


The theories of glocalization states that there needs to be a unique approach undertaken by the companies in order to sell the products. The homogenous product will not be a successful strategy to sell goods. Clayton Christenson states that the most important aspect that needs to be factored by the companies is by using disruptive innovation techniques. Analyzing of the requirements, design, execute and review process needs to be done for creation of a newer product. The companies should develop a product that should have a local customizable product that can be implemented on a global scale.
In the requirement stage there should be gathering of the requirements of the users in each geographical location where the company operates. The common issues and the unique issues needs to be classified along with identification of the vulnerabilities.
The second stage is development of new product or innovative service that meets these requirements Pahl, & Beitz, 2013). Once it has been designed the products that needs to be implemented in the local markets to assess their performance.
Based on the product or service performance there should be devising of the Key Performance Indicators to assess the performance of the product (Pahl, & Beitz, 2013). On successful implementation they should be implemented in newer markets by customizing the product or service in lieu of the local culture.

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