


All these recommendations will be effective for the sports organizers to organize the mega sports events or cricket championship successfully. The video recordings, statistical data, and keynotes of this event (CWC 2015) can give a framework for the further mega sports events. These recommendations will also be effective to create more economic opportunities for the local people (Lindsey, 2011). With the help of the recordings of CWC 2015, the cricket boards of other nations can organize this world cricket championship successfully with preplanning of each operational activities.

From the above discussions, it can be concluded that Cricket World Cup 2015 was successfully organized in different cities of Australia. All operational activities were executed with preplanning for ensuring the successful implementation of this event. The effect of potential factors (social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental) was analyzed to measure the impact of these factors on different event management activities. The event organizer (ICC) also made proper arrangements for this event by ensuring the informational, financial, and human resources requirements for the event. Preplanning for the business event was prepared to support the completion of the business event within the agreed time, limited budget, and allocated resources.

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