


1)融合是融合或混合两种不同的宗教信仰,价值观,风俗习惯形成一个新的混合宗教。文化转型是一个复杂的仪式,信仰的接触和交流的过程中,与来自不同文化的符号组合起来创建新的意义。边疆是当有些人发现自己在生活的地方,他们寻求宗教和文化资源进行他们的生活和生存斗争的新创意组合的十字路口。Nepantla是纳瓦特尔语词(阿兹特克语)这意味着在中间或中间的地方,所有的事情都在一起。nepantla是多元的价值观,信念的创造性融合,符号和仪式使土著人共存。拉丁裔/ OS有更多的精神和较少的关注在生活的其他材料方面。他们往往结合流行的宗教信仰与现有的社会传统的地方。例如拉丁美洲庆祝第十五个女儿被称为quinceañ时代,这意味着她的时代的到来与质量和家庭聚会的生日。这一庆祝活动在美国相当于婚礼庆典。


1) Syncretism is a fusion or mixture of two diverse religious beliefs, values, customs and practices to form a new hybrid mixed religiosity. Transculturation is a complex process of contact and exchange by which rituals, beliefs, and symbols from different cultures are combined to create new meanings. Borderlands are when some people find themselves at the crossroads of life where they seek new combinations of resources both religious and cultural to carry on their creative struggle to live and survive. Nepantla is a Nahuatl term (Aztec language) which means in the middle or the middle place where all things come together. Nepantla is the creative blend of diverse values, beliefs, symbols and rituals that allow indigenous people to coexist. Latina/os are more spiritual and focus less on the other material aspects of life. They sometimes tend to combine popular religious beliefs with the existing social traditions in place. For example Latina/os celebrate the fifteenth birthday of their daughters known as quinceañera which means her coming of age with a Mass and a family party. This celebration is equivalent to the wedding celebrations in the United States.