


需求弹性被定义为对价格变化的需求量的敏感性和外部因素的变化。这被认为是与价格变化最相关的业务(Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz, 2017)。不同的产品似乎表现出不同的价格,这表明它们对公司的定价决策产生了影响。经济学被认为是通过代表需求曲线来确定对某一商品或服务的需求。由此产生的需求曲线绘制在图表上,这有助于确定向下倾斜。它表明了对价格的度量的提高,从而可以很容易地以图形的形式表示百分比测量。图的下向边坡表示图形的增强,因此可以很容易地测量出百分比,并可以适当地确定研究的结果。


为了计算价格弹性的需求,得到的结果对业务产生了适当的影响(Gerber, 2018)。弹性等于单位弹性的结果,价格的任何变化似乎都与需求量相匹配。0和1之间的弹性是相对无弹性的,因为当价格变化时,需求的微小变化被观察到。当价格变化不影响需求时,弹性被认为是零。这种情况被描述为完全无弹性的情况。当价格的变化较小,需求的巨大变化被创造出来时,完全弹性好的最后一个类别被定义。


The elasticity of the demand is defined as the sensitivity of the quantity demanded in respect to the change in the price and the changes in the outside factors are indicated. This is indicated as the most relevant to the businesses that result in the change in the price (Krugman, Obstfeld and Melitz, 2017). The different products seem to be exhibiting different prices that are indicated to be creating an influence on the firm’s pricing decisions. The economics is considered for the determination of the demand for the certain good or the service by representing the demand curve. The resulting demand curve is being plotted on the graph which helps in determining the downward sloping. It indicates the enhancement of the measurement of the price and thereby, the percentage measurement can be easily indicated in the form of the graph. The down ward slope of the graph indicates the enhancement of the graph and thereby, the measurement of the percentage can be easily made and the determination of the study can be appropriately made.

With the purpose of calculating the demand of the price elasticity, the results obtained creating an appropriate effect on the business (Gerber, 2018). The elasticity is equal to the one which results in the unit elastic and any change in prices seems to be matching the quantity demanded. The elasticity between the zero and the one is said to be relatively inelastic because when the lager change in the price is seen, the small change in the demand is being observed. The elastic is said to be zero when the change in the price does not affect with the change the demand. This situation is depicted as the perfectly inelastic situation. The last category of the perfectly elastic good is being defined when the change in the price is smaller then the large change in the demand is created.