


根据Leondes,C. T.(2005)的说法,其他相关优势如下:
生命周期信息:需求,施工和运营数据可用于服务管理。 BIM服务对建筑行业的经济效益和动态效益得到广泛认可并逐步得到广泛认可。此外,应用BIM的技术也可以迅速开花(Adrian,J.2004)。

从纸质信息向基于模型的创新数据转变意味着数字建模可用于成本计算,开发,模拟,能源调查,地理信息系统合并,结构规划,制造,装配以及设施管理。 BIM文件可以包括但不限于列表,绘图,表格以及与项目相关的3D渲染。通过这种方式提供更多的能力,并提供比传统的基于二维CAD的图纸更好的精度(见图1)。 3D绘图基本上是基于对象的数字副本,应用程序本身可以从中生成适当的计划,部分和细节。这样的模型甚至超过3D,并且在4D和5D中可能很明显。转向采用基于对象的方法会带来显着的效果,


According to Leondes, C. T. (2005), other associated advantages are as follows:
Quick and efficient procedures: Data is simply interacted and could be value-added and reused.
Automatic configuration: Digital product information could be oppressed in following procedures and applied for manufacturing and configuration of architectural systems.
Enhanced production quality: Credentials result is flexible as well as exploits computerization.
Perfect design: Building plans can be thoroughly figured out, simulations executed swiftly, and performance gauged, allowing better and ground-breaking solutions.
Controlled life-cycle expenses and environmental information: Environmental conduct is more expected, and lifecycle expenses are better recognized.
Customer satisfaction: Proposals are well-recognized through precise 3D visualization.
Lifecycle information: Requisites, construction, and operational data can be utilized in service management. The economic as well as dynamic benefits of BIM service to the construction industry are broadly approved and progressively well recognized. Moreover, the technology to apply BIM is obtainable and swiftly blossoming (Adrian, J. 2004).
Objective of Study

Shifting from paper-based information to innovative, model-based data signifies that the digital modeling can be utilized for cost calculations, development, simulations, energy investigation, GIS incorporation, structural plan, manufacturing, assembly, along with facilities management. Files a BIM can make comprise, but aren’t restricted to, list, drawings, tables, along 3D renderings associated with the project. By this means delivering more to competence, and offering better precision than conventional two dimensional CAD-based drawings(see Figure 1.). 3D drawings are basically object-based digital replica that the application itself generates the proper plans, sections and details from. Such models even surpass 3D and could be apparent in 4D and 5D. Shifting to an incorporated and object-based approach will bring about remarkable