


There are many advantages of the database system which is implemented in the Monash Video Library as this modifies the internal structure of the organisation. The implementation process of the database system in the organisation possesses some issues. The cost of implementation of the software is very high as it will be implemented in three different stores. The time taken for the process of implementing the software in the organisation consumes a long period of time. So the main issues faced by the organisation are money and time.

The topic System Analysis and Design concludes that there are various advantages of implementation of the database system. The analysis of the data and information is necessary for the organisation to work effectively and efficiently. The Monash Video Library implemented a database system to compete with the other organisations that exists in the market. The system helps the organisation to keep track of the regular members and they will be able to give them offers. The data gathered and stored about the members of the store are first analysed, and then stored in the database system of the organisation. The implementation of this software includes some issues such as time constraints and money.

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