

新西兰代写-老牌公司的创业行为。对于已成立的公司来说,企业创业必须在创新和从事新活动之间取得微妙的平衡,并需要将其与公司已经采取的现有战略进行比较(Davila, Foster and Jia, 2010)。企业必须挑战自我,开发更新的活动,并开发不断改变自己的机会。在这些企业中,存在着关于企业水平能力和企业所允许的创新的内部冲突。这是由能力-刚性悖论决定的。有一个矛盾和复杂的关系被发现是培育(Docherty, 2006)。这些公司对“重新定义、更新和改造自己”的兴趣越来越大。对于已成立的公司,他们必须启动更新的过程,并确保有突破性的发明(Audretsch, 2012)。在确定了这三种组织病理学之后,他们需要探索创新、独特和新兴技术的动态(Hitt et al., 2002)。

After there has been identification of the three organizational pathologies, they need to explore into the dynamics of innovative, unique and emerging technologies (Hitt et al., 2002). The companies, at the same time, must not completely discard the existing condition in an effort to develop newer innovations. The companies need to ensure that they are efficient and focus on the standpoints of the larger firms. The characterizing of the problems is found to be an important analogy. By completely discarding their older norms, the company would risk losing the existing consumer patronage. They need to focus on realigning the firm objective with the newer innovation (Chesbrough, 2007). The companies need to develop and maintain a balance between the older ideology and newer concepts (Spencer, Kirchhoff and White, 2008). The case of Coca Cola can be used to understand the impact of an established firms innovating the current times. The company Coca-Cola is found to be a 130-year old brand. It had recently developed a platform known as Founders Program. In this, the company provides the people with incentives to grow and solve the problems of the companies. In this schema, Wonolo is a successful venture. It connects the people to gain temporary jobs to big brands. These allowed the company to grow and ensure that Coca cola gained brand patronage in the markets. Another important example is the development of U-Haul Investors Club. This is a crowd funding platform where the individuals fund innovation for the company’s fleet of vehicles. These enable the regular people to connect with the brand and gain from the activities of the company. By this process, the companies gain leverage and brand patronage with the relevant people. There is an overall growth that is observed in all of the stakeholders involved in the operation (Ireland et al., 2001).
The innate challenges that need to be considered are the changes in the hierarchical process and the existing processes need to be construed. There is the need for capital costs that need to be factored in the paradigm.
Entrepreneurial International Global Venture Start Up.
Today’s entrepreneurs are found to cross borders for two main reasons. One is the defensive reason for the company to globalize many of the aspects of their business and ensure that the company maintains the start up. The next reason is to ensure that they remain on the offense (Fagerberg, 2005). In the case of “Racing the Planet”, company can be used to understand how they internationalize the operations. The company was formed in 2002 and they wanted to stage 250 kilometres marathon in hostile environment. The teams had to work in Hong Kong, Mongolia and Atacama Desert in China. The company is found to have focused on creating a global lifestyle brand (Youtie and Shapira, 2008.). They use it to sell souvenirs and other content to the people. The company had forged alliances with many companies and developed brand awareness.
In the case of start-up firms, the companies need to factor in the capital costs that are involved in the process. The companies do not have the requisite brand patronage (Kassicieh et al., 2002). The companies need to ensure that they do not lose out on the competitive edge. The companies need to factor in the issues of communication.

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