标签存档: 新西兰论文代写价格


擴張和收購策略的工作,以提高目標公司的業績。然而,在實施戰略之前,必須仔細評估利弊。案例研究是對ALK國際收購計劃的評估。 KO穀物的優勢在於,它們已經是一家國際企業,在非洲、澳大利亞、歐洲和美國都有業務。因此,他們對擴張戰略並不陌生,而且他們將處於有利地位,能夠將自己的業務轉移到他們的目標所在的低收入國家,同時拓寬非洲和東亞的軟飲料分銷渠道。僅從這一方面或知識上來看,收購將阻礙KO穀物的價值。當KO已經有擴張計劃時,收購另一家公司可能會給公司帶來問題。然而,該案例研究提供了評估收購的其他信息。


即考慮1)KO不是經濟狀況良好,雖然不願出售可能接受報價,2)他們最近擴展到低收入國家仍處於談判階段,3)國際化的形式進入利基釀造地區,利用飲料分配現有的都不太順利。國際化形式的業務擴張通常是在新產品開發、新業務開發、現有市場滲透或新市場開發的背景下進行的(Datta & Grant, 1991)。通常,一個企業會通過仔細的計劃來採取其中的一種策略。以KO為例,可以看出他們目前採取了兩種策略。首先是低收入國家的新市場發展;其次,該公司正在進入利基釀造領域,這意味著它是對現有市場的滲透。同時採用兩種擴張策略對KO來說似乎並不奏效。在這種背景下,收購KO穀物可能會給它們帶來價值,因為它們將能夠利用ALK International的戰略優勢。


Expansions and acquisition strategy work to improve the target company performance. However, careful assessment of pros and cons has to be conducted before the strategies are implemented. The case study is an assessment of the acquisition plan of ALK International.The strengths of KO grains are that they are already an international business and have operations in Africa, Australia, Europe and the America. So they are not new to the expansion strategy and would be well positioned to move their businesses into the Low income country that they have targeted along with broadening of the soft drink distributions in Africa and East Asia. Considering only this aspect or knowledge, it can be said that the acquisition will hinder the value of KO grains. Acquisition of another company when KO already has plans for expansion can lead to issues for the company. However, the case study offers other information to assess the acquisitions.

Namely consider 1) KO is not doing well financially and although reluctant to sell might accept the offer, 2) their more recent expansions into a Low Income Country is still in the negotiations stage and 3) their internationalizations in the form of moving into niche brewing areas and tapping into drinks distribution in existing ones have not gone well. Business expansions in the form of internationalization are usually done in the context of a new product development, or a new business development, or a market penetration in an existing market or a new market development (Datta & Grant, 1991). Usually a business takes up one of the strategies by carefully planning for it. In the case of KO, it is seen that they have taken up two strategies at present. The first is that of a new market development in a Low income country and secondly, the company is moving into niche brewing areas, meaning it is a market penetration in an existing market. Employing two expansion strategies at the same time does not seem to be working well for KO. Given this context, the acquisition of KO grains might bring value to them, as they would be able to use the strategic strengths of ALK International.



分类法指的是分类行为,因为它可以与任何学科相关联。本文确定了文化的三种分类,并对它们的优缺点进行了评价。有了关于这三个分类的信息和评估,就创建了一个个人的文化分类。类别和个人是在个人的文化分类中定义的,然后这个个人分类也被评估为优点和缺点。这是一种学习如何不总是从一个角度看待文化的练习,需要一种多方面的方法来理解文化和差异。本研究包含的三个分类是Hofstede的文化理论、Schwartz文化分类学和Hall的文化分类学。霍夫斯泰德的理论范畴起源于不同国家的文化差异。Hofstede在1984年出版了《文化的后果》这是一份关于当时在40个国家工作的跨国公司员工的价值研究报告。这是理解文化背景下的个人主义的第一次尝试(Hofstede, 1986)。




Taxonomy refers to the act of classification as it can be connected to any discipline. This essay identifies three taxonomies of culture and conducts an assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. With the information on the three taxonomies, and the assessments, a personal taxonomy of culture is then created. Categories and individuals are defined in the personal taxonomy of culture, and then this personal taxonomy is also assessed for strengths and weaknesses. This is an exercise in learning how culture is not always perceived in one angle, and a multifaceted approach is required to understand culture and differences. The three taxonomies that would be included in the study are that of the Hofstede’s cultural theory, the Schwartz cultural taxonomy and Hall’s taxonomy on culture. The theory categories in the case of Hofstede have its origin in the difference of cultures in different countries. Hofstede in the year 1984 published the “Culture’s Consequences” which was a report on the study of values in the case of employees working with a multinational company operating in 40 countries at that time. This was the first attempt towards understanding individualism in the cultural context (Hofstede, 1986).

The theory categories in the case of Hofstede include elements such as Power distance, avoiding uncertainty, masculinity/femininity, individualism/collectivism, indulgence/restraint and long term orientations.The second theory to be used is the Schwartz’s cultural taxonomy theory. This is a theory that is somewhat similar to the Hofstede theory in including divisions based on global culture. The Schwartz model had its origins in 1990, and it was developed out of the critique on the point that theories such as Hofstede and other cross-cultural psychological theories seemed to rely more on the individualism-collectivism dichotomy than any other. Schwartz believed that this over reliance seemed to have obscured some details, which there are cultural values serving both the individual and the collective group. The dichotomy also did not serve for discussing the subgroup or the in-group concepts. Schwartz’s cultural taxonomy has the categories of conservation, hierarchy, intellectual autonomy, affective autonomy, competency, harmony and egalitarian compromise.



在定量分析技术下,对成本函数进行估计需要采取哪些步骤?用你自己的话简短地解释每一个步骤及其背后的逻辑。在你的答案中至少参考两个来源(除了课本),并在作业中提供完整的来源参考。回答第一步:选择因变量,需要预测的总成本是因变量。在Y = a + bX的方程中通常被称为Y。第二步:确定自变量或成本动因。X是方程中的自变量,它的值会改变方程中Y的值。在方程中a是Y轴截距或固定成本。b是直线的斜率或单位可变成本(Horngren et al., 2011)。步骤3:收集有关因变量和成本驱动因素的数据。数据收集是下一步,因为相关成本将被分为可变成本或固定成本。


可变成本是指随着成本的增加或减少而不断变化的价值。固定成本是不变的部分。步骤4:绘制数据。数据可以用高、低的方法绘制,也可以用最小二乘法绘制。数据的绘制有助于确定总成本的分布。步骤5:估计成本函数。成本函数估计是在建立相关成本后建立的。例如,如果在high-low方法下发现固定成本为$20,000,单位可变成本为$。那么合成方程是:Y = 20000 +。6x。利用这个方程,可以建立或估计给定水平的方程的总成本。步骤6:评估估算成本函数的成本动因。成本动因或自变量应不时进行评估,因为价值可能会随市场情况而变化。这将有助于估计任何可能的减少和重新评估(Lanen, 2013)。


Under quantitative analysis technique, which six steps are taken to make an estimate about a cost function? Briefly explain each step and the logic behind it in your own words. Refer to at least two sources (other than your text book) in your answer and provide a complete reference of the sources in your assignments.Answer Step 1: Choose the dependent variableThe total cost which is required to be predicted is the dependent variable in this case. Generally referred to as Y in the equation of Y = a + bX.Step 2: Identify the independent variable, or cost driver. X is the independent variable in the equation whose value would change the value of the Y in the equation. In the equation the term a is the Y intercept or the fixed cost. And b is the slope of the line or the variable cost per unit (Horngren, et al., 2011). Step 3: Collect data on the dependent variable and the cost driver. Data collection is the next step as the relevant costs are to be classified either as variable cost or fixed cost.

Variable cost would be that which keeps on changing value with increase or decrease in costs. Fixed cost is the constant portion. Step 4: Plot the data. Data can be plotted in a high low method or thorough a least square method. Plotting of the data helps in identifying the distribution of the total costs. Step 5: Estimate the cost function. Cost function estimation is established once the relevant cost is established. For example, if the fixed cost is found to be $20,000 under the high-low method and the unit variable cost is $.6 then the resultant equation would be:Y = 20,000 + .6X.With this equation the total cost can be established or estimated for a given level of equation. Step 6: Evaluate the cost driver of the estimated cost function. The cost driver or the independent variable shall be evaluated from time to time as the value might change dependent upon the market condition. This would help in the estimation of any probable reduction and reassessment (Lanen, 2013).



通过文献综述,对不同学术和期刊上关于学生和工人压力的文章进行了探讨,从而确定了本文研究的理论背景。文献综述也将有助于研究者解决研究问题。大量研究表明,与工作或学业相关的压力是学生和员工心理和情绪疾病的主要来源。压力被认为是一种心理和情绪上的变化,这种变化在过去几年中不断升级。压力可以分为两个领域,即精神压力和身体压力(Dubina, 2005)。从心理学的角度来看,压力被定义为行为和认知体验,是心理反应在特定情境下的结果。大学生和工作者的压力水平是不同的,这对研究人员来说是很重要的。Rawson et al(1996)指出,大学生中占主导地位的心理压力是学习因素、生活方式、经济因素、社会因素和职业因素的结果(Rawson et al., 2016)。林希纳(Lin Xhnag)和车文波(Wenbo Che, 2003)设计了一项研究,通过对7所大学的调查和对2007年左右的大学生的访谈,来评估“大学生心理压力量表”。研究发现,学生的压力有两个方面,即个人压力和社会环境压力。


个人压力与家庭问题、适应性问题、健康问题、关系冲突、低自尊、沮丧问题有关,而社会环境压力则与人际交往、职业压力、情感冲突、学业压力等问题有关(Lee, 2014)。Swaminathan & Rajkumar(2013)通过将受访者分为年龄组、职业种类、职业、工作环境的影响和工作时间,对压力水平进行了调查。该研究得出的结论是,员工能够根据自己的表现发挥出自己的全部能力,而且在这项研究中,工作压力产生的原因有三种:工作量、自我距离和工作停滞(Swaminathan and Rajkumar, 2010)。Zhang(2009)认为,员工的压力主要来自于工作的工作量,这影响了他们在工作中的表现。研究还将压力分为短暂的、创伤后的和慢性的压力,作者认为这些压力可以用有效的压力管理方法来管理。作者发现,良好的工作环境和员工之间的工作组织是减轻员工压力的有效途径(Zhang, 2009)。Yamashita、Saito和Takao(2012)的另一项研究基于护士的工作压力,对195名全职护士(新加坡)进行了访谈,并对描述性统计和路径分析进行了分析。本研究的结论是,正向影响与工作压力负相关,而工作场所的便利设施有助于护士的压力管理(Yamashita, Saito, and Takao, 2012)。


The literature review explores the different academic and journal articles on stress for students as well as workers so that the theoretical background of proposed research is identified. The literature review will also help the researcher to address the research questions. Numerous studies have revealed that stress related to job or academics are a major source of mental and emotional illness in students and workers. Stress is considered to be a psychological and emotional change that has been escalating over the years. Stress can be categorized into two fields namely mental stress and physical stress (Dubina, 2005). From the perspective of psychology, stress is defined as the behavioral and recognitive experience which is a result of mental reactions in a particular situation. The level of stress is different for college students and for workers which have been important for researchers. Rawson et al (1996) had stated that the mental stress which is predominant in the college students is a result of study factors, lifestyle, economic factors, social factors and career factors (Rawson et al., 2016). Lin Xhnag and Wenbo Che (2003) had designed a study to evaluate the “scale for mental stresses of college students” by conducting a survey in 7 colleges and interviewed around 2007 college students. The study revealed that there are two aspects of stress in students which are personal stress and social environmental stress.

While the personal stress is related to the family issues, the problem of adaptability, health problems, relationship conflict, the problem of low self-esteem and frustration, the social environmental stress is related to the issues of interpersonal communication, occupational stress, emotional conflicts, and academic pressure (Lee, 2014). Swaminathan & Rajkumar (2013) conducted a research to investigate into the level of stress by segregating the respondents into age groups, job varieties, profession, the influence of work environment and the working hours. The study concluded that the workers are able to perform to their full capacity based on their performance, and also there are three reasons for workplace stress that have been identified in this research which are workload, self-distance, and stagnation in work (Swaminathan and Rajkumar, 2010). According to Zhang (2009), workers are stressed out mainly due to the workload and it has affected their performance in the workplace. The study also categorized stress into transient, post-traumatic and chronic stress and the authors have suggested that these stresses can be managed using effective stress management approaches. The authors have found out that good work environment and organization of work among the workers are an effective way to reduce stress for the workers (Zhang, 2009). Another study conducted by Yamashita, Saito, and Takao (2012), was based on the work stress of the nurses and a sample of 195 full-time nurses (Singapore) was interviewed and descriptive statistics and path analyses have been analyzed. The study concluded that the positive affectivity is negatively related to work stress and worksite amenities can help in stress management for the nurses (Yamashita, Saito, and Takao, 2012).





工人之间形成了一种跨文化的联系。最著名的工会之一,美国罐头、农业、包装和联合工人联合会(UCAPAWA)成立于1937年,目的是保护工人的权利,并提供一个安全的工作场所。女性在工会建设中发挥了重要作用。墨西哥食品加工工人在西南部,黑人在南方烟草棚工作。意大利和波兰妇女受雇于中西部和东部的加那利群岛,以及他们在阿拉斯加鲑鱼公司的阿拉斯加本地人对工会的成功做出了贡献”(Ruiz, 100)。人们发现这个国家的女雇员也在增加。这是在美国不同的文化中发现的。


Ruiz had written a book on the struggles and travails of the ethnic women especially the Mexican American women who worked in the food processing industry between 1930 to 1950. These women had to struggle against the overwhelming odds stacked against them. There are extensive discussions of the inter union conflict and power struggles. The purpose of this analysis is to explain the impact of Cannery culture in the unionization process in Coastal California, and especially the role of the Mexican women in the process will be probed in detail in this analysis Cannery culture and unionization in coastal California “Deplorable conditions inside the canneries, such as wet floors, Hazardous machinery, and tyrannical supervisors, served to unite food processing operative” (Ruiz, 36).Mexican Americans, African Americans, Filipino, Japanese people from different cultures had to work under the harsh conditions and they needed a support system that would protect their collective interest as well as the individual interest.

There was a cross cultural bond that was formed between the workers in the population. One of the most prominent union United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing, and Allied Workers of America (UCAPAWA) was formed in 1937 as a way to protect the rights of the workers and provide a safe place to work. “Women played an instrumental role in union building. Mexican food processing workers in the southwest, blacks employed at southern tobacco shed. Italian and Polish women employed by Midwestern and eastern canaries, as well as their Alaskan Natives counterpart at Alaskan Salmon firms contributed to the Unions’ success” (Ruiz, 100). It was found that the women employees in the country were on the rise as well. This was found across the different cultures within America.



路易威登马勒蒂埃(Louis Vuitton Malletier)以路易威登(Louis Vuitton)而闻名,是法国著名的时尚品牌。它是在1854年被该品牌发现的。它是全球奢侈品行业中最奢侈的品牌之一。该公司成立于1854年,是全球奢侈品市场上最受青睐的品牌,在认同度上排名第29位。该品牌拥有190亿美元的净资产。同时,它也是全球最具影响力的品牌之一,就其在季节性基础上创作限量版的能力而言。在澳大利亚,据IBISWorld最近的一项研究预计,到2020年,奢侈品零售业的价值将达到24亿美元。


特别是在墨尔本,由于富裕的外国游客增加了旅游业,奢侈品市场正经历着巨大的增长。除了路易威登(Louis Vuitton)为吸引顾客而开设新店之外,还有一些奢侈品牌。路易威登的主要竞争对手是普拉达(Prada)、蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co)和香奈儿(Chanel)。在这些品牌中,路易威登(LV)面临着来自香奈儿(Chanel)的激烈竞争。LV在乔治街的城市旗舰店每年的销售额约为8000万美元,而香奈儿在西墨尔本的门店每年的销售额达到2000万美元。不管有利的品牌地位如何,LV的竞争压力依然存在。国际奢侈品零售商的增长最终加剧了整个奢侈品行业的竞争。人们预计,未来5年的竞争压力将极其巨大。


Mostly known as Louis Vuitton, Louis Vuitton Malletier is a famous fashion house of France. It had been found in the year 1854 by the brand. It is among the most luxurious brands in the global industry. The company was found in the year 1854, and is the most preferable brand in the global luxury segment, ranked at 29 in terms of recognition. The brand holds a net worth of 19 billion US Dollars. Also, it is among the most powerful brands across the globe in terms of its ability for the creation of limited edition collection on seasonal basis. In Australia, luxury retailing has been projected to be worth 2.4 billion dollars by the year 2020 as per a recent research IBISWorld.

Specifically in Melbourne, the luxury market is experiencing a major boost due to increased tourism from wealthy foreign tourists. There are several luxury brands, in addition to Louis Vuitton that have been opening new stores for the attraction of customers. The main competitors of Louis Vuitton are Prada, Tiffany & Co, and Chanel. Out of these brands, Louis Vuitton (LV) faces cut-throat competition from Chanel. The flagship store of LV in the city at George Street has made sales of approximately 80 million dollars on yearly basis, when the West Melbourne location of Chanel has reached sales of 20 million dollars on yearly basis. Irrespective of the favourable brand position, there is lurking of competitive pressures for LV. The growth of international retailers of luxury has ended up enhancing competition throughout the industry. There is an expectation that the competitive pressures will be extremely significant in the coming five years.





系统脆弱性评估必须持续进行。它将有助于安全管理人员认识到对安全的意料之外的威胁,这些威胁是需要解决的。这些还可能涉及社会方面,如用户的授权和身份验证策略(Perrin, 2009)。在信息技术系统中,暴露是一种条件,即使不是一般的弱点,但可以允许入侵者进行收集信息或隐藏此类行为的活动。例如,它可能是系统配置中的一个问题,或者是软件中的一个小故障,它允许访问攻击者可以用来渗透到系统中的设施或数据(CVE, 2013)。可以有效地进行暴露评估,以控制系统的脆弱性,并防范威胁。


From an I.T. security perspective discuss the differences between threat, exposure and vulnerability. Give an example of each one (not just a definition). (~250 Words)Threat can be defined as a probable reason for an occurrence that may have adverse effect on the information system security. For I.T. security of an organisation, threat can be unauthorised intrusion by exploiting the weakness of the system password. Threat evaluation must be done in order to decide the best methods for safeguarding the system against a class of threat, or specific threat. In order to develop efficient counter procedures against the categories of attacks signified by an assumed threat, penetration testing is done.Vulnerability could be defined as a weakness of the security system or asset which could be exploited by one or more threats. I.T. system security could be vulnerable if the system password is weak for comprehensive dictionary key attacks.

A system vulnerability assessment must be conducted on a continuous basis. It would help the security managers to recognise the unanticipated threats to the security that are necessary to be resolved. These could also involve social aspects like users’ authorization and authentication strategies (Perrin, 2009). Exposure in the I.T. system is a condition which even though not a general vulnerability, but could either permits an invader to do activities for gathering information or hiding such actions. For example, it could be an issue in system configuration or glitch in the software which permits access to facilities or data that an attacker can use to penetrate in the system (CVE, 2013). Exposure assessment can be effectively done to control vulnerability of the system and keep the threats away.



根据经济增长计划(2016-2021年),哈利法克斯会议中心预计将吸引数千名游客。这将促进邻近的企业。随着就业机会的不断增加,经济将更加稳定。据报道,增长计划主要集中在哈利法克斯市中心,那里的小企业主们感受到了问题的冲击。仅在Market Street上,Carleton Bat and Grill餐厅的销售额就减少了35%。这不是一个孤立的事件。该地区的所有小型企业都出现了亏损或销售额下降的情况。仅在过去三年里,由于该地区的建设,该地区的小公司就造成了如此多的损失。由于该地区的建设,这是直接责任。




According to the Economic Growth Plan (2016-2021), Halifax Convention center is expected to bring in thousands of visitors. This would boost the neighboring businesses. There will be more stability in the economy as there will be more continual jobs (Edmiston, n.d.). According to the reports, the growth plan has been centered on downtown Halifax where the brunt of the problem has been felt current by the small business owners. In Market Street alone, Carleton Bat and Grill have reduced sales by 35%. This is not an isolated incident. All the small businesses around the area have been posting loss or dip in sales. In the past three years alone, there have been so many losses that have been posted in this area by the small businesses because of the construction in the area. This is directly responsible owing to the construction in the area.

These losses would not have happened in the area, if the Halifax Convention center construction had not been started. It has been argued that this is a temporary state. Given the current dynamics, this situation will not likely continue. Small businesses cannot continually bring in businesses like the larger enterprises. There will be more stability in the economy. According to the reports, the budget for the Convention center is $169.2 million (Hailfax Convention Center). It has been argued that this budget can encompass the ways to compensate the small business owners. However, this will eventually bring in more businesses and stability for the small business owners, and they should be grateful for the project development in the area. Owing to this and the economist views, it can be said that even though there is a dip in sales in the small businesses in the current times, there will be growth in the future.



员工敬业度主要被定义为员工对其所在组织的情感和职业联系。这主要影响个人的行为以及他们在工作活动中所付出的努力程度。这是组织如何为员工创造工作环境,为实现组织目标尽最大努力的条件。员工敬业度与员工与雇主之间的信任、诚信和沟通有关。这是增加企业成功机会,提高员工绩效水平的途径(Dent和Tye, 2016)。相反,雇主并没有为员工提供适当的工作条件,导致员工离职。由于雇主和雇员之间缺乏沟通,员工感到缺乏动力。


员工需要适当的培训才能表现良好,但是管理层并没有把精力集中在员工的培训上,而员工的离职会导致员工的离职。不敬业的员工面临着各种各样的问题,他们无法完成给定的任务,这可能会导致组织的低生产率。很多关注员工敬业度导致员工脱离接触。大多数员工都不清楚自己在组织中的目标和重要性。Fairlie, P.(2011)支持我的研究,因为它提供了一个很少被识别和研究的关于有意义工作的主题,作为员工的工作特征。


Employees engagement is been mainly defined as the emotional and professional connection an employee feels against the organisation he or she is working. This mainly influences the behaviours of the individuals along with the level of efforts made by them in their working activities. This is the condition that how the organization create the working environment for the employees to give their best for the achievement of the organizational goals. Employee engagement is related to the trust, integrity and communication among the employee and employer. It is the way to increase the chance of success of the business and improve the performance level of the employee (Dent and Tye, 2016). On the contrary, employer did not provide the proper working conditions to the employees and that causes the worker disengagement. Workers feel de-motivated due to lack of communication between the employer and employee.

Employees need proper training in order to perform well, but management did not focus on the training part of the employees which causes employee disengagement. Disengaged employee face various problems due to which they would not be able to perform for the given task and it may cause the low productivity in the organization. A lot of focuses on the employee engagement cause the employees disengagement. Most of the employees are not cleared about their purpose and importance in the organization. Fairlie, P. (2011) is supportive of my research as it presents and provides a very rarely identified and researched topic of meaningful work as the employee work characteristics.



Y一代与1980-1990年出生的人有关,那时他们接触到了电子技术。与其他几代人相比,X一代的人口规模要小得多,因为它只包含了从千禧一代和婴儿潮时期出生的人群(Tolbize, 2008年)的人群。婴儿潮一代对技术的了解较少,他们是一代的父母。由于代沟和独特的策略,员工的学习水平有所不同。上述声明在这个案例中有不同的观点,因为婴儿潮一代不希望技术被授权,而Y一代则坚持同样的做法。




Generation Y relates to the people who were born in 1980-1990 when they exposed adherence to electronic technologies. Generation X is quite smaller when compared to the other generations as it only involved demographic cohort that combined people from millennial and baby boomer groups (Tolbize, 2008). Baby boomers were less aware of technologies and they were the parents of Generation Y. The learning levels of employees were different due to generational gaps and unique strategies. The aforementioned statement is disagreed in this case because of the reason that baby boomers did not want technology empowered processes while Generation Y insisted on the same.

The technological environment entirely varied. The confidence levels are also different as baby boomers expose dominance and high attitude due to experience and expect the subsequent generations to cooperate with them (Buckingham and Buckingham, 2012). Gen Y, on the other hand, displays volunteerism and does not support dominance and this shows one specific area where chaos could occur. As Gen Y performs faster and smarter than baby boomers, their expectations from organization are different. Gen Y valued personalization while baby boomers and millennial valued generalization.