



酒店业是一个快速增长的行业在英国(戴维斯和伯纳德,2013)。然而对于任何增长的行业,酒店行业也面临着竞争的问题。鉴于这种背景下酒店业有必要解决服务质量问题,客户可能会面临和找出解决这些服务质量问题,酒店可能会变得更具竞争力。增加客户满意度会导致持续赞助的消费者和品牌和增加酒店的声誉(Samen阿姆,2011)。安东尼et al(2004)研究表明客户满意度和利润之间的关系。进行的一项研究来理解固有的性质和客户的动态和酒店管理在英国连锁酒店。从这个研究发现,当消费者的需要听到和见到酒店。隐式酒店服务质量呈现的增加。这导致了酒店的发展。这种无形资产实际上帮助酒店的发展。这导致了酒店增加利润率。之间有直接的关联业务的经济表现和酒店提供的服务(安东尼等人,2004)。


To sustain in today’s hospitality industry, it is mandatory to please the customers, satisfy the needs of the customers and always ensure that excellent services are given to the customer. Any hotel will be phased out if it cannot meet the changing needs of the consumers. It is mandatory for the hotels and the hotel managers to basically keep themselves and their services updated according to the different trends in customer needs. It is important to gain the patronage of the customers in order to maintain loyal customers (Schneider, & Bowen, 2010).

The hospitality industry is a rapidly growing industry in the United Kingdom (Davis and Bernard, 2013). However as with any growing industry, the hotel industry also faces problems of competition. Given this context it is necessary for the hotel industry to address service quality issues that customers might face and find out how by addressing these service quality issues, the hotel could become more competitive. Increased customer satisfaction will lead to a continued patronage of the consumers and also the brand name and the reputation of the hotel increases (Samen, Amjad 2011). Antony et al (2004) research indicates the connection between customer satisfaction and profit margins. A study was undertaken to understand the inherent nature and the dynamics of the customers and the hotel management in the UK hotel chains. It was found from this study that when the needs of the consumers are heard and met by the hotel. The implicit service quality rendered by the hotels in increased. This leads to the development of the hotel. This intangible asset actually aids in the growth of the hotels. This leads to the hotels increasing profit margins. There is a direct correlation between business economic performance and the services rendered by the hotel (Antony et al, 2004).