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harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

毫无疑问,纹身的根源在于美国文化。Kosut(2006)构建了实践覆盖范围的框架。名人和媒体的个性得到了纹身的修改,这使得他们成为纹身在更大的人群中事实上的营销者。专业的体育明星、演员、演员和音乐家等已将纹身确立为一种时尚,供公众使用(Kosut 2006;马蒂2010)。使用纹身的人群正在扩大(Kosut 2006)。有不同的统计数据表明,10%的人已经对身体进行了修改(Wohlrab et al. 2007)。在2007年进行的一项民意调查中,人口统计数据显示,25岁至40岁的美国公民中有40%至少有过一次纹身(Martin & Dula 2010)。青少年也越来越多地使用纹身。在接受调查的青少年中,多达13%的人一直在纹身(Carroll et al. 2002)。香港人对纹身的兴趣也在上升。然而,关于纹身的相关风险,香港受到了重视。有鉴于此,香港市民一直希望检讨纹身所带来的罕见及常见风险。

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响
纹身的遮盖作用对健康有负面影响,但并未引起香港人的注意。从历史上看,与纹身相关的耻辱同时引导和限制了人们对纹身的认知(Stirn & Hinz, 2008;马蒂,2010)。有趣的是,纹身与耻辱有关(Jones, 2000)。纹身的新世界和旧世界的两面性体现在很多方面。典型纹身的设计正在发生变化。这种变化所涉及的冲突在许多年前的研究文献中就已经可见(DeMello, 1995)。纹身的感知正在改变,获得纹身的人可以影响他们与他人沟通管理的方式。像纹身娃娃和临时纹身这样的纹身产品甚至让最年轻的人也能理解(Kosut, 2006)。媒体对普通人生活的影响可以在杂志、书籍、电影、电视和互联网上看到,而不管纹身只是暂时的装饰还是真实的(Kosut, 2006)。重要的是,媒体关于纹身的信息是同质的(John Roberts, 2012)。媒体通过全球化传播了与纹身实践相关的意识(Marti, 2010)。

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

There is no denial that the roots of the tattooing lay in the American culture. Kosut (2006) framed the coverage of the reach of the practice. The celebrities and the personalities of the media have obtained the modification of the tattoo that led to their becoming the tattoo’s de facto marketers to the larger population. The professional sports stars, actresses, actors, and musicians et al. have established tattoo as fashionable for the usage of the public (Kosut 2006; Martí 2010).The demographic of the people that are using the tattoo has been broadening (Kosut 2006). There is varying statistics by the utilization of the metrics and examination of the groups with the suggestions that body modifications have been done by 10 percent of the people (Wohlrab et al. 2007). In a poll conducted in 2007, the demographics show that 40 percent of the US citizens in the age group 25-40 had been having at least one tattoo (Martin & Dula 2010). The adolescents are coming up as well in terms of increasing usage of tattooing. There are as many as 13 percent of the adolescent surveyed, who have been using tattooing (Carroll et al. 2002). The interests in tattoos have been rising in Hong Kong as well. However, there is emphasis on Hong Kong regarding the associated risks involved with tattooing. In accordance with that, the people of Hong Kong have been keen on the review with regards to the uncommon and common risks associated with the tattooing.

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响
The tattoos’ masking effects having negative impact on health did not come up prominently on the Hong Kong’s radar. The stigma that is associated with tattooing historically has simultaneously guided and constrained the perception of tattoos (Stirn & Hinz, 2008; Martí, 2010). It is interesting to note that the reference of stigma lies with tattoos (Jones, 2000). The dichotomy that lies with the tattooing’s new and old world is set out in a number of avenues. The designing of the typical tattoo is changing. The conflict involved in the change had the visibility in the research literature many years ago (DeMello, 1995). The tattoo’s perception is altering and the people that have obtained them can impact them on the way that the management of communication related to the tattoos is carried out with others. The tattoo products like tattoo-able dolls and the temporary tattoo have made the practice comprehensible even to the youngest of individuals (Kosut, 2006). The reach of the media to common people’s lives are seen in the magazines, books, movies, television, and internet, irrespective of whether tattoos are simply temporary adornment or real (Kosut, 2006). Importantly, the messages sent by the media with respect to the tattoos are homogenous (John Roberts, 2012). The media through globalization has spread the awareness related to the practices of tattooing (Martí, 2010).



社会学揭示了许多关于社会的建构和一致性的见解。犯罪学是社会学的一个重要方面。对社会一致性的分析有助于全面了解社会中发生的各种事件。这也包括犯罪(Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994)。个体状态是不同场的顶点。它是政治资本、经济资本、人民文化意识形态和社会技术进步的结合。这些不同的方面本质上是社会的功能和形式。社会任何一个方面的任何意识形态或问题,都会影响整个社会。犯罪发生在这些不成比例的首都和社会成员之间的高度距离的情况下。政治资本由社会的官僚体系来行使(Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994)。有一个明确的等级链,它对社会的一致性具有影响力。可以看出,在社会内部存在着一种等级制度和官僚制度。社会中需要有合理的等级制度和指挥系统,以使社会和睦相处。国家反过来运用权力来形成社会的一致性。

这实际上创造了一个官僚领域。它为社会个体成员追随官僚领域创造了可减轻其影响的因素。在对人民行使权力的过程中,身居要职的官员被权力催眠。官员的偏见在社会中得到了反映,社会也顺应了这些偏见。这在社会中以多种形式表现和超越自身(Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994)。社会中任何非理性的信仰和偏见都需要通过研究官僚领域的起源或根源来加以解决。社会需要通过思考官僚领域的根源或起源来调整和弥补这种情况(Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994)。由此,社会基本上可以有效运作。因此,分析官僚领域的成因,纠正社会的错误及其规律性、社会现状、批判犯罪学势在必行。批评犯罪学是通过分析社会的一致性和影响社会的变量来研究犯罪的根源。


Sociology reveals numerous insights about the construction and conformities of societies. Criminology is an important facet of the field of sociology. An analysis of the social conformities aids in the comprehensive understanding of the various events occurring in societies. This encompasses crimes as well (Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994). Individual state is a culmination of different fields. It is the combination of political capital, economic capital, cultural ideologies of the people and the technological advancements that are made in the societies. These different facets essentially function and form societies. Any ideology or issues in any one facet of the society affects the society as a whole. Crimes are committed in cases of these disproportionate capitals and the high distances between the societal members. Political capital is exercised by the bureaucratic system of the societies (Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994). There is a definitive hierarchical chain that wields power over social conformities. It is seen that there is a hierarchical and bureaucratic system that is found within societies. There is a need for reasonable level of hierarchy and chain of command in the societies for amiability of the societies. The states in turn wield power for the formation of societal conformities.

This essentially creates a bureaucratic field. It creates extenuating factors for individual members of the society to follow the bureaucratic field. In this process of wielding power over the people, officials in important positions get hypnotized with the power.Prejudices of the officials become reflected in the society and the society conforms itself towards these prejudices. This manifests and transcends itself in societies in many modals (Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994). Any irrational beliefs and prejudices in the society need to be addressed by looking into the genesis or the roots of the bureaucratic field. Societies need to restructure and reparation the situation by contemplating into the roots or the genesis of the bureaucratic field (Bourdieu, Wacquant, & Farage, 1994). From this, societies can essentially function efficiently. Therefore, to analyze the genesis of bureaucratic field and rectify the errors of societies and its conformities, the current situation of societies, critical criminology is imperative. Critical criminology is the study of the roots of crimes from the analysis of the societal conformities and the variables affecting the societies.


領導者和管理者之間有很多不同。首先,領導者是人們追隨的人,而管理者是人們為之工作的人。其次,管理者的工作是給不同的群體指明方向,但是領導者是創造變化的人。第三,管理者是對不同的人行使權力的人,領導者是權力的創造者。第四,管理者對自己所做的工作負責,領導者對他人負責,對組織內的一切負責。當管理者與人們溝通時,領導者是說服人們去做某項工作的人。在不確定的情況下,可以觀察到另一個差異。在這種情況下,領導者需要對自己有信心,管理者需要確保團隊中有完成任何任務的承諾。因此,領導者贏得追隨者,而管理者擁有員工。領導力可以定義為影響或激勵他人以確保其所在組織成功的能力(Keay et al, 2011)。



There are many differences between a leader and a manager. Firstly, leaders are the one whom people follow while managers are the one whom people work for. Secondly, the job of the manager is to give direction to different groups but the leader is the one who creates change. Thirdly, managers are the one who exercises power over different people while the leaders are the one who are the creators of power. Fourthly, managers take the credit of the job which they are doing while the leader gives the credit to others and takes the responsibility of everything in the organizations. While managers communicate with the people, leaders are the one who persuade the people to do a certain job. Another difference can be observed in the face of uncertainty. While under such a situation, a leader required to have the confidence within him, a manager requires to ensure that there should be the commitment in the team for the completion of any task. Thus, a leader win followers while a manager has his employees. Leadership may be defined as the ability to influence or motivate others in order to ensure success of the organization of which they are a part of (Keay et al, 2011).

Management on the other hand comprises of having a direct control on a group of one or more people or the entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing of the group towards the accomplishment of the goal. The personality of a leader may be called as mercurial. He is regarded as the person who has great charisma. These are the people who can be comfortable in taking risks and have a high levels of imagination. Management on the other hand generally tends to be controlled and rational and their decisions depicts strong will, analysis and intelligence. Leadership is generally a people oriented work while the management is the task oriented work. Leadership is something that is accountable to the entire organization while management is something that is accountable to the team. Thus, a leadership is all about giving a new direction while the management is the one who implements control or directs the people as per the principles which have already been established.


東南亞的衝突從一開始就涉及到該地區面臨的內部挑戰和問題。內部衝突進而導致地區安全局勢緊張,影響東南亞的發展進步。由於普遍存在的內部衝突,東南亞地區面臨著許多威脅。由於內部緊張局勢,該地區的主權處於危險之中。此外,該區域各國的領土完整和整個區域的穩定也受到影響。自幾十年來,東南亞地區的內部政治過渡一直是東南亞地區的首要和持久問題(Brown, 2003)。該地區的衝突正在惡化,並以內戰的形式出現,民族主義者正在爭取自治和自由(Gordon, 1966)。他們不接受目前的政府,因此在該地區造成了完全的緊張局勢。由政治過渡引起的其他形式的衝突有:各種政治力量之間的爭議、民族軍隊的暴力、大小內戰、叛亂、分裂主義和政治不穩定(Brown, 2003)。

宗教分配和無限制的恐怖主義也正在形成普遍衝突的更複雜的動態。東南亞地區最近不平衡、複雜和關鍵的政治狀況正在為國家間和國家內部的暴力、抗議、國內動亂和非國家因素的控制等挑戰鋪路。東南亞地區國家正在進行的政治變革,不僅在國內產生了影響,而且還乾擾了地區安全,使東南亞國家聯盟喪失了對外部因素的權力。和平與衝突研究所是一個國際公認的組織,處理任何區域持續存在的衝突動態。 IPCS目前正致力於東南亞地區的內部問題,如:緬甸的政治動盪、泰國的政治不穩定和選舉改革、新一代政治改革造成的新加坡政治動亂、馬來西亞選舉的政治條件以及印度尼西亞和菲律賓未來的政治結構。討論了東南亞主要問題的動態,重點分別為每一個衝突。


The conflicts in Southeast Asia, from the very beginning, are concerned to internal challenges and problems faced by the region. The internal conflicts in turn cause security tensions in the region, which affects development and progress of Southeast Asia. There are many threats which are posed to the Southeast Asian region due to the prevalent internal conflicts. The sovereignty of the region is on stake due to internal tensions. Moreover, territorial integrity of the countries within the region and overall regional stability is also being affected. Internal political transitions in the region are the primary and persistent problem in the Southeast Asian region since decades (Brown, 2003). The conflicts in the region are getting worsen and taking a form of civil war where ethnic nationalists are fighting for autonomy and freedom (Gordon, 1966). They do not accept the present government hence creating utter tension in the region. Other forms of conflicts due to political transitions are: disputed among various political forces, violence by ethnical troops, civil wars on large and small scale, insurgencies, secessionism and political instability (Brown, 2003).

Religious distribution and unrestricted terrorism are also formulating more complex dynamics of prevailing conflicts.The recent imbalanced, complex and crucial political condition in Southeast Asian region is paving challenges such as inter-state and intra-state violence, protests, civil turbulence and control by non-state elements. The ongoing political transformations in countries of Southeast Asian region are not only affective within the country, but it also disturbs regional security and depowers Association of Southeast Asian Nations against external elements. Institute of Peace and Conflicts Studies IPCS is an internationally recognized organization which deals with the dynamics of conflicts persisting in any region. IPCS is currently working on the internal issues of Southeast Asian regions such as: political turbulence in Myanmar, Thailand’s political instability and reforms of elections, Singaporean political disturbance created by new generation political reforms, Malaysian political conditions for elections and future political structure of Indonesia and Philippines. The dynamics of the major issues of Southeast Asia are discussed by focusing each conflict separately.


哈林和曼奇尼的框架實際上來源於布盧默和古瑞維斯媒體系統。在這裡,我們假設有四個主要維度來進行比較分析:國家控制的程度、媒體的黨派政治、媒體與政治精英的認同以及媒體體系合法化信條的性質。 Hallin和Mancini框架就是從這個Blummer和Gurevitch媒體系統發展而來的。開發Hallin和Mancini框架是為了理解比較媒體系統的概念。為此目的,他們求助於測試理論和發展一個規範性主題,以解決目前媒體系統的內在弱點。為了進一步研究這些理論,他們著重於將媒體系統的創建作為一種有形的來源(Hallin, & Mancini, 2004)。

它不是基於抽象的理想,而是基於有形的社會形態以及媒體是如何在這些系統中構建的。在分析的最初階段,他們開發了一個比較系統,分析一個系統的細微差別和復雜設計。從開發各個系統的主題進行了比較分析。他們能夠開髮變量,並在18個國家的模型之間建立相似性和差異性。每個系統的啟發式模式都被詳細披露。他們想從發展整體的主題推進,將理想濃縮成韋伯的概念(Hallin, & Mancini, 2004)。 Hallin和Mancini在他們的研究中並沒有將這一過程同質化,也沒有認為它會在各個領域都有價值。由於這一框架應重新概念化,以適應西方世界的複雜情況。


Hallin and Mancini framework has actually stemmed from Blummer and Gurevicth media system. In this it is postulated that there are four major dimensions for the purpose of comparative analysis: Degree of state control, partisan politics of the media, media and politic elite recognition and the nature of the legitimizing creed of the media systems. Hallin and Mancini framework has been developed from this Blummer and Gurevitch media systems. Hallin and Mancini Framework were developed to understand the concept of comparing media systems. For this purpose, they resorted to testing theories and developing a normative theme to address the inherent vulnerabilities in the present media systems. To further investigate these theories, they had focused on creation of the media system as a tangible source (Hallin, & Mancini, 2004).

It was not based on the abstract ideals, but of the tangible social formations and how media is constructed in each of these systems. In the initial stages of the analysis, they developed a comparing system that analysed the nuances and intricate design of one system. From developing the themes of each system made comparative analysis. They were able to develop the variables and create a similarities and differences between 18 countries models. Heuristics patterns of each of these systems were divulged in detail. From developing the overall thematic progressions they wanted to condense the ideals into Weber conception (Hallin, & Mancini, 2004). Hallin and Mancini in their research do not homogenize the process nor do they think that it would be valued across the spectrum. Owing to this framework should be re conceptualized to meet the intricate conditions of the western world.



有效的沟通方式多种多样,从这些方式中得出的结论会产生积极的反馈。然而,如果沟通不是一个双向的过程,它就不是有效的。从一端进行的交流只涉及说话人而不引起听者的注意,从而使交流的本质恶化。从这个角度来看,交流不仅仅是简单的信息交换。它还涉及到隐藏在数据背后的情感及其意图的知识。有效沟通也是一个双重过程(Barton 2014)。不仅仅是传达消息的方式接受,进而通过另一个个人以同样的方式被理解,也是对一个侦听的方式获得的完整含义已经提到什么,让其他人觉得他们被理解和被听到。因此不仅仅是单词的使用中,有效的沟通结果结合非语言技能包括沟通自然,倾听以引人入胜的方式,在时刻,压力管理能力自信地交流和认识的能力和理解他们的个人情感和个人从事与巴顿(2014)。



Effective communication works in a variety of ways and the conclusion from these ways results in a positive feedback. Communication however is not effective when it is not a dual sided process. Communication from one end is involving only the speaker without the attention of the listener results into deteriorating the mere essence of communication. Communication from this perspective is something more than simply exchange of information. It is also about knowledge of emotions and their intent lying behind data. Communication of effective nature also is a dual process as already indicated (Barton 2014). It is not only the way in which a message is conveyed which is received and in turn gets understood through another individual in the same manner as intended, it is also about the way in which one listens for gaining the complete implication of what has already been mentioned and for making other individuals feel that they are being understood and they are being heard as well. It is therefore more than simply the words one uses in which effective communication results in combining skill sets inclusive of communication of non-verbal nature, listening in an engaging manner, stress management within the moment, ability of communicating in an assertive manner and the capability of recognizing and understanding their individual emotions and those of the individual one is engaged in communicating with (Barton 2014).

Communication of effective nature is the main core point that helps in deepening the connections with others and results in improving the work of team, making decision and solving problem. It allows one to take the process of communication either negatively or difficult messages without creation of conflict or trust being destroyed. While communication of effective nature is a skill that needs to be learned, it is highly efficient when communication effectiveness comes forward spontaneously instead of in a formulaic manner. For example, a report or a speech being read hardly has the similar influence as a speech which is spontaneously delivered. It takes much time as well as effort of course when one tries developing such skills and becoming a communicator effectively. The higher the practice and effort put in, the better the communication skills become instinctively and spontaneously. However there are several barriers to communicating effectively which is specifically involved in interpersonal communication.The first challenge is being under stress and not being under emotional control.






Like many of the horror genre fans, I have always had a passion towards the supernatural and making movies that would cause people to feel intrigued. In every facet of life, people somehow find the means to incorporate the supernatural into their conversation. It is either a direct allusion or an indirect reference. There are a lot of discussions on past life, super powers and after life. People seem to assume that there are some powers that are beyond control. There is a binary view that either this supernatural power is good or evil. This is however in the mind. The worst nightmares are not from outside, but rather from inside the mind. They cause illusions and mirages that make people to not understand what reality is. I am focusing on the evil supernatural entity and trying to tell a story that is based on hallucination. Since there have been many such themes that draws on this notions of illusion, I have tried to emulate a different experience for the people. The treatment and the screen play of this movie however would be different. Movies are primarily created for entertainment, and hence these movies will also cater towards the entertainment factor and create an enjoyable ride for the audience.

When building a story that is based on horror, it is very difficult. The irony is that people look for plausible evidentiary facts to convince them of evil. An interesting should create genuine discomfiture and at the same time maintain a level of intrigue for the audience to remain engrossed in the movie. It is sometimes dismissed if the story line is not convincing or is expected. For this, the themes of Inception and Oculus movies were focused. In this, the main protagonist never really sees the horror but the suspense is maintained. There is no real grotesque imagery that says there is a ghost chasing. This seems juvenile. Nevertheless, in these movies the directors would have maintained the audience interest by using dietetic and non diegetic sounds. In this, there will be slow panning camera action and sudden jerky sounds that adds to the mystery of the storyline. The people will be constantly wondering if there is really evil, or if it is Lawrence who has developed schizophrenia.



客观的交互性是一种从客观的人的角度表达产品思想的手段(Suri, 2005)。这是在产品设计的环境中创建产品,使最终消费者或受众保持在上下文中。在这个大众消费化的背景下,在现代有统一的设计(Fukasawa, 2007)。Fukasawa能够打破障碍,创造出有趣又兼收并蓄的家具。目标交互的设计主题受到了广泛的欢迎(Fukasawa, 2007)。这是一个矛盾的假设,即创造用户想要的东西,并为用户创造一个新的创新产品。用户或产品的消费者认为最终产品实际上是为他们创建的。他能够将艺术设计融入环境中。二级认证来源和同行评议期刊已被用于此目的。由于获得艺术品和描述人们情感的可行性(Fukasawa, 2007),二次数据收集一直是首选。在权限内的艺术家也是一个著名的和世界更新的创造者,因此很难获得访问或采访他。

由于这个原因,本研究设计已经在上下文中使用。目标互动是关于创造前沿的睡眠设计,以表达科技的美丽(Fukasawa, 2007)。这些艺术作品的基本概念是它不是关于创造新的物体或为每个目的创造特定的技术。它是关于创造一个新的空间身份,通过互动创造空间。在一次采访中,Fukasawa注意到他专注于用美学设计创造工业产品,同时在设计主题中嵌入尖端技术。下面的图片是一些艺术家创作的作品。在现代科技的案例中,设计的主题是简单。它只是关注并展示了所需的内容。有一个无形的技术主题,它创造了一个几乎无形的电子物体的外观。各公司正致力于设计更薄、更时尚的新设计。在这个概念中,创建可定制产品的思想非常重要。设计元素和对象的美学构造得到了发展。这将导致创建设计更简单、功能更复杂的产品。下面将对艺术家的具体作品进行详细的探讨。


Objective interactivity is the means of expressing thoughts of the product from an unbiased point of people (Suri, 2005). This is creating the product where the product is designed keeping the end consumer or the audience in context. In this mass consumerization context in the modern era there is uniform design (Fukasawa, 2007). Fukasawa has been able to break barriers and create interesting and eclectic pieces of furniture. The design theme of objective interactivity has been well received (Fukasawa, 2007). It is a paradoxical assumption of creating to what the user wants and creating a new innovative product for the user. The user or the consumers of the product feel that the end product is actually created for them. He has been able to customize art design into context. Secondary accredited sources and peer reviewed journals has been utilized for this purpose. Secondary data collection has been preferred because of the feasibility of obtaining the art works and describing the sentiment of peoples (Fukasawa, 2007). The artist in purview also is an acclaimed and world renewed creator hence it would be difficult to gain access or interview with him.

Owing to this this research design has been used in context.Objective interactivity is about creating cutting edge sleep designs that has been created to express the beauty in technology (Fukasawa, 2007). Fundamental notion of these art works are that it is not about creating newer objects or creating specific technology for each purpose. It is about creating a new spatial identity and creating of the space through interaction. In one of the interviews Fukasawa notes that he focusses one creating industrial products with an aesthetical design that also has cutting edge technology embedded into the deign theme. The following images are few of the works that have been created by the artists. In the case of modern contemporary technology, the design theme is simplicity. It simply focusses and showcases what is required. There is an invisible theme of technology that creates a façade of the electronic objects being almost invisible. Companies are focusing on creating newer designs that are thinner and also sleek in designs. In this notion there is a lot of importance given to the ideology of creating customizable products. The design element and the aesthetical construction of the objects have been developed. This leads to creation of products that are simpler in design and more complex in functionality. The specific works of the artists is probed in detail in the following.






The Binglee website consists of different products such as Computers, TV, Audios, cameras, phones, home appliances, small appliances, floorcare, heating or cooling appliances, fitness and health appliance and lighting appliances. It has been designed with the white background with all the menus in blue colour. The shopping cart and contact us has been placed on the extreme right towards the top. The header consists of the logo of the company in blue and the search box from where the users can easily search any of the products which are available on the websites. The menu options are very clear and limited. The numbers of options are quite less which makes easy for the user to search for the products. Below the main menu there is an image slider which consists of the most important products which are popular recently. Below the image slider, comes the tab for the catalogues which consists of some of the great deals of the products which can be used by the users. Besides this, there is a tab which replicates the store locations of the company. The users may also take up the options of visiting the store and checking for the products in the stores.

Below this, the users are provided with the option to sign up so that they can receive some of the best deals. In order to facilitate the user and to support the user computer interaction, an option has been provided where the user can shop by clicking on their favourite brands. Below this, the website has the icons of the different product categories which are available on the website. The footer of the website is extended and it consists of the options such as the social media connection through facebook, Youtube, Google Plus etc. In addition to this, there is the link to some of the pages such as catalogues, Bing Lee story, Careers in Bing Lee. The payment options are also replicated in the footer. Also, there is an option to do the live chat. The contact number is also replicated in the footer. Kogan website is the website which consists of a professional user interface. The website looks quite appealing and is made in such a manner that replicates a professional ecommerce website.






One of the staff suggests that Jamal should be required to write lines, or that he should be told that if he does it again he will have to go to the toddler room because he is acting like a toddler. Based on class lectures, discussions and readings; do you believe these are appropriate solutions? Explain why or why not and what messages the child would be getting from these consequences?ANSWER – I sincerely do not feel that the strict punishments like making Jamal write lines or sending him to the toddler room are appropriate. The staff simply imposed time-out on him as they are not able to handle him. It is a responsibility of a teacher to comprehend Jamal’s situation and his persistent tendency to trouble others. The severe punishments would not improve his behaviour; on the contrary, he might get more violent. The child would be more terrified at first with such time-outs, but slowly he will be seasoned and continue to hit others without any fear. Being a child, Jamal cannot understand why he is sent to the toddler room or he cannot know what is wrong with his behaviour. The teacher should ensure a safe and friendly atmosphere to teach him how hitting and yelling are not acceptable.

By observing Jamal using the ABC analysis, what information would you gather and how will it help you to deal more effectively with his behaviour?ANSWER – In Jamal’s case, the antecedent is Jamal’s unruly behaviour, his hitting, screaming and troubling other children and teachers. The behaviour is described by his habit of crying and picking a fight in very small issues like playing with a toy, sharing food etc. The consequence is the children crying and complaining for Jamal’s hitting. Teachers are also getting angry and scolding him to stop his arrogance. From this ABC analysis, we can perceive that Jamal is a very stubborn child and can do anything to fulfill his demands. Whether he wants a toy, food, pen or anything from the other child, he cannot wait and wants immediately. The lack of sharing ability and friendly nature are the main reasons because of which he fights a lot. His anger and aggression are the indicators that he is either very pampered or insecure. The staffs need to talk to him and teach him to share toys and not cry loudly. The gentle words and love are the effective solutions than the strict punishments.