标签存档: 新西兰代写论文



在巴基斯坦,进口食品和当地食品之间存在着激烈的竞争。调查发现,该公司将面临Engro Foods、Haleb Foods和Shezan等现有品牌的竞争。这些是当地的竞争者。除了雀巢,联合利华和宝洁将是主要的竞争对手(Gupta et al., 2013)。这些品牌是国际竞争对手。这家公司尚未站稳脚跟。公司要建立自己的品牌,就必须对产品有独特的品牌定位。它应该提供创新的差异化产品。产品设计也应该在美学上吸引一般的巴基斯坦消费者。Haigh stores可以被认为是澳大利亚的特产。竞争优势将集中在真正的澳大利亚食品的口味给巴基斯坦消费者。这应该是对澳大利亚口味的庆祝,也应该向巴基斯坦消费者承诺一种新的口味。该公司仍然是一家私营公司,已设法维持了一个多世纪。这家公司应该专注于旗舰产品。巴基斯坦人民愿意尝试不同于雀巢、联合利华等国际通用品牌的正品。
当地人已经从当地竞争对手那里尝到了甜头。它们应该被定位为一种能让消费者有更新品味的产品。年轻人愿意尝试新的口味。这应该是公司的营销技巧(Kotler and Armstrong, 2013)。黑巧克力不应偏离其核心口味和营销原则。它们应该作为巴基斯坦消费者可以体验的产品进行营销。优势:发展中的经济,开放的人谁想体验新的口味和新兴的中产阶级将证明有良好的市场为公司(科特勒和阿姆斯特朗,2013)。公司拥有独特的产品线,这是一个积极的方面,以市场的产品。劣势:不断变化的政治动态和金融市场波动将对国家构成威胁。这家公司的弱点是他们没有到其他国家去冒险。当涉及到迎合国际消费者时,他们需要有不同的营销风格。机会:改变文化动态,吸引青年人口是该公司的机会领域。威胁:该国有时转向民族主义或保护主义政策。事实可能会证明,它们会给跨国公司带来麻烦。竞争的加剧对公司来说也是一个非常大的威胁。


In Pakistan there is a heavy competition for the imported food and local competition. It has been found that the company will have competition from existing brands such as Engro Foods, Haleb foods and Shezan. These are the local competitors. Apart from this Nestle, Unilever and Proctor and Gamble will be the main competitors (Gupta et al., 2013). These brands are the international competitors. The company is yet to establish itself. To establish itself the company should have unique brand positioning of the product. It should offer differentiated product that is innovative. The product design should also be aesthetically appealing to the average Pakistani consumers.Haigh stores can be considered as a store that is Australian specialty. The competitive advantage will be to focus on the flavours of real Australian foods to the Pakistani consumers. It should be a celebration of the Australian taste and should promise the Pakistani consumer a newer taste. The company is still a privately owned company that has managed to sustain over a century. The company should focus on its flagship products. The Pakistani people are willing to try authentic products that would be different from the generic international brands such as Nestle and Unilever.
The people already have a rich taste from the local competitors. They should be positioned as a product that enables a newer taste for the consumers. The youth demography is willing to try newer taste. This should be the marketing technique for the company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). Haigh chocolates should not deviate from their core taste and principles of marketing. They should be marketed as a product that the Pakistani consumer can experience.Strength: Developing economy, open minded people who want to experience newer taste and the rising middle class will prove to have good market for the company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). The company has a unique product line that is a positive aspect to market the products. Weakness: Changing political dynamics and the financial market fluctuation will be a threat to the nation. The weakness of the company is that they have not ventured to any other nation. They need to have a different marketing style when it comes to catering to the international consumers. Opportunities: Changing cultural dynamics, attracting the youth demography are the areas of opportunity for the company. Threats: The country sometimes shifts to nationalism or protectionist policy. They can prove to be a hassle for international companies. Rise in competition can also be a very high threat for the company.



在目前的制度和组织结构中,人们已经注意到,国家的经济繁荣有助于产生浪费。再生城市的概念是增加城市的财富。促进城市财富增长的主要决定因素是对城市综合景观的贡献。在本研究中,提出制度资本可以被用于城市增长的协同正向过程。城市规划作为一种工具,被广泛应用于降低熵值的较新的经济模式,为城市财富的增加做出贡献。共同的愿景,共同的增长目标,让所有人都参与到城市设计中,可以导致地理区域的增长(Harvey, 2012)。
计划权是一个需要全社会参与的概念。马拉维独有的规划政策导致该地区形成了更多的贫民窟(Harvey, 2012)。究其根源,主要是收入分配不平等在社会中的作用。这导致大多数人住在城市的贫民区。通过对成功城市的分析发现,这些城市在该地区具有创新性的城市规划和发展(Harvey, 2012)。应该有一个更加创新的城市规划和设计,以满足社会上所有的人。要把发展的重点放在结构调整上,把城市设计的重点放在满足全体人民的需要上。


In the current system and the organizational structure, it has been observed that the economic prosperity of the nation contributes to creation of waste. The concept of regenerative city is to increase the wealth of the city. The main determinants that promote towards the growth of the city wealth are the contribution towards the comprehensive landscape of the city. In this research it has been proposed that the institutional capital can be used for the synergistic positive processes of growth in the city. Urban planning is used as a tool for reduction of the widespread entropy of the newer economic model for the increase in the wealth of the city. Shared vision, common objective of growth and involving all the people in the urban design can lead towards the growth of the geographical area (Harvey, 2012).
Right to planning is a concept that needs the inputs of all the people in the society. The exclusive planning policy in Malawi has led to formation of more slums in the areas (Harvey, 2012). The major root cause is the role of unequal income distribution in the society. This had led to the majority of the people to live in slum areas in the city. From analysis of the successful cities it has been found that they have innovative urban planning and development in the region (Harvey, 2012). There should be a more innovative urban planning and design that caters to all the people in the society. They should focus the areas of development towards restructure or the urban design projects to meet the requirements of all the people.









第四,iterature Review的写作可根据所选取参考资料中 Literature Review部分的内容进行写作。同时进行Methodology部分的书写,可参考学长的优秀论文习作,也可以参考资料中的内容写作。正文的写作同样是以自己所列出的提纲及框架结构为依据,按照所找的文献资料进行书写的。写作过程中一定要注意内容的丰富性、准确性及逻辑性,避免前言不搭后语的现象发生。







溶解度试验是进行的首要试验。因此,大约0.1毫克的粉末被放入水中,以检查它是否溶于水。pHTest:首先,酸性或碱性化合物的性质是建立和PH测试条使用,以确定其PH.Flame测试:首先,火焰进行了测试。火焰测试是为了根据化合物在火焰下的发射光谱来识别化合物中是否存在金属离子等元素。每种化学元素都有其特有的发射光谱。为了确认下表中的阳离子,进行了火焰试验。上述指南有助于缩小在火焰测试中产生特定颜色的化合物的范围。测试二氧化碳:这个测试是确定如果在问题有二氧化碳。为了鉴定CO3,在化合物中加入1 ml 0.1M HCl。根据这个实验,当反应嘶嘶作响时,化合物中含有CO3。
氯离子测试:下一个测试一旦二氧化碳的存在与否是确定了是进行氯离子测试。测试时,将1 mL 6M HNO3和1 mL 0.1M AgNO3溶液分别加入1 mL未知化合物中。根据这个测试,如果有白色沉淀的形成,还有卤离子或醋酸或硫酸ionsTest排名:卤化物进行测试后,下一步是进行这个测试排名,但只有当碘被排除了。将1ml未知溶液置于试管中,然后小心翼翼地加入3ml浓硫酸H2SO4。然后,将混合物彻底冷却,使产生混合物的管道倾斜45度。在管的内侧,倒入2ml的FeSO4溶液溶液。当后者浮在较重液体的顶部时,要做一个检查,以确定在这两种液体的交界处是否形成了一个棕色的环。


Solubility test was the primary test to be conducted. So about 0.1 mg of powder was placed in water to check for whether it dissolves in water.pHTest:Firstly, the acidic or basic nature of the compound was to be established and the PH test strip was made use of to determine its PH.Flame Test:Firstly, the flame test was conducted. The flame test is conducted in order to identify the presence of elements such as metal ions in a compound based on the emission spectrum of the compound when exposed to flame. Each chemical element has its own characteristic emission spectrum. In order to confirm the cation from the following table, the flame test was used. The above guide helped in narrowing down on the compounds that could produce a specific color in the flame test. Test for CO3:This test was to identify if the compound in question has CO3 in it. For identification of CO3, 1 ml of 0.1M HCl was added to the compound. According to this test, when the reaction is fizz, the compound contains CO3.
Test for Cl anion:The next test once the presence or absence of CO3 is identified is to conduct the Cl anion test. For the test, 1 mL of 6M HNO3 and 1 mL of 0.1M AgNO3 solution will be added to 1 mL of the unknown compound. According to this test, if there is a formation of white precipitate, then there are halide ions or acetate or sulfate ionsTest for NO3:Once the test for halide was conducted, then the next step was to proceed with this test for NO3 but only when iodine is ruled out. 1 mL of the unknown solution is first placed in a test tube and then 3ml of concentrated H2SO4 is added to the solution with caution. The mixture is then cooled thoroughly and the tube in which the mix is produced is then inclined to an angel of 45 degree. In the inner side of the tube, a 2 ml liquid solution of FeSO4 solution is poured inside. When the latter floats at the top of the heavier liquid, a check is done to confirm if a brown ring is formed at the junction of the two liquids.


佛蘭德藝術主要包括對農村地區人們的經驗表徵。隨著世界範圍內的城市化進程,意大利不得不以城市經驗取代鄉村經驗。此外,戰爭圖像和歷史事件也消失了。傳統的加爾文地區文化也被取代,人們尋找戲劇性的景觀。這在每幅畫中都增加了商業化的一面(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。農業和其他商業活動被排除在風景畫之外。然而,其他的藝術作品包括商業化,因此,當前的趨勢和場景是代表性的主題,而不是對山水畫的常規定義。傳統學科消失的主要原因是工業革命(懷爾德,2007)。意大利的藝術作品被傳播到世界各地。山水畫獲得了新的表現形式。戶外寫生是巴比松畫家的創作重點,這種寫生手法被認為是一種寫生手法。這一景觀攝影誕生後,增強並改變了景觀藝術家的構圖選擇。另一種表現是革命性的藝術作品。
雖然自然的背景仍然是一致的和可見的,新技術給意大利帶來了新的視覺體驗形式。後來的一代也引進了激進的繪畫技巧。這意味著要創造更深刻的印象,並以創新思維來表達想法。這發生在印象派時期(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。 19世紀和20世紀顯示了藝術和攝影之間直接聯繫的重要性。隨著工業化的發展,藝術家們開始將藝術視為一種職業,而不僅僅是一種表達方式。這就是商業化的開始。藝術家們通過各種形式的山水畫來回應全球問題。正是在20世紀,風景畫獲得了一個新的定義和替代的表現形式。景觀攝影得到了普及,並被用作創作藝術作品的來源,人們非常關注保護和全球意識問題。除了傳播意大利文化,它還關注創造影響。


Flemish art mainly included empirical representations of people in rural regions. With the urbanization round the world, Italy had to replace the rural experience with urban experience. Further, war images and historical events disappeared. The traditional Calvinist regional culture was also replaced and people looked out for dramatic landscapes. This added aspect of commercialization in every painting (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). Farming and other commercial activities were excluded from the sets of landscape paintings. However, other art works included commercialization and hence, the current trends and scenes were the subjects of representation than the regular definitions given to landscape painting. The main reason for the disappearance of conventional subjects was industrial revolution (Wilder, 2007). Italian art work was spread to other countries across the world.Landscape painting attained new forms of representation. Painting out of doors straight from the nature was the focus of Barbizon painters and this practice was regarded as plain air painting. After the birth of this landscape photography, it enhanced and also altered the compositional choices of the landscape artists. The other representation is revolutionary art work.
While the natural backgrounds were still consistent and visible, new techniques gave fresh forms of visual experiences in Italy. The subsequent generation also introduced radical painting techniques. These were meant to create deeper impressions and think innovative to represent ideas. This occurred during the period of Impressionism (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). 19th and 20th centuries displayed significance of direct connection between art and photography. The increased industrialization transformed artists to regard this as a profession and not just as a mode of expression. This is how the commercialization began. Artists responded to the global issues through varied forms of landscape paintings. It was during 20th century when landscape painting gained a new definition and alternate forms of representation. Landscape photography gained popularity and was used as the source to create the art work and people were extremely concerned about the conservation and global awareness issues. In addition to spreading the culture of Italy, it was concerned about creating impacts.










在雲計算領域有幾個隱私問題,保密性就是其中之一。有來自用戶的主要威脅。這包括從內部使用雲計算機。有惡意云提供商用戶和惡意云客戶用戶。用戶還包括第三方性質的惡意用戶,這些用戶要么支持雲提供商,要么支持客戶的組織(Puthal et al., 2015)。內部人員查看客戶數據的威脅存在於雲計算中。這種威脅是一個更高的風險,因為每個交付模型都可以滿足內部方式的多個用戶的需求。例如,Saas是雲的管理員提供者和客戶,Paas是測試環境中的管理人員和應用程序與IaaS開發人員的應用程序。此應用程序有助於促進來自第三方平台的顧問。來自外部的攻擊者的威脅的方式是多方面的,包括雲基礎設施的攻擊通過遠程軟件,雲應用程序攻擊遠程軟件,雲本身受到遠程硬件、端點的雲用戶的組織兩個遠程攻擊的硬件和軟件,客戶雲用戶和雲提供商的用戶在社會工程(狄龍扮演的一個角色et al ., 2010)。
認為,外部攻擊者帶來的威脅可能會適用於公共互聯網體驗雲,但云交付的所有形式的模型是由攻擊者的外部影響的性質,特別是在這樣的私人云在目標用戶的端點。擁有大量數據的雲提供商還沉迷於存儲個人信息、敏感的知識產權或政府財產、信用卡信息等。這些數據受到討論組的隱私攻擊,它們試圖用大量資源生成數據。這涉及到社會工程的威脅、供應鏈攻擊和專用攻擊者的硬件攻擊(Hashem et al., 2015)。數據洩漏是另一個保密因素,其中存在安全訪問權限在各個領域失效的威脅,雲備份和數據的物理和電子傳輸系統失效。因此,人們認為,在具有潛在競爭對手性質的各種組織中,數據的大規模洩漏所帶來的威脅,涉及到使用相同的雲提供商。這可能是由於人為錯誤或硬件故障而導致的信息洩露。


There are several privacy issues within the domain of cloud computing, and confidentiality is one of them. There are major threats from the user. This includes using the cloud computer from the inside. There are cloud provider users of malicious kind and malicious customer user of cloud. The users are also inclusive of malicious user of third party nature who either support the provider of cloud or the organizations of the customer (Puthal et al., 2015). The threat present of insiders viewing the data of customer, are held within the cloud. This threat is a higher risk as each model of delivery can surface the requirement of multiple users of internal manner. For an instance, Saas is an administrator provider and customer of cloud, Paas is an application for managers within the environment of testing and developers of application and IaaS. This application helps in facilitating the consultants from third party platform. The threats from the attacker of external manner are various, including the cloud infrastructure attacked through remote software, cloud applications attacked by the remote software, cloud itself attacked by the remote hardware, endpoint of the cloud user’s organizations attacked by the both remote hardware and software, customer users and cloud along with provider users of cloud within the social engineering (Dillion et al., 2010).
It is perceived that the threats arising from the external attacker might be applicable to the public internet that experiences cloud but all forms of models of cloud delivery are impacted by the attackers of external nature, especially in clouds that are private wherein the target is the endpoints of user. Providers of cloud holding large amount of data also indulge in storing the personal information, sensitive intellectual or governmental property, details of credit cards etc. These are subjected to privacy attacks from the discussed groups with an attempt to yield data with considerable resources. This involves the threat of social engineering, supply chain attacks and hardware attacks by the attackers that are dedicated (Hashem et al., 2015). Leakage of data is yet another factor of confidentiality wherein there are threats of security access rights failed throughout various domains, transport systems failed of both physical and electronic nature for the backups and data of cloud. Hence, it is regarded that threat from the vastly spread leakage of data amid various organizations of potential competitor nature, engage in utilizing the same provider of cloud. This can be due to the error of human or hardware fault will result to the compromised information.

代写 英文论文之新西兰留学文书该如何写

代写 英文论文之新西兰留学文书该如何写

随着出国留学人数的上涨,有很多人选择了新西兰留学,哪里自然风光优美,人文气息浓郁,是很多人的理想学习和生活之地。想去新西兰留学,首先考虑的是如何写作一篇优秀的申请文书,下面来跟代写 英文的老师一起来看看新西兰留学文书该如何写。




新西兰留学文书其实是你个人的广告!要重点突出,形象鲜明。仔细想想,留下深刻印象广告哪个不是简明而富有创意的?许多申请人往往想把自己的全部优点写出来告诉教授,觉得这样才全面展现自己。但是:”Simple is the best “,试想一下,招生教授天天都要做大量的教学工作,要抽出时间阅读数量可观留学申请资料,有那种简单有力的文章才能HIT THE TARGET,让人印象深刻!我们的理念是简明而有创意的!



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What ten conditions does Pogge consider regarding radical inequality? Radical inequality in the society refers to the disproportionate assets and resources between the different members in the society. Pogge to substantiate or constitute the cases of radical inequality in society proposes 10 major conditions. These conditions should be met for a society to be considered as radically unequal. Conditions one to five discusses in detail about the pervasive conditions that are created in cases for extreme poverty in the society. First five conditions explain the factors that constitute to be extreme poverty and differentials. Condition six states that social order that foster extreme poverty is the root cause of radical inequality in the society. Condition 7 states there are no other feasible alternative that exists in the society where extreme poverty occurs. Condition eight states that the case of social inequality is caused by natural disasters. Condition nine primarily explains that the people in adverse extreme poverty do not have access to any of the common resources of the society. Condition ten in radical inequality is the condition that analysis the historical precedent of an event.
What is his six-step argument for a “global resources dividend”?First condition states that social system is based on the five conditions of radical equality. It means that anyone who fosters the institutional system of poverty is facilitator for the poverty. Second condition explains about the root causes of poverty. It would attribute towards creation of the system is because of historical precedent or natural disasters. There can be no substantial claims for the various conditions attributed for radical equality in the society. Third condition states that the humankind fosters this state of radical inequality. Fourth condition states that require the current system of institution require some form of justification. Fifth condition explains how several aspects of condition 2 need to be met. Sixth condition explains that this institution cannot be justified and it causes extreme economics difference in the society.



心理学家丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)和阿莫斯·特沃斯基(Amos Tversky)在1970年建立了前景理论,其中包括价值和禀赋概念。Value代表一个参考点,损益都可以从这个参考点估算出来,而endowment则是指购买者在其他人没有某件物品时对该物品的有价值的占有。消费者在做决定时使用不同类型的策略。在补偿策略中,消费者在市场上购买商品时,对某一特征给予较高的价值,而对另一特征给予较低的价值。同样,在非补偿策略中,购买者会给两个属性相同的值。如果一个值不能满足客户的需求,那么该项目将立即从他们的想法中删除。
社会经济地位较低的消费者使用线索利用理论(Richardson et al., 1994)来判断产品。目前,联合测量和多维尺度被广泛用作决策过程的测量工具(Green & Wind, 1973)。Conjunctive、disjunctive、lexicographic、compensation都用于研究消费者的行为。词典是决定产品优劣的最重要因素。决策过程中还涉及两种营销理论。一个是参与性,另一个是品牌意识。认知尝试在介入理论中占有重要地位。认知信息是程序性学习的过程(Allen and Madden, 1985)。它自动地出现在一个人的头脑中,并相应地采取行动(Blackwell et al., 2001)。


Psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky built up the Prospect theory in the year 1970, in which they included value and endowment concept. Value represents a reference point and both loss and gains can be estimated from that reference point, whereas endowment refers valuable possession of an item by a purchaser when others do not have. Consumers use different types of strategy while making decisions. In the compensatory strategy, while purchasing an item from the market, consumers give higher values to one characteristic and less to another. Similarly, in the non-compensatory strategy, the purchasers will give equal values to both the attributes. If one value fails to satisfy the customer, immediately the item will be removed from their thoughts.
Consumer with a low socioeconomic status uses cue utilization theory (Richardson et al., 1994) through which they can judge the product. Currently, conjoint measurement and multidimensional scaling are widely used as a measurement tools for decision making process (Green & Wind, 1973). Conjunctive, disjunctive, lexicographic, compensatory are used for studying the behaviour of the consumer. Lexicographic is the most important factor where the item can be selected immediately if it is superior to other products.Two marketing theories are also involved in the decision making process. One is the involvement and the other is the brand consciousness. Cognitive attempt plays an important part in involvement theory. The cognitive information is the process of procedural learning (Allen and Madden, 1985). It comes automatically in one’s mind and act accordingly (Blackwell et al., 2001).