标签存档: 新西兰作业代写



下表描述了与理解亚太地区国际关系相关的理论观点。理论视角包括古典现实主义、新现实主义、自由主义、新自由制度主义和建构主义。直到冷战结束,现实主义者关于亚洲国际关系的论述都是与古典意义上的现实主义密切相关的,而不是肯尼斯·华尔兹后来发展起来的新现实主义,强调权力分配存在因果影响(Wan, 2007)。这已经被冷战的结束所修正,拼写也是两极到结束。现实主义者认为国际关系体系是一种无政府状态,其中国家是主要的国际关系参与者,主要通过权力考虑和国家利益来引导(Algappa, 2003)。IR是一个零和博弈,其中国家更关注相对利润而不是绝对利润。与权力相关的无情竞争和影响使得冲突不仅不可避免,而且会导致全球机构在大权力边缘的反复无常和反复无常中不合作(Yan, 2003, p. 31)。


相反,全球秩序从来都不是永久的,它是通过权力平衡来维持的,而权力的定义主要是军事和经济方面的。Kenneth Waltz后来对现实主义有了一个新的定义,称之为新现实主义,强调国际体系的结构属性,尤其是权力分配,对于塑造冲突和秩序的重要性(Fiedberg, 1998)。这就导致了对人性或国际关系、国内政治影响的淡化。然而,最近的现实主义内部辩论描绘了防御性现实主义者和进攻性现实主义者之间的对比。像米尔斯海默这样的进攻性现实主义者认为,国家是那些有能力将权力最大化的行动者,因此他们会竭尽所能,最终的目标是霸权(米尔斯海默2001,第40页)。另一方面,罗伯特·杰维斯和许多像他这样的防御性现实主义者认为,一般来说,如果国家的个人安全没有受到威胁,那么国家就会对现状感到满意,因此国家关注的是维持权力平衡。


The following table describes the theoretical perspectives related to understanding International relations in the Asian Pacific region. The theoretical perspectives include classical realism, neo-realism, liberalism and neo-liberal institutionalism and constructivism.Until cold war ended, the arguments of realists on Asian International Relationships were closely related to realism in its classical sense instead of neo-realism which Kenneth Waltz developed later on, stressing on the fact that there is causal influence of power distribution (Wan, 2007). This has been modified by Cold war end, spelling also bipolarity to end. Realists consider a system of IR to be a sort of anarchy wherein states are main international relations actors guided mainly through power consideration and the interest of the nation (Algappa, 2003). IR is a game of zero sums wherein states have more focus on relative profits instead of absolute profits. Power related relentless competition and influence result in making conflict not only inevitable but also non-cooperative wherein global institutes operate over great power margin whims and caprice (Yan, 2003, p. 31).

Global order on the contrary is never permanent and is maintained through power balance manipulation with power mainly defined as per terms of military and economy. Kenneth Waltz developed a later definition of realism and termed it neo-realism stressing the significance of international systems structural properties particularly the power distribution, to shape conflict and order (Fiedberg, 1998). This henceforth leads to downplaying the influence of human nature or international relations domestic politics. Intra-realist debates, most recently however have depicted the contrast lying between defensive realists and offensive ones. Offensive realists such as Mearsheimer have argued that the states are those actors that have the ability to maximize power and therefore they go for everything they can obtain with the ultimate goal lying in hegemony (Mearsheimer 2001, p. 40). On the other hand, Robert Jervis and many like this defensive realist argue that generally states obtain satisfaction with their status quo if there is no threat to their personal security and therefore states focus on maintenance of power balance.



在大多数情况下,直升机式养育是防止儿童被绑架、猥亵的唯一方法。然而,这在大多数情况下并不适用于千禧一代(McGinley, 2018, p. 105)。父母有能力看到他们的儿子/女儿转变的每一个珍贵时刻。每个人都被塑造成在物质世界中有抱负和成功的人。他们为个人放弃一切,希望他们的孩子在学业上取得好成绩,为了一个更好的未来。在遇到欺凌和青春期问题时,父母可以在孩子精神崩溃时帮助他们。在这些情况下,个体需要他们的父母。在某些情况下,它们可以完全预防这些问题。这些是父母们给出的直升机式教育的常见原因。直升机式教育也有一些缺点。具体如下。此外,这些父母对孩子的需要承担了太多的责任。

这种情况一直持续到孩子成年。他们往往对孩子的成功或失败耿耿于怀。这意味着他们参与了被认为是过度控制、过度保护和过度完善的个人生活。他们是负责任的父母,但实际上他们扼杀了成年子女的自然能力。“直升机父母”一开始的理念就是要保证每个人的生活质量。它们常常表现为完美。忙碌的父母对孩子有很多好处。他们理解被爱和被接受的感觉。它们有助于建立自信,并提供成长机会的指导。这个系统的问题是,父母的养育方式导致孩子被恐惧所控制。他们也不知道会发生什么(Schiffrin & Liss, 2017, p. 1472)。恐惧和挑战导致孩子无法学习技能。这使得父母开始把孩子当作自己的财产。


In most of the cases, the helicopter parenting is the only way to prevent children from being abducted, molested. However, this will not apply for millennials in most cases (McGinley, 2018, p. 105). The parents have the ability to watch each of the precious moment of their son/daughter transformation. The individuals are made to become ambitious and succeed in the material world. They give up everything for the individuals and hope that their children do well academically for a better future. In cases of bullying and issues of adolescence, the parent can help the individuals while they have nervous breakdown. For these cases, the individuals will need their parents. In some cases, they can prevent these issues entirely. These are the common reasons given by the parents for being helicopter parenting. There are some disadvantages of the helicopter parenting. They are detailed in the following. Moreover, these parents take too much responsibility for the needs of the children.

This continues into the adulthood of the child. They tend to brood over the success or failure of their children. This means they are involved in the individual’s life which is deemed to be over controlling, overprotecting and over perfecting. They act as responsible parenting when in reality they are stifling the natural ability of their adult children. The starting ideology of being helicopter parents is about good intentions of ensuring quality life for the individuals. They often manifest on being perfected. The engaged parenting has numerous benefits for the child. They understand the sentiments of being loved and accepted. They aid towards the building of self-confidence and provide guidance of the opportunities to grow. The issue with this system is that the parenting causes the child to be governed by fear. They also do not know the decisions as to what could happen (Schiffrin & Liss, 2017, p. 1472). The fear and the challenges cause the child to not learn skills. This aspect makes the parents to start treating the children as their property.

















在过去的几十年里,人们只把移民问题作为国内移民和国外移民之间的区别来研究。只有一种关于移民的经济理论被提出。四十年来,没有一个统一的移民理论来解释人们跨国界移民的原因。社会学家、经济学家和政治家对国际移民问题的看法各不相同(世界银行,2011)。经济学家的模型仅仅依赖于人们因为国际货币差异而迁移的假设(Ilo, 2010)。社会学家研究国际移民的其他因素,其次强调移民的原因和经济原因(Bonin, H。,2014)。经济学家的国际移民理论只是人力资本模型的一种应用。关于国际移民的理论文献视野狭窄。Borjas(1987)提出的移民模型强调了移民流动的决定因素和组成。

Sjaastad在1962年提出了人力资本投资的移民模式。(Cattaneo, C.和Peri,G.),2015)。更有趣的是,在1776年的经济分析的迁移是由史密斯联合王国的标题“一个调查国家的财富的性质和原因”,在史密斯(1776)描述了与国际以及国内迁移有关的问题。150年后,著名经济理论家希克斯(1932)说,移民背后的主要原因是净经济利益的差异,如工资和货币的差异。根据史密斯的工作,希尔兹在1989年建立了一个模型。根据这个模型,当j的工资高于i时,劳动力从一个地方i移动到另一个地方j。


In past decades, it has been seen that migration was only studied as differentiations between internal (domestic) and external migration (international) (Crisp Eds.). And only one economic theory of migration was propounded. For four decades, there was not a single unified theory of migration to explain the reasons of people’s migration across international borders. Sociologist, economist and politicians all have different perspectives on the question of international migration (World Bank, 2011). Economist model solely relies on the assumption that people migrate because of international differences in currency (Ilo, 2010). Whereas sociologists cover other factors of international migration and causes of migration and economic reasons are emphasized secondarily (Bonin, H., 2014).Economist’s theory of international migration is just an application of human capital model. And theoretical literature on international migration is narrow in its perspective. The Borjas (1987) gave the model of immigration that highlights the determinants as well as composition of immigration flows.

Sjaastad in 1962 propounded a model of migration on human capital investment. (Cattaneo, C. and Peri,G., 2015).It is interesting to mention here that in 1776 an economic analysis of migration was done by Smith of United Kingdom with the title “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”, in which Smith (1776) describes the issues related to international as well as domestic migration.After 150 years, Hicks (1932) who was leading economic theorist said that the main cause behind migration was the differences in the net economic benefits like differences in wages and currency. Based on Smith’s work, a model was formulated by Shields in the year 1989. According to this model, a labour moves from a place i to place j when the wage is higher in j than i.



暴露相关的危害,以清洁液的形式使用,将存在于患者。例如,人们可能最终会使用氯漂白剂来清理服用碘胶囊的人所在的区域。这可能导致放射性元素碘气体的形成。这种气体可以扩散到更广阔的区域,这可能导致更广泛的污染区域。人们可能会遭受二次污染,这是一个高风险的方面。应选择专门用于放射性碘去除的去污剂,并在收容所中使用。在危害、依从性等方面,可以说这些方面也使得生产具有一定的风险(Martin, 2006)。N-13或13N是氮-13在正电子发射中衰变为碳-13。含有氮的化合物在人体内的寿命很短,因此在对其生理过程进行修饰时,必须对其进行迅速研究。N-13用作氨,在心脏研究中用作血流示踪剂。

不同的反应用于它的生产。通常,N-13的生产是固体、液体或气体,其化学形式的变化取决于生产下降的原因。现在,使用放射性同位素的危险不仅在于接触,例如从表面转移到皮肤,而且还在于以悬浮或气体的形式吸入。吸入的物质的质量和颗粒的活性将导致潜在的放射毒性危险(Martin, 2006)。在分析应用情况的基础上,也根据工业上的不足之处,将提出停止使用一种同位素的建议。在分析的基础上,确定了待停同位素是防护中危害最大的同位素。同位素选择停产也是基于其潜在的二次危害和它对许多废物管理的贡献,这增加了公司的成本。


Exposure related hazards in the form of the cleaning solution used will exist for the patients. For instance, people might end up using chlorine bleach to clean up in the areas where the person taking iodine capsules is present. This could result in the formation of radioactive elemental iodine gas. This gas can spread over a wider area and this could result in wider contamination zone. People could suffer because of secondary contamination and this is a high risk aspect. Decontaminants that can specifically be used for radioactive iodine removal are to be selected and used in the hospice. In the context of hazards, compliance to be followed and more, it can be said that these aspects make the production risky as well (Martin, 2006). N-13 or 13N is Nitrogen-13 which decays in positron emission to carbon-13. Compounds incorporating Nitrogen 13 have a very short life in the body and hence in the modification of physiological processes, it has to be studied rapidly. N-13 is made use of as ammonia and is used a blood flow tracer in cardiac studies.

Different reactions are used for its production. Usually, the N-13 production is solid, liquid or gas and the chemical form changes based on the reasons for which the production is being down. Now the risks involved with the use of the radio isotope do not only lie with that of contact such as transfer from the surface to the skin, but also in the form of inhalation as suspension or as a gas. The mass of the material that is inhaled and the activity of the particle ingested would result in potential radiotoxicity hazards (Martin, 2006).Based on analysis of applications, and also based on what suffers shortage in the industry, recommendations will be made for discontinuation of one of the isotopes. Now based on analysis, it has been established that the isotope to be discontinued is the one that is most hazardous in protection. The isotope selection for discontinuation is also based on its potential to result in a secondary hazard and also its contribution to a lot of waste management which increases costs for the company.



本文的最后一部分将法国与中国和美国进行比较,了解法国与这些国家的文化差异。根据大多数研究的一般理解,可以说美国是一个比中国更自由的国家,而中国在风格上更保守。从其文化层面来看,法国处于一个平衡的状态。因此,基于Hofstede维度的比较可以更好地理解这些差异。利用Hofstede主页上的Hofstede工具对三国进行比较(Hofstede, 2016)。法国的功率距离略小,但表示功率距离较高。中国的权力距离甚至更高,得分为80。美国的功率距离是40。对制度依赖、企业运作、媒体等方面的研究表明,中国的权力等级确实更高,控制力更强。

现在,虽然法国也有权力等级制度,但在结构上更加扁平(Calori & Sarnin, 1991)。中国的情况并非如此。此外,法国的得分略高,表明人们仍在努力消除不平等。法国的历史本身就表明,这是一种固有的趋势。另一方面,人们认为中国拥有强大的PDI,表明中国接受不平等的权力水平。政府的正式权力和人民拥有更多的权力,而权力下放给那些完全在政府控制下的人。与中国和法国相比,美国的权力距离表明权力分配更加平等。独立在他们的生活方式中根深蒂固。


The final section of the paper conducts a comparison of France with China and the United States to get insights on how the country differs in culture with these nations. With a general understanding from most research’s, it can be said that the United States is a more liberal nation compared to China which would be expected to be more conservative in style. France as seen from most of its cultural dimensions falls in a balanced situation. Comparing based on Hofstede dimensions will hence enable a better understanding of these differences. The Hofstede tool on the Hofstede main website was used to generate the comparisons between the three countries (Hofstede, 2016). The power distance of France is slightly moderate although it does indicate higher power distance. Power distance of China is even higher at a score of 80. Power distance of the United States is at 40. Research studies on institutional dependency, the working of businesses, media and more shows that China is indeed more controlled with higher power hierarchies.

Now although France also has power hierarchies, it is more flat in structure (Calori & Sarnin, 1991). This is not the case with China. Also France’s score which is a little higher indicates that people still strive to fight inequalities. The very history of France shows that this is an innate tendency. On the other hand, China is seen to have a strong PDI indicating that the country accepts the unequal power levels. Formal authority and people in the Government hold more power and less power is delegated to others who fall completely under the Government control. Compared to both China and France, the power distance in the United States is indicative of a more equal distribution of power. Independence is strongly ingrained in their way of life.



最近的研究表明,中国的B2B模式和B2C模式将会引领其他国家,因为中国的电子商务行业重塑了消费者的现代生活方式和行为(Wang & Bernell, 2013)。根据Bain & company的分析,中国B2C网络零售的增长速度将是整体零售增长速度的三倍,到2018年,将有一半的在线销售来自三线以下城市(Pena et al., 2013)。然而,实体店承受着利润微薄和成本上升的压力。租金、员工工资和管理费用都在快速增长(Deloitte, 2015)。研究表明,毛利率是逐渐下降的,因为主要费用(包括水电费、工资总额和租金)明显增加。因此,售价比网店要高。大多数零售商都在努力寻求新的商业模式以在竞争中生存。

中国连锁企业采取并购战略,增加市场份额和市场力量,从而实现规模经济和收入流多元化(Johnson et al., 2008)。摘要零售轮理论是由麦克纳尔提出的最著名的零售演化理论。流通从进入阶段开始,在这个阶段,创新型零售商作为小型零售商进入消费市场,差异化较低。因此,在第一阶段,零售集中在成本效益上。电子商务在服务领域发挥着重要作用,如降低成本、吸引新客户、在全球范围内销售或降低交易成本(Polsa & Fan, 2011)。然而,一些小型零售商店被限制在传统的商业模式(Karavdic & Gregory, 2005)。


More recent researches show that B2B model and B2C model in China will lead to other countries because Chinese e-commerce industry reshapes consumer’s modern lifestyle and behaviour (Wang & Bernell, 2013). Based on Bain & company analysis, B2C online retail in China will grow three times faster than overall retail, and by 2018 half of total online sales will come from Tier-3 cites and below (Peña et al., 2013). However, physical stores bear the pressure from narrow profits and increasing costs. The cost of rent, employee salary and overheads all increased at rapid growth (Deloitte, 2015). Research has shown that the gross margin is gradually decreased because the main expenses (including utilities, total salary and rent) increase significantly. Therefore, the sale price is higher than an online shop.Most of the retailers are trying to seek the new business model to survive in competition.

Chinese chain store adopts the strategy of merging and acquisition to increase the market shares and market power, thereby, achieving economies of scale and diversifying income streams (Johnson et al., 2008).The wheel of retailing theory is the most famous theory of retail evolution, developed by McNair. The circulation start from entry phase, in this stage, innovative retailers as a small retailer enter the consumer market, with low differentiation. Therefore, in first phase, the retails focus on cost –effective.E-commerce plays an important role in service sector, such as reducing cost, attracting new customers, selling worldwide or reducing transaction cost (Polsa & Fan, 2011). However, some small retail shop is restricted to traditional business model (Karavdic & Gregory, 2005).






When considering the level of a small business organization, this depicts the boss who has the power of instructing and directing their workers for the performance of tasks in specific ways that is considered as right by the bosses. This can be related with any triviality such as ensuring that the workers are successful in tidying up as they approach the customer, but it still seems to enforce a specific global view. This is translated to the scope of governments within which there is use of positions of power for imposing ideologies over the citizens of the nation. In a system of democracy that conflicts ideologies such as right or left wing, keeping up the grand narrative across a country can be considered as a state of flux. This can be identified as the form of disagreement regarding how a major role is played by the government across a society, or how should one be dealing with a specific deficit.

According to Barned (1988), societies play a crucial role of distributing knowledge, partially that can be considered as a self- referring knowledge with respect to the overall attribute of the society. This knowledge of self- referring consists of a grand narrative or normative order related to the society. Irrespective of variations in terms of ideology, specific aspects related to this normative order holds an expectation of being reinforced and upheld by each and every party in the absence of any doubt. Across the United Kingdom, these are inclusive of punishment to disobey the law, pay the taxes, capitalize and even exist as a government. They might appear as elements of common sense being inherent within a democracy, but it cannot be considered as the key purpose to be served or how effective they can be considered in proving the significance. And hence, in this context, it is the power upheld by the view that this can be considered as the right way to do things in the right manner.






The active experimentation phase is one that would enable the learner to learn at their own pace and at the same time learn from the process, as in how they would react to certain group situations and more. This technique used by the instructor was helpful compared to an instructor just reading out the method for us to use. This is because the second time on when we had to work on assignments in a similar method it became much easier. We were able to reflect on what we learnt by way of concrete experimentation and were able to make our work better with time. Bandura (1977) states that “Learning is exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do.

Fortunately, most human behaviour is learned observationally through modelling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviours are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action.” (p. 22). A common example that is given for the social learning concept is that of commercial advertisements. In commercial advertisements, it might be shown that a segment of population drinks a beverage or might use a shampoo etc. The audience who view this will feel they also want to drink the beverage because they attend to the process that has been shown.



颠覆性创新理论认为,人是在一个轨道上进步的(Markides, 2013)。在技术发展的过程中,客户的需求往往被蒙蔽。企业有应对的技术,但未能做到(Christensen, Anthony, and Roth, 2013)。由于这一点,现有的公司未能面对现实的需要的情况。应用这一理论,可以发现公司总体上能够满足消费者的需求(Kain, Hwang, and Warner, 2015)。另一方面,特斯拉专注于创新和激进的技术,而不是真正的消费者需求。沃达丰的商业模式发生了范式变化(Dru, 2015)。他们在技术领域进行了变革,并将重点放在服务营销战略上。公司的发展势头没有受到影响,所以公司在目前的形势下能够蓬勃发展。

沃达丰澳大利亚公司在制定战略政策时强调四个主要方面。它是信任、个人责任、道德和领导力。这是根据公司的使命、资源、挑战和机会来构建的(Plewa et al., 2015)。在澳大利亚的顶尖公司中,沃达丰一直被认为是企业社会责任水平高的公司。沃达丰是少数几个被认为承担了重大企业社会责任的品牌之一。公司的企业社会责任努力是针对消费者的使用,连接当地社区,确保公司有更低的碳足迹。在消费者使用方面,公司要求人们负责任地使用手机,Plewa et al., 2015)。他们创造了许多谨慎的使用方法,以及在危机期间最小化使用的方法。


The theory of disruptive innovation states that the people are improving in a trajectory (Markides, 2013). Customer needs are often deluded in the process of technological growth. Companies have the technology to respond but fail to do so (Christensen, Anthony, and Roth, 2013.) Owing to this the incumbent companies fail to face to the real requirements of the situation. Applying this theory, it can be found that the company has in general been able to meet consumer demands (Kain, Hwang, and Warner, 2015). Tesltra on the other hand has focused on innovation and radical technology but not on the actual consumer needs. There is a paradigm change in the business model of Vodafone (Dru, 2015). They have made changes in the technology sector and focused on the service marketing strategy. The momentum of the company is not affected and hence the company has been able to thrive in the current situation.

Vodafone Australia stresses on four main aspects in framing the strategic policy. It is trust, personal responsibility, ethics and leadership. This is framed according to the mission, resources, challenges and opportunities of the company (Plewa et al., 2015). Among the top companies in Australia, Vodafone has been regarded as the company that has high level of CSR. Vodafone is one of the few brand names that have been considered to have embarked on a substantial corporate social responsibility. The CSR efforts of the company have been directed towards consumer usage, connecting with the local communities and ensuring that there is lower carbon footprint for the company. In terms of consumer usage, the company asks the people to use mobile phones responsibly Plewa et al., 2015). They have created lots of cautious usage and ways to minimize usage during times of crisis.