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有必要分析冲突基于所有可用的信息冲突。冲突的分析将基于不同意见冲突的来源。冲突可能是基于认知和意义的事件和这些不同有不同的人参与。人们根据他们的不同社会文化和经济背景和这些差异意味着他们还将属性不同的意义和舆论事件。在这种背景下,有必要考虑冲突从不同的角度分析图纸。观点强烈影响等元素的情绪的人很可能压倒反对党的背后的逻辑推理,也假设,猜疑和不信任的一般标签。正如Fisher &布朗(1988),国家”因此,重要的是区分观点和事实。

平衡情绪,原因是冲突管理的一个重要方面,不是因为事实更重要比认知或情感,而是因为利益相关者以不同的方式处理这些问题”(费舍尔和布朗,1988年,页43 – 63)。现在重构是必要的理解,布鲁克林公园问题可能是一个多种族的问题。重塑或角度的变换将用于识别问题的根源从什么将加剧问题或混淆利益相关者从他们的实际重点是什么。现在的根源问题似乎是公园的位置,它不允许为了便于访问来自多个结束的球员。青少年就像青少年一样,但是有某种形式的简单访问会导致更少的拥挤的街道。


It is necessary to analyze the conflict based on all the information that is available on the conflict. The analysis of the conflict will be based on different views on the source of the conflict. The conflict might be based on perceptions and meaning on the event and these vary as there are different people involved in the picture. People vary based on their socio-cultural and economic background and these differences would mean that they would also attribute different significance and opinion to events. In this context, it is necessary to consider conflict analysis by drawing from different perspectives. The perspectives are strongly influences by such elements as that of emotions of the person which could very well overwhelm the logic behind the opposition party’s reasoning, there would also be assumptions, suspicions and a general tag of mistrust involved. As Fisher & Brown (1988), state “It is therefore important to distinguish opinion from fact.

Balancing emotions and reason is an important aspect of conflict management, not because facts are more important than perceptions or feelings, but because stakeholders deal with them in different ways” (Fisher and Brown, 1988, pp. 43-63). Now reframing is necessary to understand that the Brooklyn parks issue could be more than a race issue. The reframing or the transformation of perspective will be useful for identifying the root cause of the problem away from what would exacerbate the problem or confuse stakeholders from what their actual priorities are. Now the root cause of the problem seems to be the fact that the park is so situated that it does not allow for ease of access of players from multiple ends. Teenagers will behave like teenagers, but having some form of easy access will result in less crowding of the streets.






The methodology made use of to collect data here is the qualitative interview method. The qualitative form of research is one where the researcher would be able to collect data making use of qualitative data collection techniques such as the interview method. The interview method is one where the researcher will directly interact with the research participant. Through a series of interview questions, the researcher is able to understand what participant feels about the service management in Chipotle and can also understand the areas of improvement. The number of participants selected for the interview is 5. The count was kept to a minimal in order to ensure that data is collected in depth. The qualitative research method helps answer questions about a phenomenon such as why or when a phenomenon occurs, or why a service has quality or suffers by lack of it. The participants were selected by means of convenience sampling and were known to the researcher by other social networking means already. However, by keeping questions and analysis objective, any bias has been reduced in this work. Service performance measurement is critical for any service assessment.

It is the backbone of service assessment. Only when there are specific service performance measurements then can the requirement of customers be met. Where services performance measurements are lacking then the customer needs and changing requirements might never be understood. Now in the case of Chipotle, service performance measurement assessments were done using some of the theory understanding which is detailed as follows. The first few questions asked to the participant were that of 1) Are you aware that there is a performance measurement and monitoring system of Chipotle, 2) Are you aware that you can give your comments on this system. For this question, most of the research participants said they were aware of the system. They further went on to say that although they were not aware of the right metrics used in the system, they knew when the company required input, because the restaurant would request them quite explicitly in a nice manner to leave their inputs.








这种选题方法应注意: “拟想”虽然别人还没有谈到,但自己尚缺乏足够的理由来加以论证,那就应该中止,再作重新构思。要善于捕捉一闪之念,抓住不放,深入研究。在阅读文献资料或调查研究中,有时会突然产生一些思想火花,尽管这种想法很简单、很朦胧,也未成型,但千万不可轻易放弃。






自由贸易和新自由主义的意识形态开放了边界。技术的出现能够有效地雇用来自不同地理位置的人员为同一项目工作,并根据人民的意识形态开发可交付成果。研究发现,那些曾经被认为不可转移的工作可以很容易地被转移到不同的领域(Oikelome和Healy, 2007)。全球化对人们的生活产生了相当大的影响。它带来了积极和消极的影响。人们发现,越来越多的人受到全球化的影响,特别是在就业领域。现在所有的就业机会都是面向世界市场的。在这方面,有几个问题被发现公司面临。目前的制度并不是真正的进步制度。有一些严重的差距需要立即加以解决。本分析的目的是观察就业的细微差别和影响系统中雇员的因素。

在英国获得学位的医生与亚洲特定地区的医生之间进行了一项研究(Oikelome和Healy, 2007)。证明了员工的奖励、工作量、自由度以及员工的整体士气等因素。在二零零四年,曾对一千七百一十五名职员及副专科医生进行定量研究。海外合格的医生在没有太多自主权和士气低落的情况下,开始在更长的时间里工作。尽管困难重重,他们仍然继续工作。但在英国工作的医生却不是这样。这项研究指出,不仅仅是钱的问题导致医生在特定的环境下工作。除了钱,当他们来自其他不同的国家时,劳动力资源是从属的(Oikelome和Healy, 2007)。


Free trade and the ideologies of neo liberalism have opened borders. The advent of technology has been able to effectively employ people from different geographical locations to work for the same project and develop deliverables based on the ideologies of the people. It has been found that the jobs that were once considered non-transferable have been able to be easily transferred to different points across the spectrum (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). Globalization has caused considerable impact on the life of the people. It has caused both positive and negative effects. It has been found that there are a growing number of people who are increasingly affected by the impact of globalization especially in the areas of employment. All jobs are now for the world markets. In this, there are several issues that the companies are found to face. Current system is not really progressive system. There are some serious gaps that need to be addressed immediately. Purpose of this analysis is to look into the nuances of employment and the factors affecting the employees in the system.

A research was undertaken between the doctors who had procured the degree in UK with the doctors in the Asia specific region (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). The factors of employee rewards, workload, freedom and the overall morale of the employees were proved. A quantitative study of 1,715 Staff and Associate Specialist doctors was undertaken in the year 2004. Overseas qualified doctors were filling to work for more duration when they did not have much autonomy and a lower morale. They continued to work despite the odds. This was not the case with doctors who were working inside the UK. This study points out that it is not only the case of money that causes the doctors to work in a specific environment. Apart from money, the labour pool is subservient when they come from other countries across the spectrum (Oikelome and Healy, 2007).



Fastenal公司主要总部位于美国明尼苏达州。它们的功能是将其他企业使用的商品进行分配。销售的产品包括工业产品、建筑产品和安全产品。它在许多国家都有业务。他们在北美、澳大利亚和欧洲大陆开展业务(Manrique和Manrique, 2015)。他们主要是工业分销商。下面将详细讨论公司面临的挑战和建议。他们从根本上拥有良好的品牌形象,提供便捷的服务、库存管理和加工工艺。

它在美国国内市场上占有重要地位。发现公司面临着消费者需求变化、创新管理、服务管理和沟通问题(Manrique and Manrique, 2015)。除此之外,经济波动也会影响企业的运营。他们已经成功收购了一些规模较小的企业,并制定了扩张计划。他们需要解决这些问题,否则他们将被竞争对手取代。公司需要解决这四个主要挑战,如果他们想在未来持续下去。


Fastenal Company is primarily headquartered in Minnesota in United States of America. They function as a business that distributes the used good by other businesses. The goods that are sold includes industrial products, construction products and safety products. It has operations in many countries across the spectrum. They operate in the North America, Australia and European continents (Manrique and Manrique, 2015). They are primarily an industrial distributor. The challenges faced by the company and the recommendations are discussed in detail in the following. They fundamentally have a good brand image, they offer expedient services, inventory management and machining process.

It is a strong presence in the domestic United States market. The company is found to face the issues of changing consumer requirements, management of innovation, management of services and communication issues (Manrique and Manrique, 2015). Apart from this, the fluctuating economy affects the operational aspect of the business. They have managed acquisition of smaller organizations and have plans for expansions. They need to address these issues else and they will be replaced by their competitors. The company needs to address these four main challenges if they want to sustain in the future.

personal statement 代写:Paddy Power和Betfair的合并

personal statement 代写:Paddy Power和Betfair的合并

由于许多原因,Paddy Power和Betfair的合并已经完成。首先,两家公司预计合并后会有更大的规模,这将带来更高的投资回报,这将跨越现有市场和新市场。目前,在线收入Paddy Power£507 m和Betfair的£495 m(Paddy Power公司股价,2015)。当两相结合,在线收入将在1005年左右£m将只有不到Bet365这是全球最大的公司。以下是其他博彩公司(Paddy Power)和必发(Betfair)各自赚取的收入,以及它们在合并后合作的假设。其次,Paddy Power和Betfair的合并也可能为两家公司提供领先的运营能力和人才。

personal statement 代写:Paddy Power和Betfair的合并
第三,合并将有助于增加专有技术和游戏内容,也将导致差异化产品。这将有助于实施更好的技术。第四,此次合并还将有助于在全球最大的监管市场上创建一家重要的Paddy power公司。这是因为Betfair是一家全球性公司,遍布全球(Paddy Power Plc, 2015)。第五,必发在全球最大的证券交易所伦敦证券交易所上市。合并后,必发股份将在伦敦证券交易所上市。这对水稻发电有利,因为水稻发电和必发公司的总股值会越来越高。

personal statement 代写:Paddy Power和Betfair的合并

The merger between Paddy Power and Betfair had been done because of a large number of reasons. Firstly, the two companies expected that after the merger there will be a greater scale which will lead to higher returns on the investment which is across the existing markets and the new markets. At present, the online revenues of Paddy Power are 507 £m and that of Betfair are 495 £m (Paddy Power plc, 2015). When the two will be combined, the online revenues will be around 1005 £m which would be only less than Bet365 which is the largest company across the Globe. Here is the list of revenues earned by other betting companies, by Paddy Power and Betfair individually and the assumption of the same when they’ll work together after the merger.Secondly, Paddy Power and Betfair merger might also help to provide the leading operational capabilities and talent for both the companies.

personal statement 代写:Paddy Power和Betfair的合并
Thirdly, the merger will help in the increase in the proprietary technology and the gaming content and will also lead to differentiated products. This will help in the implementation of a better technology. Fourth, the merger will also help in the creating a significant presence of Paddy power in the largest regulated markets in the world. This is because Betfair is a global company and is situated all around the globe (Paddy Power Plc, 2015). Fifth, Betfair has its listing in London Stock Exchange which is the large stock exchange in the world. After the merger the shares of Paddy Power, Betfair will be available in London Stock Exchange. This is useful for Paddy Power as the combined share value of Paddy Power and Betfair will get higher.


同樣,也有其他幾位工人吸收了社會中價值體係不斷下降的地位。他們設法通過喚醒人民來改善局勢。流行音樂觸及了男人、女人和年輕人的情感。他們被流行音樂所教的課程所吸引。菲爾·柯林斯(Phil Collins)的作品中有一個獨特的例子,他喚起了家庭生活的真正價值,並對他的“生命循環”進行了充分的演繹。它恢復了維繫家庭的凝聚力和愛。父母和孩子的角色被重新審視。



Similarly, there were several other workers who absorbed the dwindling status of the value systems in society. They sought to ameliorate the situation by awakening the people. The popular music reached out to the emotions of the men, women and youth. They were drawn towards the lessons taught by the popular music. A singular example is seen in the works of Phil Collins who evoked the true values of family life and gave full-throated rendition to his ‘Circle of Life’. It reinstated the cohesion and love that bonded the family. The roles of the parents and the children were re-visited.

Such musicians brought back the sentiments of eating together and living together. These values had been gradually disappearing but it was the magic wand of popular music that recharged the true family atmosphere. Several musicians and singers have single-handedly made great contributions to this particular aspect of music. Their brand of popular music created a setting of changed mind sets and influenced the world to think differently. Their music was provocative and incendiary to the extent that it fired the imaginations of the youth and galvanized them to take action.



此外,还有每周播出的电视节目,节目中粉丝们通过向偶像明星挥手或叫喊的方式给予共同支持(Wilson et al, 2011)。在屏幕上显示的这些粉丝群体中,大多数都是在学校穿制服、在老师的带领下加入的女孩。一些学校的老师显然帮助他们的流行歌星崇拜学生(怀特等人,2009年)。教育行业的支持描绘了流行歌星崇拜无处不在的年轻个人。这反过来又揭示了娱乐产业增强的影响,这在西方文献中有适当的记载。

Bruno et al(2012)认为,香港娱乐圈也很好地宣传了消费主义、享乐主义、虚荣主义和偶像崇拜(Yue et al, 2013)。年轻女孩对名人和流行歌星的崇拜尤其通过与粉丝自杀等企图有关的事件引起人们的关注。例如,一位女粉丝因负债累累而自杀,这反过来又导致了她对流行歌星崇拜的过度天性的消费。另一名十几岁女孩的粉丝试图自杀,因为她被一个声称要带她去看她最喜欢的明星偶像的男人所伤害。


There are weekly based programs as well, on television which show fan scores lending their collaborative support either through waving or yelling to their idol celebrities (Wilson et al, 2011). Most of such fan groups shown over screen were girls who wore uniforms in school and led through their teachers. Some teachers from schools apparently help in motivating their pop star worship students (White et al, 2009). The educational profession support depicts the pop star worship ubiquity among younger individuals. It in turn results in revealing the enhanced impact of the industry of entertainment which has been documented properly within the West literature.

According to Bruno et al, (2012), the entertainment industry across Hong Kong also does an excellent job to promulgate the consumerism, hedonism, vainglory and worship of idol based norms (Yue et al, 2013). Young girl’s worship of celebrities and pop stars especially attracts the attention of people through incidents being struck related to the attempts of fans such as committing suicide. One female fan, for example, committed suicide as she was under large amount of debt and this in turn resulted from her consumption of in-ordinated nature with regard to pop star worship. Another fan who was a teen girl attempted suicide, as she was victimized through a man who had claimed that he would bring her to see her favourite celebrity idol.



即使有各种各样的方法来解释,知觉过程阶段,心理学家基本上是按照三个阶段来解释的。最初是感官上的灵感;例如,香水的味道会让人想起青春。在这种情况下,一个领导者过去的经历会影响他现在的反应。感知过程的下一个阶段是大脑中激励的分组;即。(Luthans, 2010)。这是一个过程,在这个过程中,每个人都试图以一种他们认为合理的方式来安排事情。感知过程的第三阶段,也是最终阶段,包括理解和传达已经引发的信念,通常包括一种表达性的反应,比如对蛋糕的香味感到高兴,或者听到一首可能与过去有关的歌曲时感到悲伤。

感知的整个过程表明,在企业中,失望是存在的,因为经理们没有注意到工人们说了什么,但是他们期望他们说什么(Patzer和Voegtlin, 2010)。另一种情况是,除了预期之外,员工们不会注意他们的领导说了什么。在这里,是知觉过程选择到达的刺激,并把它们安排成重要的模型。研究还发现,这种分配受到学习、灵感和行为方面的影响,而这些方面会提高预期。连续地,这些期望使人们对特定刺激的反应能力很强,而对其他情况的反应能力较差。根据Furnham(2014),这种反应的意愿被称为人的感性集合。


Even if there are various approaches to explain, perception procedure phases, psychologists largely explain it as per three phases. The initial is sensory inspiration; for instance, smell of a perfume that reminds one of a youth time. Herein, a past incident in a leader’s life influences his current reactions. The subsequent phase in the perception process is the grouping of that incentive in one’s brain; i.e., making a positive or negative logical reaction to the spur (Luthans, 2010). This is a procedure wherein individuals attempt to arrange things in a manner that seems sensible to them. The third and ultimate phase of the perception procedure includes understanding and conveying the belief that has been elicited, usually including an expressive reaction for example cheerful at the perfume of cake, or getting sad when a song is heard as that might be linked to one’s past.

The whole procedure of perception shows a thing that in firms, disappointment is there as managers do not pay attention to what workers speak however what they expect them to speak (Patzer and Voegtlin, 2010). Alternatively, workers do not pay attention to what their leaders speak except what is anticipated.Here, it has been the perceptual process which chooses arriving stimuli and arranges them into significant models. It has also been revealed that this dispensation is impacted by learning, inspiration and behavioural-aspects which raise the anticipations. Consecutively, these expectations make people quite equipped to react to specific stimuli in specific manner and less equipped to react to other situations. As per Furnham (2014), this willingness to react is known as the person’s perceptual set.



















