


经济学主要研究社会如何利用不同的资源,如何保护商品,以及如何在社会中分配商品。它受到人民的政治性质和文化意识形态的影响(科斯,1998)。经济和货币一直是构建社会的重要因素。从历史上看,人们希望提高生产率,实现持续增长。从商业的角度来看,业主试图确保在生产中有较低的成本涉及利润最大化(Hollander, 1973)。通过理解一个社会的经济学,一个人可以从一个整体的角度来理解这个社会及其感知。从这个经济学中,我们可以了解到一些细微的差别和隐藏的意识形态。为了降低生产成本,应该降低劳动成本。种族主义是业主用来确保社会中稳定供应低成本劳动力的重要手段之一。每个在特定经济中运作的组织都有专门的要求和应该实现的主要目标。

为此,需要专门的资源来处理不同的任务。在社会中工作的劳动者提供这些服务。根据他们的能力和技术知识,给他们分配特定的任务。这是构成社会内部劳动分工的基本信条。工资和资源的可得性有助于更好地了解社会。劳动分工和劳动价值论是理解社会本质功能的有用指标。像史密斯和里卡多这样的著名经济学家宣扬自由市场动态是决定工资的一个因果因素(Hollander, 1973)。斯密和李嘉图等资本主义理论家支持自由市场控制工资。马克思主义理论认为,想要控制下层人民的资产阶级决定了社会的工资。有趣的是,李嘉图和马克思认为土地租金是决定工资的重要原因。这些都在本分析中进行了详细的探讨。


Economics primarily deals with how societies utilize different resources, safeguard commodities and understand how they are distributed in the societies. It is influenced by the political nature and the cultural ideologies of the people (Coase,1998).Economics and money has been an important factor in framing of the societies. It has been found that from historical times people want to increase productivity and reach continual growth. From a commercial standpoint, owners try to ensure that there is lower cost involved in production to maximize profits (Hollander, 1973). By understanding the economics of a society one can understand the society and its perceptions from a holistic angle. There are several nuances and hidden ideologies that can be understood from this economics. To lower production cost, cost of labour should be reduced. Racism is one of the important modals used by owners to ensure that there is steady supply of lower cost labourers in society. Every organization operating in a particular economy has specialized requirements and primary objectives that should be fulfilled.

For this purpose there is a need for specialized resources to handle the different tasks. The labourers working in the societies provide them. Based on their capabilities and technical knowledge, personnel are assigned specific tasks. This is the fundamental dogma that forms the division of labour within societies. Wages and availability of resources can help in greater understanding of the society. Division of labour and labour theory of value are useful indices to understand how the society essentially functions. Eminent economists like Smith and Ricardo propagate the free market dynamics as a causative factor for determining wages(Hollander, 1973). Capitalistic theorists such as Smith and Ricardo espouses that free markets control the wages. Marxists theory propagates that the bourgeois who want to control the lower class people determine wages in the society. Interestingly Ricardo and Marx state the rent of the land as important reasons for determining of the wages. These have been probed in detail in this analysis.