

新西兰传媒学论文代写-服务绩效测评系统。选取的主题是墨西哥Chipotle快餐店服务绩效测评系统。当前,Chipotle的顾客数量大幅下降。上门拜访的顾客表明他们的服务正在失败。2016年,该公司股价下跌最严重,食品安全问题也加剧了该公司的进军(Turner & Patton, 2016)。现在,公司正在努力改变服务运营方式,以帮助客户更好地服务,并在所有分支机构实施测量系统。

There are two subtopics in this work. The first subtopic is that of evaluation of the performance measurement system that is present in Chipotle as observed by the customers. Where customers feel their input is being taken seriously then the relationship between service provider and customer will improve. For the first subtopic, the tool used to assess the situation is the ‘Bow-tie versus Diamond’ relationships model. The data for this is collected from the customer end

The second subtopic in the work is understanding the form of support that leaders lend to the employees during change management. Autonomy is an important empowerment for employees during this time. The assessment is done using the ‘Compliant to Adaptive Tool’ to understand how employee discretion is empowered.

The service being measured here is the Chipotle service delivery for its customers. The chipotle service delivery framework works as follows. Firstly, the customer has the option of either going to the restaurant and ordering for the product or they could alternatively order their food product online and then go to the store to pick it up.

In the first scenario, the customer goes to the restaurant. They stand in a queue and order the toppings and sauces they like in either a burrito wrap or a rice bowl. Once this is done they move on to the cashier at the counter. Pay them and get their order. They are then guided towards the station for getting spoons, sporks, paper towels, sauces etc. Finally, they move on to an empty chair where they have their food. Alternatively, as in the case of the second scenario they get to pick up their food and leave. Different service staff are involved in the construction of their service experience. Staff first build their order, one of the staff is tasked with the bowl or burrito preparation, some of the staff are associated with adding the side dishes, one of the staffers act as the cashier, some take care of keeping the premises clean, some assist in getting an empty table for the person, getting their feedback etc.

Methodology and Data

The methodology made use of here is a mixed research method. A mixed research uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Both techniques are needed for this work because quantitative technique helps answer how many of the participants believe in certain aspects of the research phenomenon and the qualitative technique helps in understanding attitude and more personal opinions. The qualitative technique is applied with the Bow-tie versus Diamond relationships model and the quantitative technique is used with the Compliant to Adaptive Tool.

Primary Data
Primary data was collected by interview method and the survey method. The interview method is a qualitative data collection method. The qualitative form of research is one where the researcher would be able to collect data making use of qualitative data collection techniques such as the interview method. The interview method is one where the researcher will directly interact with the research participant. Through a series of interview questions, the researcher is able to understand what participant feels about the service management in Chipotle and can also understand the areas of improvement. The survey method was used with the employees to understand the form of discretion and autonomy they are given by the managers. The survey method used is a quantitative method.

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