


Elissa Down的电影《黑气球》在一定程度上受到了澳大利亚视觉的影响。故事围绕着他们十几岁的兄弟查理和托马斯展开,在两兄弟之间,查理患有自闭症。故事变得有趣的时候,弟弟托马斯不得不承担他患有自闭症的哥哥查理的责任,查理经常成为托马斯的一个尴尬。在故事中,观众被介绍了托马斯,杰基的爱,谁帮助托马斯在他的旅程(加纳,哈伍德和琼斯,2016)。这部电影可能以一个悲伤的基调结束,托马斯没有处理好他哥哥的敌意和脾气,查理失去了对自我的控制,走向脆弱的边缘。故事虽然没有以这样的结尾,但是电影给了托马斯一个支持像查理这样的“弱者”的机会,也给了查理一个公平的机会,通过他的戏剧,查理可以和每一个“正常人”站在一个平等的舞台上。
因此,在电影中使用剧本是电影制作人Elissa Down使用的一项重要技术。与此同时,影片的平易近人和轻松的叙事,以及影片中所蕴含的传达地点和时间,都有助于描绘澳大利亚的愿景。Peter Goldsworthy的大师反映了澳大利亚的愿景,但同时也否定了愿景中的想法。这部小说的故事再次围绕着两位男主人公展开,他们是保罗·克拉布(Paul Crabbe)和钢琴教师海尔·爱德华·凯勒(Herr Eduard Keller)。正如在《黑气球》中,托马斯得到了杰姬的爱,保罗在这里得到了罗西的爱。凯勒不同于查理,他没有智力缺陷,但他也是一个“弱者”。查理被学生欺负,而纳粹德国,通过把他的犹太妻子和儿子送到集中营,欺负凯勒(穆勒,2015)。


Elissa Down’s movie “The Black Balloon” to certain extent has the influence of the Australian vision. The story revolves around two brothers in their teenage, Charlie and Thomas, and between the two brothers, Charlie suffers from autism. The story becomes interesting when the younger brother Thomas has to take the responsibility of his autistic elder brother Charlie, who often becomes an embarrassment for Thomas. During the story, the audience is introduced with the love of Thomas, Jackie, who helps Thomas in his journey (Garner, Harwood and Jones, 2016). The movie may have ended in a sad note, where Thomas failed to handle the hostility and the tantrum of his brother, and Charlie losing control over the self and moving towards the verge of vulnerability. The story although did not end in such a note, but the movie gave Thomas a chance to support the “underdogs” like Charlie, and it also provide Charlie a fair chance to come in an equal stage with every “normal” people through his drama.
Therefore, using a play within the film is an important technique that has been used by the filmmaker Elissa Down. Along with it the accessible and the easy narration of the film, and the conveying place and time that is there in the film helps in portraying the Australian vision.Peter Goldsworthy’s Maestro reflects the Australian vision, but then, there is a negation of the ideas that are in the vision. The story of this novel again revolves around two male protagonists, Paul Crabbe and Herr Eduard Keller, the pianist teacher. As, in “The Black Balloon”, Thomas receives the love of Jackie, here Paul receives the love Rosie. Keller, unlike, Charlie is not intellectually disabled, but he too is an “underdog”. Charlie is being bullied by the schoolchildren but the Nazi Germany, is bullying Keller, by sending his Jewish wife and son to the concentration camp (Müller, 2015).