


与广告相比,直邮营销人员在信封上更广泛地使用这种颜色。橙色是一种强调色,而紫色和紫色则被认为是主观色彩。蓝色是一种更传统的颜色,在广告中使用,但通常是一种更好的用于广告的背景形式和更多。除了这些颜色,还有一些被称为中性色,如黑色和白色。这些颜色看起来更像是一种强调色。颜色方案已经在市场营销和广告中以理解转换的形式进行了测试,发现颜色会影响购买(Singh, 2006)。然而,影响基于广告使用的购买的不仅仅是颜色,还包括消费者的地理位置、消费者现有的购物行为以及消费者的心理图形等因素(MacKenzie, & Lutz, 1989)。例如,2013年《零售杂志》(journal of retailing)上的一篇文章测试了红色对消费者行为和储蓄观念的影响。
该研究利用广告中的红色,将红色作为与储蓄相关的颜色,黑色作为表示高价的颜色,以此来反对储蓄和销售的概念(Sean, 2015)。据观察,性别和广告中使用的颜色被认为对储蓄的感知有影响。例如,在使用红色的情况下,有人观察到,男子认为节省更多,而另一方面,就妇女的性别而言,这将是不同的。另一方面,女性似乎更倾向于更详细地理解广告,如广告的目的、与广告相关的价格召回问题、品牌忠诚度等。最适合作为折扣色使用的颜色是红色,接下来使用的颜色是蓝色。尤其是在清仓销售中,红色被用来提升紧迫感,让消费者购买产品(Sean, 2015)。


The color is made more use of extensively on envelopes by direct mail marketers than it was made use of in the case of advertisements. While orange is more of an accent color, the colors of purple and violet are seen to be subjective colors. Blue is a more traditional color that is used in the context of advertising but is one that usually is better used as a form of background in advertising and more. In addition to these colors, there are the ones that are called as neutrals such as the Black and White. These are colors that are seen to be presented as more of an accent color once again. The color schemes have been tested out in marketing and advertising in the form of understanding of conversions and it was found that colors will affect purchase (Singh, 2006). However, it was not just the colors that affect purchase based on use in advertising, but the geographical location of the consumer, the existing shopping behavior of the consumer and the psychographics of the consumer and more are seen to be contributors (MacKenzie, & Lutz, 1989). In a 2013 article in the journal of retailing, for instance, the impact of red on consumer behavior and perception of savings was tested.
The study made use of the color red in advertisements by showing red as a color associated with savings and black was used as a color to indicate high prices as in opposing the concept of saving and sales (Sean, 2015). It was observed that gender and the colors used in the advertisements were seen to have an effect on the perception of saving. For instance, in the case of the use of the color red, it was observed that men perceived greater savings, and on the other hand for the gender of women, this would hence be different. Women on the other hand seemed more inclined to understand the advertisements in a more detailed sense as in the purpose of the advertisement, the price recall issues associated with the advertisements, brand loyalty and more. Color most applicable for use as a discount color is hence the color red, the color that is used next is that of the color blue. In clearance sales in particular, the color red is used to promote urgency so that the consumers would buy the product (Sean, 2015).