


There are several disadvantages of the secondary data. Secondary may not answer the exact question of the researcher. It is found that the information of the primary data may not always be accurate. It is subject to bias. In this situation it is not possible to understand if the data that is collected form the sources are actually true. In these cases, the data that is procured could also be outdated. There should considerable analysis of the information in order to understand the veracity of the data. In the areas of sociological sciences, it is imperative to understand about the consent issues. The ethical considerations of the primary researcher should be understood in this process. Hence, these are advantages and disadvantages of secondary data. It is used in cases when primary research is not possible. This research makes use of both primary and secondary data.

The main tools used for primary data collection are that of the questionnaire and the semi structured interview. The Questionnaire method used is a survey method where there both open ended and closed ended questions are used (Voils et al, 2008). Most of the questions are closed ended, because this data collection was going to be followed up with an interview which is more open ended.
The interview technique used here is a semi structured interview. A semi structured interview is one with questions for the participant to answer, but in a way that the participant is more of guided by the questions, the interviewer might skip a question or change the order of posing questions to the participants.
Participant Selection
The participants are selected by means of convenience sampling from the people who are in the researcher’s network, some of them have used the cruise services and some of them have now. In the network there are people who have used cruise services in the Asian continent too, this enables for a better comparison across cultures. Around a 130 participants were selected first and of this one hundred participant samples were used. The statement sent to the participants is presented in Appendix 1.
Of the 100 participants by means of convenience sampling 5 participants were then selected for the interview. The results of the questionnaire and the interview are presented in the form of charts in the next chapter. Interview data is collected and only the main themes are presented from the transcript in next section.
Data Presentation and Analysis
The quantitative data are presented in the form of charts in the next chapter. The main themes of the qualitative data collected in the interview are also presented in the form of tables in the next chapter. The semi structured interviews will make use of four customers who also answered in the questionnaire survey and one of the participants is the internet service provider registered on Airbnb.

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