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背景——资产阶级的情感爆发导致了女性艺术的发展。路易斯·约瑟芬·布尔乔亚是一位熟悉大型雕塑和装置艺术的美籍法国艺术家。她与超现实主义和女权主义艺术等主题有着密切的联系,她有一系列的经历,她认为为了传达信息,她必须进行沟通,而不是保持沉默(block 126-150)。她利用自己的艺术作为媒介,表达她对赋予女性权力的积极态度,并支持LGBT平等(Wye和Smith, 1994)。“女人的房子”是对现代艺术的非人性化的一种表现,在这种艺术中,女人和家庭的关系得到了详细的解释。世界对女人的看法和女人本身之间的紧张关系是这幅作品得以发展的关键原因。观众——这部《女人的房子》有着清晰的心理和社会联系,也传播了社会刻板印象中的女性角色的信息。心理上——整个艺术作品传达了一种幽默感,同时也传达了一种对家庭取代女性头部的方式(卡斯特罗,2005)。


它还表明,家庭主妇一词起源于女性对建筑的定位概念。球状的形状表示身体的各个部分。整个作品传达了一种有机的感觉,并与女性的原始面貌有关。这张照片显示的是一个精神事件,也显示了一个女人的不为人知的伤痕。艺术品不给人精神上的愉悦,而是给人一种道德上的思考,《女人的家》中没有具体的精神元素,只是试图传达一个典型的女人,按照所有的维度,即精神层面和社会层面被定型。《Femme Maison》是一部精彩的作品,描绘了一个女人对社会的看法,在这个社会里,女人被定型为负有多重责任的家庭主妇。它也传达了一个信息,一个女人的情感和精神与身体之间的关系。社会中发生的几件事的前性别和女性形式的问题,都是以一种天生具有女性特征的艺术形式表现出来的(卡斯特罗29-33)。特别是,它还显示了妇女的思想被迫停留在国内的水平,这是现代艺术被非人化的证据,正如已经解释的那样。


Background – Bourgeois’s emotional outbreak has resulted in developing Femme Maison art.Louis Josephine Bourgeois is a French American artist who is familiar with huge sculpture as well as installation art.She is closely associated with subjects like Surrealism and Feminist art and has a range of experiences where she believed she had to communicate rather than to remain silent in order to convey the message (Blocker 126-150).She uses her art as a medium to convey her activism on women empowerment and has also stood for LGBT equality (Wye and Smith, 1994).Femme Maison is an outcome to express the dehumanization of the modern art where the relationship between a woman and home is explained in detail.The tension that has been occurring between the world’s mindset on woman and the woman herself is the key reason that led to the development of this piece. Audience – The piece of Femme Maison has a clear psychological and social connection and also spreads the message of a role of a woman as stereotyped by the society. Psychological – The entire art work conveys a sense of humor as well as monstrosity with the way the home has replaced the head part of a woman (Castro, 2005).

It also shows that the term housewife has originated from the concept of orientation of woman to a building. The bulbous shapes indicate the parts of a body. The entire work delivers an organic feeling and relates to the primordial aspect of a woman. This image indicates a mental event and also shows the untold bruises of a woman. The artwork does not give a mental pleasure but a moral thought to the people .There are no specific spiritual elements in Femme Maison except that it tries to convey the typical woman being stereotyped in accordance with all dimensions namely spiritual and social. Femme Maison is a wonderful output depicting the social consideration of a woman where women are stereotyped to be the housewife with several responsibilities. It also conveys a message of the emotions of a woman and the relation between mind and body in a woman. The problems of pre-gender and the female form of several happenings in the society are depicted in the form of an art that is feminine by nature (Castro 29-33). In particular, it also shows the level to which the minds of woman are forced to remain domestic and this is an evidence of dehumanization of the modern art, as already explained.



在这里可以看到沿着神圣道路的坟墓。这里的丧葬习俗是按照罗马的原始城市程序进行的。这种安排有一个独立的市民空间,这也显示了早期罗马的社会经济结构。这是位于该结构前景中的灶神星的视图。正是在这个时候,公民关注在包括政治和神圣职能在内的各个领域变得重要起来。这种建筑专门针对社会中发生的季节性降雨和洪水。这个建筑是一个垃圾填埋场,为了解决停滞的水,在那里修建了一条排水管道。被称为Velabrum的一小部分土地与河流区相连,它管理着流向另一个区域的水流。这是在公元前6世纪建立的。这个项目是由Albert J Ammerman开发和处理的。这一特殊的形象也激发了人们对紧急情况下结构变化的思考。




The Sepulcretum along Sacred Way is seen here. The funeral customs happen here as per the Rome’s proto urban procedures. This arrangement has a separate civic space and this also shows the socio economic structure of Rome in the early periods. This is a view with Artium Vestae located in the foreground of the structure. It was at this time that the civic focus gained importance in various spheres including political as well as sacred functions. This construction specifically addresses the seasonal rains and flooding that happen in the societies. This structure is a landfill project where a drainage canal is built in order to address the stagnated water. A low portion of land called as Velabrum is connected to the riverine zone and this manages the flow of water to a separate zone. This is an establishment made in the sixth century BCE. The project was developed and handled by Albert J Ammerman. This specific image also ignited the minds of people about the structural changes during emergency situations.

This picture denotes the meeting space that is constructed for discussions of political bodies that resided in the northwest. Curia refers to the council house for Roman Senate and it dates back to the seventh century BCE when it was initially introduced. Comitium is a tirered space that is located just before Curia and it is an open space meant for meeting in cases of public assemblies. While one is closed, the other is open considering the need for different discussions of the politicians. This is a specific Roman building time that has a hall which can be used for multiple purpose starting from public meeting to court to entertainment center. Basilica Porcia was the very first Basilica that was used as an office for tribunes. Slowly, other Basilicas were built. This Basilica included a range of temples, public center for discussion and also has individual buildings to address large groups of people. The temples include Saturn Temple (left in the background), Vespasian Temple and Concordia Temple (on the right in picture).






The University of Florida has accordingly been concerned about the market strategy and these gains the impact on the business to co-operate in depth services from the individual producers to own the business within the analysis. The market strategy arrangements have the goal to deliver the business traits and this will force the eye towards the market research. The higher market auditions for the producers to form a profitable and effective analysis will create several tendencies to upgrade the business level at the higher levels of the market and this will force them to enhance the gain to provide higher performance of the business strategy. To perform the analysis of the market strategy, it is necessary to look at number one business strategy to attain the highest level within the market research. This will help to spot the client desires and wish by adding the worth to the product and sell down within the market strategy. The services might render the requirement and it also renders the needs of the shoppers at a profit by delivering the arrangements in line.

It may be the top user product to own the strategy arrangements and the most vital to the market dramatically. Simply adding worth to the merchandise or services that may retain the long client to own the product worthy will extend the goals and effects on the run to arrange the strategies well for the business rate and rent. This strategy will realize the profit. This will build the merchandise to sustain for the long run to come back to the third party and to realize the business as long to set the goals for running the market strategies well.




“这与我们想别人怎么看我们,但它不仅仅是一个关心别人怎么想”Dooley(185 – 188)。



The meanings of words tend to take on several facets of usage. These meanings can change over time and space. One example is the form of address for kings in ancient times used to be ‘Your Awful Majesty’ connoting that the presence of the monarch evoked awe in the minds of his or her subjects. Later on the word ‘awe’ was used to describe surprise, wonder and even to some extend fear and disgust but in the present time the word ‘awesome’ has taken on the garb virtually of a slang.  The entire gamut of descriptive words that may be used to describe a pretty, wonderful, awe-inspiring or even a magnificent performance is described in one single word – ‘Awesome’. Apparently the youth of today has hooked onto one word that is the answer to all situations!

It relates to what we would like others to think of us, but it is not merely a concern with what others think” (Dooley 185-188).

Similarly ‘Vanity’ in times of yore connoted the excessive pride one felt in one’s appearance, displaying the feeling of being pompous and vainglorious. These days how a word like vanity is used is totally different. The interesting aspect of the usage of this word and others like it is that the meaning has a strange evolution and can go from a totally positive to a totally negative meaning while the vice versa is also true.