

新西兰代写-库存数据的变化。卖方在一定期限内购买或者生产但未全部售出的货物,应当储存备下一期限内销售。这是库存的累积。当库存变化为负时,意味着由于商品和服务的高需求,库存正在出清(Evans & Honkapohja, 2012)。此外,如果计划中的库存下降,这意味着这些公司预计下一时期将出现需求不足。因此,他们故意清理库存。在2009年和2010年,美国清理了大量库存。这是因为它在全球危机期间面临需求不足。2011年库存下降累计库存较少。2012年和2013年库存再次大幅下降,2014年下降幅度较小,2015年再次大幅下降,2016年下降幅度较小。因此,可以说库存数据的变化反映了澳大利亚的不断波动。

The Table 6 (Appendix) represents contribution of change in inventories to the GDP growth of Australia. The contribution of change in inventory to growth not only just fluctuated, it also had positive and negative impact on growth in the alternative years. The contribution of inventory to the growth declined slightly over the years, as reflected by flatter downward moving trend line.

When goods and services are sold in the foreign market, it is export for the home country and when anything purchased from foreign market, and then it is known as import of the home country (Argy, 2013). The Table 7 (Appendix) represents the export and import expenditure of Australia during 2009 to 2016, along with trade surplus.
The trade surplus of Australia was significantly higher in the 2009. In the next year, it started to decline and in 2011 the country faced severe trade deficit and the deficit increased further in 2012. After an improvement in the trade deficit, the trade surplus became positive in 2014 and at present year the country has been experiencing a significant trade surplus. The deficit in trade has taken place where the import curve exceeds the export curve in the following diagram.

Table 8 (Appendix) presents the export and import data of Australia. Import always has negative contribution to growth rate as currency is going out of the economy. However, the negative impact was severe during the 2010 and 2011.However, the export has major negative contribution to the growth in 2015 and contribution by export was higher during 2012 and 2013. However, at present, the contribution of export is improving.

The components of Aggregate Expenditure together measure the Gross Domestic Product. The contribution to yearly growth is given in Table 9 (Appendix).
Since 2009, the GDP growth has steadily increased and became highest during 2011 at 1.1 index points. The contribution of AE to the growth rate or the GDP growth rate itself fluctuated in the following years, as shown by the cyclical curve. The trend line also indicates that the contribution to Growth is increasing over years, as the trend line is relatively steeper in the upward direction.

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