标签存档: 新西兰论文代写价格



还表示,暴露于有害污染物在空气中以更高的浓度在童年早期天比成人终身的基础上可能会影响他们的健康,因为孩子们消耗更多的空气和食品单位体重(罗德,R·穆勒,R)。发展和快速增长,他们的系统更容易受到毒素的打击,这些皮肤提前滥用可以可见在成年期疾病。北京和中国其他地区的大多数家长都非常担心如何在经常被厚厚的雾霾笼罩的城镇里抚养家庭和孩子(J. Lin, et al . 1740)。另一方面,中国的政府已经敦促他们采取新的政策来改善城市的条件,但是到目前为止结果是负面的(Gao)。北京城市中充满了大量的细颗粒物,也被称为PM (J. Lin, et al . 1741)。颗粒物可以通过自身散射和吸收太阳辐射来影响一个地区的气候,从而损害能见度(Rohde, R.和Muller, R)。

它还影响着北京的天气和气候条件,以及整个中国的气候条件。室外空气污染是中国的一个主要问题,中央政府很少或根本不重视(Vautard, Yiou and Van Oldenborgh 117)。在北京,在冬季,PM2.5的浓度通常会达到300 – 400左右,有时也会达到600左右(Gao),这并不奇怪。一些与健康有关的疾病与北京周围的有毒空气有关(J. Lin, et al . 1736)。已经观察到,污染的空气中北京和中国其他城市每年有大约160万人死亡的主要贡献者(罗德,R·穆勒,R)。在几项研究,孩子更脆弱和任何其他个人,因为空气污染。据记录,恶劣的空气质量可通过引起哮喘和与呼吸道有关的若干疾病影响儿童(经合发组织498)。


It has also been stated that exposure to harmful pollutants in air at a higher concentration at the early childhood days might impact their health on a lifelong basis than adults, since children consume more air and food per unit of their body weight (Rohde, R. and Muller, R). As they are developing and growing rapidly, their systems are more susceptible to the blow of toxins and these pre-mature abuses can be visible as diseases in the adulthood. Majority of the parents in Beijing as well as in other parts of China are very anxious about how they are going to raise their families and children in cities and towns that are regularly covered with thick blanket of smog (J. Lin, et al 1740).Though on the other hand the government of China has urged that they have adopted newer policies that will improve the condition of the cities, but till date results are negative (Gao). The city of Beijing is crowded with huge quantity of fine particulate matter also known as PM (J. Lin, et al 1741). Particulate matter can influence the climate of a region by scattering itself and by absorbing solar radiation and thus impairs visibility (Rohde, R. and Muller, R). This PM is eventually leading to several problems associated with environment and health;

it is also influencing the weather and climate condition of Beijing and that of China as a whole. Outdoor air pollution is a major concern in China with little or no attention being paid by the central government (Vautard, Yiou and Van Oldenborgh 117). In Beijing, during the winter season, the level of PM2.5 goes up to around 300 to 400 mark on a regular basis, and it is not exceptional that it sometimes also touches the 600 mark (Gao). Several health related ailments have been associated with toxic air that encompasses the atmosphere of Beijing (J. Lin, et al 1736). It has been observed that pollution present in the air of Beijing and in other cities of China is the main contributor of deaths of around 1.6 million individuals annually (Rohde, R. and Muller, R). It has been stated in several studies that children are more vulnerable and any other individuals because of air pollution. It has been recorded that poor air quality can impact children by causing asthma and several illnesses associated with the respiratory track (OECD 498).




Bendigo和Adelaide Bank Limited更专注于零售和业务,而BOQ (Bank of Queensland)更专注于消费者存款。在这种情况下,上述挑战对两家银行都有影响。受影响最大的是本迪戈银行和阿德莱德银行有限公司,因为它们专注于零售银行业务。大部分的支付、监管和营销问题都随之而来。与消费部门相比,零售部门有严格的金融监管。零售银行业务直接影响经济,因此有更多的规章制度来控制金融流动。监管状况将影响零售银行的回报率,而不是消费者面临的烘焙行业。


Non-banks are not only increasingly entering the retail payments market in the Australian area in general, however; they are also entering the lending business. For some years now, we have been witnessing a trend towards more capital market-based financing in the euro area, driven by both deleveraging among banks and the very low cost of market finance. The regulatory agenda since the crisis has no doubt been essential. Banks had too little capital, too much short-term funding, too high leverage, and created too great a cost for society when they failed. The reforms that have been introduced so far have increased resilience and, in extremis, made banks less costly to resolve. And there is no reason why this should, in principle, diminish the ability of banks to serve the real economy – research suggests, for example, that higher bank capital has no negative impact on lending.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is more focused on retail and businesses though BOQ (Bank of Queensland) is more focused on consumer deposits. In this scenario the challenges mentioned above impact both the banks. The most impact is on Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited because of retail banking focus. Most of the payment, regulation and marketing issues comes on the way. There are strict financial regulations in the retail sector in comparison to the consumer sector. The retail banking impacts directly the economy and hence more regulations are there to control the financial flow. The regulatory situations will impact the return on retail banking than consumer facing baking sector.



中国作为最大的发展中国家之一,由于人口众多,消费支出增长迅速,拥有巨大的潜在市场,可以吸引世界上无数的商人和跨国公司(Cui, 2000)。由于来自中国的外国产品需求巨大,当地市场的供应充斥着假冒伪劣商品,无法满足巨大的需求。这将是公司打入市场的一个机会。风险是一种存在,它将意味着损失的可能性,或至少潜在的降低预期回报(Meldrum, 2000)。从1890年的霸菱危机到2008年的信贷危机,这似乎与经济危机发生频率的大幅上升相对应。

许多观察家同意日益不稳定的经济体系,认为“在未来几年摆脱经济和金融危机的可能性似乎很小”(金德尔伯格,2000)。本文将风险作为在国外投资的风险集合来进行。汇率是政府行为锁定或冻结资本的风险(Investopedia, 2015),是本研究的重点之一。货币风险的产生,又称汇率风险,是由于公司汇率的重大变动,可能会对公司的利润率和资产价值产生不利影响(Papaioannou, 2006)。货币风险管理是减少企业在国际交易中汇率损失的脆弱性的过程。货币风险管理可以帮助企业将外汇损失最小化,从而达到企业利润最大化的目标。


China, as one of the biggest developing countries, it owns a large potential market to attract countless businessman and multinational corporations in the world due to the enormous population and rapid increase in consumer spending (Cui, 2000). Due to the huge demand of foreign products from China, the supply of the local market is fulfilled with forged and fake commodity so they cannot satisfy the large demand. It will be an opportunity for the company to break into the market.Risk is an existence, which will imply a possibility of loss, or at least a potential reduction of the expected return (Meldrum, 2000). From the Baring crisis in the 1890 to the credit crisis in 2008, it seems this corresponds to a strong increase in the frequency of economic crises.

Many observers agree on the increasingly unstable economic system and believe that “the likelihood of escaping economic and financial crises in the years ahead seems small” (Kindleberger, 2000). In this paper, risk would be conducted as a collection of risks connected with investments in a foreign country. The exchange rate which is the risk of capital being locked up or frozen by government action (Investopedia, 2015), is one of the main focuses of this research. Arisen of currency risk, also known as exchange rate risk, is due to the major exchange rate movements by the company, which could adversely affect profit margins and the value of assets (Papaioannou, 2006). Currency risk management is the process of reducing a firm’s vulnerabilities from exchange rate loss in international transactions. Currency risk management can help the company minimize the exchange loss in order to achieve the goal of the company – profit maximization.



在这一商业理念的背景下,少数民族创业被认为具有其独特的属性,不同于创业概念背后的主流。少数民族企业家主要由移民和少数民族的第三代或第二代人组成。众所周知,在文化和社会接受程度、教育、语言、技能和支助的可及性以及社会主流环境的融合范围等方面,与当地人相比,他们有许多缺点。Fadahunsi et al.(2000)、Deakins et al.(2003)、Assudani(2009)等前人的研究表明,少数民族企业最终会面临许多新的挑战和困难。对于少数民族以下的一些企业家来说,似乎缺乏基本的语言技能和正式资格。



In context of this business idea, entrepreneurship of ethnic minority is known to be having its unique attributed varying out of the mainstream underlying the concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs of ethnic minority mainly are consisting of migrants, and third or second generations out of ethnic minorities. They are known to be having a number of disadvantages when compared to natives with respect cultural and social acceptance, education, language, accessibility of skills and supports, and the scope of integration across the mainstream of a social setting. It has been revealed by previous researchers such as Fadahunsi et al. (2000), Deakins et al. (2003) and Assudani (2009) that businesses of ethnic minority end up facing a number of new challenges and difficulties. For a number of entrepreneurs under ethnic minority, there seems to be an absence of basic skills of language and formal qualification.

Majority of them show willingness in taking risks by the set-up of new business in association with the native sources of customers or suppliers. In a number of cases, for individuals having no or less chance to gain employment in formal setting, therefore, self- employment turns out to be the best option. Among a number of entrepreneurs of ethnic minority, the key intention of their business ventures are small- sized and micro, within key concentration in industries such as that of commerce and catering. Chinese food has been identified as the favourite international cuisine of UK as identified by Mintel, a research organization. Food inspired by the most populous nation of the globe is the favourite cuisine of Britain both in ethnic restaurants and at home.



宏观环境的经济因素可以识别变化和趋势,以实现组织的收入、收入和利益。本组织的经济政策可能与失业和汇率有关。在中粮新疆屯河有限公司,首席经济学家郑洪波认为,为了更好地做好工作,价格的制定是很重要的。市场上的竞争非常激烈,为了参与竞争,经济政策对组织非常重要。目前,组织的能力对于经济规模来说是有限的(Watt, 2013)。中粮管理层决定鼓励农民实行经济政策。在过去,组织的经济以总支出的产出为目标。产品的市场价格需要根据市场需求进行评估。

社会因素与社会信仰、文化行为和价值观有着密切的联系。在social factor方面,它与产品的客户有联系。中粮新疆屯河有限公司拥有国际客户。在农业经济中,社会因素在农民的工作时间和活动结构中起着重要作用。在中国的农村地区,社会在农业经济中扮演着重要的角色。这家公司有从事食品加工的工作,公司有很多员工从事番茄酱的加工。2007年,他们在中国有8000名全职员工。


Economic factor of the macro environment can identify the changes and the trends to realise the income, revenue and interest of the organisation. Economic policies of the organisation can have the connection with unemployment and the exchange rates. In COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd, the chief economist is Zheng Hongbo thought that in order to do a better job, the setting of price is important. The competition in the market is strong and in order to be in the competition, economic policies are important for the organisation. In present time, the capacity of the organisation is limited as for the economies scale (Watt, 2013). Management of the COFCO decided to encourage the farmers to have the economic policies. In older time, economy of the organisation aimed at the output of the total expenses. Market price of the products is needed to evaluate as per the market demands.

Social factor has connection with society beliefs and the cultural behaviors and values. In social factor, it has connection with customers of the products. COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd has international consumers. In agricultural economy, the social factor plays the role in working time and structures of the farmer’s activities. In rural part of the China, society plays an important role in agricultural economy. This company has is working in food processing and the company has many staffs for processing the tomato paste. They had 8,000 full-time employees in China in 2007.





它还要求基于社区的人力资本开发有效地面对挑战(Dugdale et al., 2008)。成功的电子政府是可行的,如果而且只有当民主工作在社区利益和遵循项目,可以让公民变得热情。此外,当看到联网和改进的服务所带来的好处时,不联网的程度应在适当的时间内减少。Kolsaker and Liz(2008)对英国公民对电子政务的态度进行了研究。虽然这项研究是针对约三万名市民进行的,但研究结果对决定电子政府对社会的贡献及范畴非常有帮助。调查结果清楚显示市民对电子政府的兴趣不高。


For a developed nation, this can work out really well with a high degree of educated people who are already aware of ICT systems. On the other hand, a country with lesser number of educated people is likely to attract a limited number of citizens towards e-governance systems. Also, it requires strong regulation on the top to moderate effectively. Still, there are certain challenges in the impact of e-government on e-democracy. While a larger proportion of citizens make use of internet, there is a still a marginal proportion of citizens who still remain unconnected to the developments and the online government services. This becomes a key challenge in this attempt.

It also demands community based human capital development to face challenge effectively (Dugdale et al., 2008). Successful e-government is feasible if and only if the democracy works on community interest and follows programs that can let the citizens become enthusiastic towards them. Further, the degree of unconnected should diminish in a due course of time upon seeing the gains of the connected and improved services. Kolsaker and Liz (2008) have conducted a study on citizen’s attitudes towards e-governance in UK. While the study was conducted for about 30,000 citizens, the results were very helpful to decide on the aspects and offerings of e-government to the society. The findings have clearly indicated that the interest towards e-government is low.



电影中最有趣的场景之一:拳击场景被计划了好几个星期,仅仅五分钟的镜头就花了四天时间。这确实是一段很长的时间,但最终没有经过任何编辑就完成了。那是卓别林的一个复杂的舞蹈动作,但很值得!(戴曼)即使在声道中,卓别林也表现出了他的完美主义。他没有把任务交给任何人,而是自己为电影谱写了优美的旋律。对于流浪汉的远足和其他场景,他得到了一个优秀的音乐背景。然而,在这苍翠的声音中,他叫来了乐师。卓别林后来说他想把《城市之光》的音乐作为魅力和优雅的对位。Jose Padilla的西班牙语主题曲“leitmotif”被这位盲人女孩用来创作歌曲“La Violetera”。然而,帕迪拉对卓别林提起了诉讼,控告他没有把卓别林输掉的那个主题归功于他。



One of the funniest scenes of the movie: the boxing scene was planned for many weeks and just five minutes shot took four days to soot. It was indeed a long time, but eventually it was done without any editing. That was a complicated choreography of Chaplin, but worth it! (DeMain)Even in the sound tracks, Chaplin displayed his perfectionism. He did not give the task to anyone else and he penned the elegant melodies for the movie all by himself. For the Tramp’s hijinks and other scenes, he scored an excellent musical backdrop. However, filling in the verdant sound, he called upon the musicians. Chaplin later stated that he wanted the music of “City Lights” as the counterpoint of charm and elegance. Jose Padilla’s Spanish theme ‘leitmotif’ was used for the song “La Violetera” by the blind girl. However, Padilla filed a lawsuit against Chaplin for not giving him the credit for the theme, which Chaplin lost (Gladysz).

Much before the filming of ‘City Lights’, the film industry had seen the rise of sound movies. This led to many speculations as to how Chaplin would introduce his world famous character ‘Trump’ with voice. Critics and even the spectators had made guesses about how Chaplin would impose the sound to its character, whether it will be monolingual or single voice. Chaplin ended all the speculations by filming “City Lights” without any voice, like all his previous movies. However, he introduced a few sound effects such as the chirping sound of the whistle he made, to show his skills of using the sound as creatively as he used images for comedy, all though his career. The harmonized music score and the live orchestra made the silent movie sound excellently well (Gladysz).





论文名称就是课题的名字 第一,名称要准确、规范。准确就是论文的名称要把论文研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚,论文的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要准确地把你研究的对象、问题概括出来。 第二,名称要简洁,不能太长。不管是论文或者课题,名称都不能太长,能不要的字就尽量不要。


研究的目的、意义也就是为什么要研究、研究它有什么价值。这一般可以先从现实需要方面去论述,指出现实当中存在这个问题,需要去研究,去解决,本论文的研究有什么实际作用,然后,再写论文的理论和学术价值。这些都要写得具体一点,有针对性一点,不能漫无边际地空喊口号。主要内容包括:⑴ 研究的有关背景(课题的提出): 即根据什么、受什么启发而搞这项研究。 ⑵ 通过分析教育教学实际,指出为什么要研究该课题,研究的价值,要解决的问题。




论文写作的目标也就是课题最后要达到的具体目的,要解决哪些具体问题,也就是本论文研究要达到的预定目标:即本论文写作的目标定位,确定目标时要紧扣课题,用词要准确、精练、明了。常见存在问题是:不写研究目标;目标扣题不紧;目标用词不准确; 目标定得过高,对预定的目标没有进行研究或无法进行研究。









孩子们的社会经济地位和母亲的教育水平也在语言习得过程中起着重要的作用(Venetsanou &坎巴人,2010)。现代分离形成的主要影响因素这些都是幼儿园。人们已经发现,孩子们在他们的投标年龄花大量的时间在幼儿园。他们开发运动和认知能力在这些幼儿园(Venetsanou &坎巴人,2010)。这些幼儿园集中在运动发育起着重要的作用在孩子的学习语言。任何运动或语言发展是主要依赖于幼儿园。任何负面后果或恶性教学过程将对孩子产生长期的不良后果。



The socio economic status of the children and the education levels of the mothers also play an important role in the language acquisition process (Venetsanou, & Kambas, 2010). The major influencing factor in the modern age apart form these are the preschools. It has been found that the children in their tender ages spend a lot of time in the preschools. They develop motor and cognitive abilities in these preschools (Venetsanou & Kambas, 2010). These preschools which focus on the motor development play an important role in the children’s learning the language. Any motor or linguistic development is majorly dependent on the preschools. Any negative consequence or malignant teaching process will have long-term negative consequence on the child.

Another important factor that aids in the learning process of the children is the age related factor. Even though the preschoolers have the ability to gain newer language, this ability is to increase in the developmental ages. The age is a major facilitating factor in learning of a subject. Children’s genetic or organic potential, family member’s interaction or educational level, socio cultural, socio economic are the important factors that play a major role in the language development of a child. In the modern age, the most important factor is the influence on the preschool or kindergarten teaching methods on the child.



如果現金儲備不能被用於一個新項目提供更多的回報,那麼多餘的現金應投資於短期投資項目為公司賺取利息(Bline &費舍爾,2014)。 ROCE多數分析師的估計,是一個更好的估計的費爾菲爾德對羅伊的評價。因為羅伊只考慮股東的資金,因此排除了長期債務和負債對盈餘質量的影響。 ROCE另一方面,包括所有的測量以確保返回的多樣化的資本基礎。費爾菲爾德有限公司擁有足夠的流動性和沒有立即關注關於任何營運資金問題和支付問題。然而,建議管理投資流動資產的一部分,特別是現金收入產生以來投資流動資產本身不會產生收益(Bettinghaus,2013)。


The firm would be hard-pressed to increase the gross margin through further increase in sales revenue, and thus maximizing the larger fixed annual costs. Further the management would do well to reduce materials costs by entering into a long term supply agreement with old suppliers to be able to keep the prices down.The operating margin can be further improved through reduction in the production costs. As a larger operating, margin is an indication of operating efficiency. And as a result, the company would be much better placed to deal with fixed costs. So reducing the variable costs through better planning is necessary.To improve the ROCE of the firm, the firm’s management needs to ensure that capital is not sitting idle in the form of a large cash reserve. The management must ensure that excess cash reserves are put into interest earning investments in the short term. This would make sure the returns are healthy on whole of the capital.

If cash reserves can’t be used in a new project giving more returns, then the excess cash shall be invested in short term investing projects to earn interest for the firm (Bline & Fischer, 2014). And to the reckoning of most analysts, the ROCE is a much better estimate of Fairfield’s assessment of ROE. Because ROE takes into consideration only the shareholders’ funds, and thus excludes the effect of long term debts and liabilities on earning quality. On the other hand, ROCE includes all of this to ensure the return is measured in terms of a diverse capital base. The Fairfield limited has adequate liquidity and there is no immediate concern regarding any working capital issues and payment concerns. However, it is suggested that the management invests a part of the current assets, and particularly cash in income generating investment since current assets in themselves would not generate earnings (Bettinghaus, 2013).