


在这个标志中,可以看到阳光明媚的感觉。在标志中,袋鼠和太阳被描绘成充满活力的颜色。袋鼠的自由精神与温暖的阳光相结合,可以通过视觉意象的审美感受。这可以从袋鼠的动作中看出。在图中可以明显看到与白色背景混合的高键颜色。高键色是指色调较浅的颜色(Page & Thorsteinsson, 2009)。在这个标志中,曲线线条和形状描绘了优雅、自由和旺盛的正能量,象征着在澳大利亚度假(Page & Thorsteinsson, 2009)。标志的对角线展示了假期中所包含的动作和兴奋。正面空间描绘袋鼠形状,展示太阳。整体上有一种地方的神秘感体现在标志上。这些细节解释了标识图形表示中涉及的细微差别。从历史上看,排版是交流的一个重要元素。它是语言发展的根本原因。描述语言的方式是一种强大的表达媒介(Kershner, 1999)。古腾堡发明印刷机后,印刷媒体在世界上获得了很大的声望和普及。
字体在当代应该有一定的主要用途。它应该是易读的,可理解的和容易识别的。上升,下降,x高度,基线和茎是用来分析字体的主要特征(亨德森,Giese & Cote, 2004)。澳大利亚旅游局的标志采用布兰登怪诞的中文字。在这种字体中,x的高度更高。它不适用于较长的文本段落,而是用于显示人脸。它通常用于较短的描述性术语。没有用于描述字体的连接。有许多特色和技术方面,推广澳大利亚旅游标志。它被认为是旅游的优雅代表。它是独特的,简单和难忘的。这个现代的标志被认为比以前的标志要好。然而,对于这个标志也有一些批评(Henderson, Giese & Cote, 2004)。在哥斯达黎加,人们过分强调黄色,而较少强调绿色生态友好型旅游,这被认为更具吸引力。它没有展示澳大利亚所体现的所有活动。可以在设计中添加更简单的元素,使其更有效。


In this logo, a sunny light feeling can be observed. In the logo, a kangaroo and sun is depicted with vibrant colours. Free spirit of the kangaroo combined with the warm sun can be felt by looking at the aesthetic visual imagery. This is seen in the movement depiction of the kangaroo. High key colours that are mixed with white background can be visibly seen in the figure. High key colours are colours that have lighter shades (Page & Thorsteinsson, 2009). Curvilinear lines and shape in this logo depict the gracefulness, freedom and the exuberant positive energy that symbolize vacationing in Australia (Page & Thorsteinsson, 2009). Diagonal lines in the logo exhibit the action and excitement involved in the vacation. Positive space depicts kangaroo shape and showcases the sun. There is an overall feeling of intrigue of the place manifested in the logo. These explain in detail the nuances involved in the graphical representation of a logo.Historically, it has been found that the typography is an important element of communication. It is the root cause for the development of language. The way of depicting the language is a powerful medium of expression (Kershner, 1999). After Guttenberg devised the printing press, print media gained a lot of prominence and popularity in the world.
Fonts in the contemporary times should have certain primary uses. It should be legible, comprehendible and easily discernable. Ascender, descender, x-height, baseline and stem are the cardinal features that are used to analyse a font (Henderson, Giese & Cote, 2004). For the Tourism Australia logo, Brandon Grotesque Medium font is used. In this font, there is higher x-height. It is not suitable for longer textual passages rather it was formulated for display faces. It is used for typically shorter descriptive terms. There is no ligature that has been used for the depiction of the fonts.There are a number of features and technical aspects that promote tourism Australia logo. It is considered to be an elegant representation of the tourism. It is unique, simple and memorable. This modern logo is considered to be better from its previous logo. Nevertheless, there are some criticisms for this logo (Henderson, Giese & Cote, 2004). There is over emphasis on the yellow hues and less emphasis for the green ecofriendly tourism in Costa Rica is considered to be more attractive. It does not showcase all the activities that Australia embodies. There can be more simplistic elements that can be added to the design to make it more effective.