


沃克特的观点受到马克思主义信仰的影响。布尔多的影响也体现在社会传播的观点中。从本质上讲,资本主义的贪婪是社会拥有高权力距离指数的原因。这导致了整个系统的缺陷(林登,1996)。正义并不是对社会上所有的人都一视同仁。这在Waquant所阐释的意识形态中得到了清晰的体现。这似乎以许多形式表现出来。社会的一致性被这些经济学的意识形态所驱动。根据Wacquant的观点,他认为当代资本主义社会是对经济上受压迫的人们的污蔑。社会中存在着边缘化现象。这也是在这一官僚领域中观察到的种族偏见。这导致整个系统存在缺陷(Linden, 1996)。社会的某些派别被推到边缘。
这就造成了他们不得不屈服于压力而犯罪的局面。这导致了官僚领域的全面问题。这种权力的行使方式迫使人民为了生计而从事犯罪活动。法律和政治制度似乎也对人民视而不见。经济资本和种族歧视被认为是推动社会发展的体制。经济上受压迫的人在社会上也受到歧视。由于社会不同派别的资本不均衡、社会上的偏见、激进的观念和某些派别在社会上的边缘化,社会对处理犯罪的方式感到忧虑。批判性犯罪学提供了关于人们参与犯罪的各种原因的见解(林登,1996)。据了解,犯罪的原因是基于个人的主观推理。然而,人们沉迷于犯罪有一些共同的原因(Linden, 1996)。


Wacquant perspective is influenced by the Marxist belief. There is also influence of Bourdeau that is observed in the views propagated in the societies. Essentially, capitalistic greed is the reason for the societies to have a high power distance index. This causes the whole system to be flawed (Linden, 1996). Justice is not rendered equally to all the people in the society. This is clearly viewed in the ideologies elucidated by Waquant. This is seen to be manifesting itself in many forms. Societal conformities are seen driven by these ideologies of economics. According to Wacquant’s perspective, he considers the contemporary capitalistic societies to stigmatize economical downtrodden people. There is marginalization of people in the societies. This is also undercurrent racial bias that is observed in this bureaucratic field. This has lead to the overall system being in the flaws (Linden, 1996). Certain factions of the society are pushed to be marginalized.
This creates a situation where they have to succumb to the pressure and commit crimes. This has led to the overall issues in the bureaucratic field. The power is wielded in such a way that the people are forced to indulge in criminal activities for sustenance. Law and the political system also seem to turn a blind eye against the people. Economic capital and racial discrimination is seen to be the system that is driving the societies. There is also a social stigma against people who are economically downtrodden. Owing to the disproportionation of capitals in the different factions of the society, bias in the society, radical notions and marginalization of certain factions in the society there have been apprehension in the societies regarding the manner in which crimes are handled. Critical criminology provides insights about the various reasons for which people involve themselves in crimes (Linden, 1996). It is understood that the reasons for committing crime is based on the subjective reasoning of the individuals. Nevertheless, there are some common causative reasons for people to indulge themselves in crime (Linden, 1996).
