


The implementation of the strategies of the CCF is done through public campaigns and awareness generation programs. The joining of movement, membership of CCF and the petition singing are parts of its on-going campaigns that make effort to move the government to pass the law banning animal testing. CCF put efforts to mobilise the Australian people and raise a collective voice against animal cruelty. The CCF campaigns run with the support of common people against the cruelty being done on the animals by cosmetic companies. The campaign corresponds to the common Australian view of mercy towards animals. There are huge numbers of Australian citizens who oppose the idea of animal testing of new ingredients or cosmetic products. These people completely extent their support for the ban of the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics in the Australian markets. CFF therefore seeks their support to strengthen itself by connecting more and more people to its cause. It gives accreditation to companies which do not use animal testing and releases lists of such companies on its website. The campaign of CCF is also internationally supported by world renowned and loved celebrities like Pettigrove, Zoe Carides, Rick Price, Peter Sumner, Peter Stubbs, Eliza Szonert etc(Celebrity supporters, 2013). They endorse the causes supported by the objectives of the organisation by making sure that their fan following is aware about the objectives of the organisation and extent support to the CCF through donations, by joining the movement or signing of petitions.

“Choose cruelty free” works tirelessly with the aims to pursue the Australian government to ban this animal testing, which leads to serious harms and even painful deaths of the animals in the process. It also emphasises on banning fur trade. The organisation believes in the mass public joining of movement, membership of CCF and the petition singing as a part of its on-going campaigns that make effort to move the government to pass the law banning animal testing. The cosmetic products’ industry grows with each passing year and the new products are always in demand by the consumers. Despite of presence of alternative methods for testing the products, the animal testing is still prevalent in the industry (Heuer and Vogel, 2009). However, for fulfilling this need of the humans, the animal subjects have to suffer cruelty. In the recent developments in June 2016 the Federal Government pledged to impose the ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients or products or sale of such products in Australia. This would eventually lead Australia to join the list of nations who have completely banned animal testing by cosmetic companies.

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