


Considering Ansoff’s growth strategies model (1957), there are numerous options available in front of any organisation to expand their businesses and achieve more sustainability. Ansoffmatrix is also called market or product expansion grid that are mainly including market development, market penetration, product development and diversification. Among these above-mentioned growth strategies, it is important for KeeWah to follow market development and product development strategy. At the initial stage, KeeWah must follow the market development strategies where they should offer their existing product to the new market that means Singapore. Before expanding market in another country, it is important for the company to conduct a market audit on Singapore market so that the preferences or demand of customers can be understood and according to that the entry strategy must be taken. In this case, it is important for KeeWah to follow the franchising entry mode so that they can expand the market with cost efficiency. After the market development strategy, KeeWah should take an effective product development strategy. Here, KeeWah should develop their product in that way so that it can attract both Chinese customers and other customers coming from other countries of Asia and Europe. During the development of new product, the cultural differences of the customers must be considered. After developing a new product, KeeWah should develop a good promotional mix so that they can establish an effective brand image in the market and get a loyal set of customers to achieve competitive advantage (Kolbina, 2015).

To identify the SWOT of KeeWah, the internal perspective and external perspective will be considered (Amin, Razmi& Zhang, 2011). The strengths like loyal customers and bringing heritage to other countries, and giving them the taste of traditional delicacies should be considered.The number of KeeWah’s patrons have increased to 74, 961 (Appendix 7). Amidst all, language and slow response are the weaknesses. In relation to the factor of opportunities, market growth and expansion should be considered, but customers’ preferences and growing competition become ultimate threats to KeeWah (Santos& Santos, 2011).

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