt and change their identity, so Motorola could have changed its identity through a grand exercise and could have reduced the negative impacts, and could have turnaround the company by giving product which was demanded.

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