标签存档: 硕士毕业论文代写


代写论文-现代预算管理。在没有责任和控制机制的情况下,现代预算管理通过整合已知的财务结果来更好地支持绩效管理,同时确保更频繁地重新预测预算并将其与绩效趋势分析联系起来(Buhalis, 2000)。有许多可用的方法来开发性能指标并报告性能。预算管理在提供交付绩效的路线图时是有用的,同时提供关于预期结果的详细信息,这些信息可被前瞻性经理用于指导决策以达到预期目标。当旅游经营者展望未来的业务阶段时,管理当局必须了解考虑员工或材料需求的必要性(Eagles, 2002)。当预期销售额在同一时期的预算中显示时,管理人员可以对销售和确定原材料需求或劳动时间要求的积压工作占用预算成本。论文范文代写论文-现代预算管理分享给留学生阅读。

Without the loss of accountability and control mechanisms, modern budget management is better in supporting the management of performance by the integration of known financial results, while ensuring to re- forecast budget more frequently and linking it to analyse the trends of performance (Buhalis, 2000). There are a number of approaches available to develop metrics of performance and report the performance.
For controlling financial performance, hands- on managers have the key responsibility to maintain a detailed overview about the bigger picture of the company (Christie and Mason, 2003). This is often difficult as business organizations, especially tour operation, face several crises on daily basis. Management of budget is useful in providing a road map for the delivery of performance, while offering information in detail regarding the expected results that can be used by proactive manager for guiding decision to the goals desired. As tour operators looks ahead at the phase of business, management authorities must understand the need of considering the requirement of staff or material (Eagles, 2002). When expected sales are shown in a budget for the same period of time, budgeted costs can be taken up by management for the sales and backlog work for determining the needs of raw materials or requirement of labour hours. Effective managers are known for considering adjustments on the basis of current conditions of market that may involve variations since the devising of budget was done. Further ahead, activities of budget management, such as comparison of budget with year- to- year performance, helps in deciding how a manager should be approaching a challenge or an issue. In addition, the key objective is not just meeting the budget, but also looking for ways to make improvement (Hughes and Ballantyne, 2001). Hence, by the regular management of budget, perfect analysis of the operations is conducted, while often providing hints for the effective focus of effort on the improvement of controlling financial performance.

论文范文代写论文-现代预算管理就为留学生分享到这里。有关更多论文代写的问题,留学生们可以在线咨询新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台客服,此论文代写平台专业信誉高,论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Urbanization and slum growth are parallel to each other and one grows with the help and contribution of the other. Challenges of urbanization remain sensitive, pertinent, and endless, although all specific measures have reduced the dismal conditions of slum dwellers. As economic advantage is associated with mega cities, increase in slum population is never ending. Case example of Mumbai remains relevant, as after umpteen number of slum development efforts, the slum population has increased beyond control. Being an economic capital of India, Mumbai has attracted millions of domestic migrants to its shore, resulting into unprecedented slum growth. This put immense pressure on city infrastructure, and thus the demand and finding requirements of infrastructure grew. The issue of slum redevelopment efforts going without any satisfactory result lies in the domestic migration policy and disproportionate city development. This deprives the poor rural resident without any opportunity of bettering his and his family’s life, and thus follows the growth in slum.

International institutions have been unreserved in their influence to slum development policies and privatised slum development to private real estate developers. Some pockets of the country have seen a dissent growing between the urban middle class and the slum dweller and the wealthy residing in the same vicinity. This indicates social exclusion and ignoring the issue that is supposedly the seed of resentment among classes. Institutions have been earnest in offering funds for low interests, but they do not have the expertise of building a cohesive partnership between the stakeholders. Their influence is more capitalistic and less socialistic, which is basis of resolving slum dwellers problems. It needs a socially progressive policy framework to enhance the efficiency of the efforts, or else it would just be an ignorant wastage of taxpayers’ money. Funding welfare housing outside the purview of private slum development requires immense support from foreign aid, which comes at a cost that makes the projects unviable due to thin profit margins. Unless nations fail to implement proportionate development policies that keep the slum resurgence subdued, there can be inclusive growth, poverty can be slightly alleviated and reasonable and satisfactory growth can be registered.

论文范文essay代写-城市化和贫民窟的增长就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



A pregnant Maori woman, Mary Pierce considered calling up an ambulance at home as she was experiencing some major health issues. She is pregnant completing her 32 weeks, dealing with healthy stroke and no complications. As identified by Mary, she mentioned her symptoms to the paramedics that included bad headache, blindness in one eye, and sudden dizziness. For the purpose of this assignment, the version of midwifery has been selected for the purpose of this discipline. In context with this version, there is transfer of Mary from the department of A and E towards the antenatal ward, where currently I will be working. She is expecting to give birth to a healthy baby and on reaching the full term of her stroke. As a midwife, the role in this case is focused on standard of care for each and every antenatal women, while considering the Maori status of Mary and how the well- being of unborn baby can be monitored. With key focus on this case scenario, this assignment will evaluate the CPG in accordance with five key criteria, while addressing the key concepts for critically appraising the CPGs. Further ahead, there will be an underlying scope to apply CPG to the case scenario, identifying clinical influences, barriers and facilitators in the effectiveness and implementation of the CPG.

Locally adapted guidelines and a national policy have been placed appropriate for protecting the rights of each and every women, irrespective of their place of residence or socio- economic status, for the accessibility of Stroke Management 2010 services in good quality. There will be organization of care and services for ensuring the availability and acceptability of Stroke Management to each and every woman in the area of service, irrespective of ethnic, religious or social background. The system of health will be ensuring that each and every necessary drug or equipment for the provision of essential Stroke Management has been placed and the order should be maintaining good work. The key focus is on providing appropriate information to the women along with their partners and families, while providing evidence on healthy stroke, postnatal recovery, and childbirth that include caring of the child. Each and every decision has to be made in accordance with future pregnancies for the improvement of outcomes of stroke (Tetroe, 2000).

论文范文新西兰代写-产前妇女护理标准的案例就为留学生分析到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,些平台的论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、硕士论文代写、essay代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The music piece of War Requiem was not supposed to be a piece of pro- Britain or for glorifying the soldiers of Britain, but as publicly stating the anti- war convictions of Britten. Britten was offered the opportunity by the commission for producing a large- scale piece of choral work that provide an expression for majority of his passions in context with war and regarding the organized role of religion in order to promote war. The interval related to a triton between F and C can be considered as a motif in recurrence, which ends up unifying the whole work on occurrence. There is a use of this interval both in laying emphasis on the harmonic distance between F and C and the ones for resolving them in terms of harmony. This tends to mirror the theme of reconciliation and conflict being presented all across the work.

The aim of this essay is to conduct an analysis for a short piece of choral music, while discussing about the composer and providing detail about the significant background information related to the work. Further ahead, this essay will focus on providing maximum useful rehearsal information, while discussing about the significant issues in rehearsal and the overall technical challenges faced. The choral music piece selected for the purpose of this essay is War Requiem that was written in re-consecrating the Coventry Cathedral and its performance first took place on 30th May in the year 1962 (Colman, 2003). There had been a commissioning of Britten for writing a piece to mark the ceremony for completing the construction of new cathedral, as the previous Coventry Cathedral had been destructed during the Second World War under the Battle of Britain. Further analysis will focus on this piece of choral music.
Rehearsal Information
On the other hand, in the ending part of the Agnus Dei, the tenor appears to be outlining C to G with perfection before it moves down to F for resolving the final chord of chorus. By the ending of the part Dies irae, “at all” along with the notes end up in the formation of triton while leading towards the formal resolution of choir. In the final setting of Owen, triton with the most significant and prominent expressions are sung by the tenor in order to address a soldier in opposition with the tone of “Strange friend”. There is accompanying of the poem by chords of sporadic detachment from a viola and two violins. This was inclusive of the triton in context with domination of 7th chord.

论文范文essay代写-合唱音乐《战争安魂曲》就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台帮助解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,为留学生提供硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,保证论文原创,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


新西蘭代寫-歐洲各國的反恐法律。法國還實施了嚴格的反恐法律。法國法律沒有區分任何恐怖主義行為,每一個回國的人都被拘留並被控犯有陰謀罪。除此之外,政府還制定了一項法律,根據這項法律,它有權禁止個人出國旅行,如果有人懷疑此人可能參與了恐怖襲擊。這項法律還允許法國政府對這些人扣留護照。另一方面,德國也通過了一項新的反恐法。這是歐洲最嚴厲的法律之一。該法禁止了IS,並授權官員拒絕為任何支持IS的人發放國民身份證(Yeginsu, 2014)。除此之外,德國法律允許從那些可能被視為對國家構成威脅的人手中收回護照。接下來論文范文新西蘭代寫-歐洲各國的反恐法律分享給留學生閱讀。

Germany on the other hand has also passed a new counter terrorism law. This is one of the toughest laws in Europe. This law has banned IS and gave the authority to the officials to refuse the issue of the National Identity cards for anyone who supports IS (Yeginsu, 2014). In addition to this, the German law has allowed the withdrawal of the passports from the people who may be deemed to be a threat for the nation.

The government of Morocco was least concerned with respect to the flow of the people to Syria and Iraq. But in the year 2015, Morocco amended its law for terrorism and criminalized the joining of the terrorist groups such as IS (Hubbard, 2014). The punishment for joining the terrorist groups was the fifteen years or prison. When the foreign fighters return to Morocco, they are imprisoned.

France has also implemented strict laws against terrorism. French Law doesn’t distinguish any terrorist act and each and every returnee is detained and charged with the conspiracy. In addition to this, the government also established a law, according to which it has right to ban an individual to travel outside the nation if it is suspected that the person may be involved in the terrorist encounters. This law also permits the government of France to withhold the passport from these individuals.

There are two main challenges which are faced by Turkey to control the foreign fighters. Firstly, they are required to stop its own citizens from fighting with IS and other groups. In addition to this, it is important that Turkey implements measures which seal the border with Syria. The government has tried to seal its border with Syria after the Paris attacks in order to prevent the flow of the people to Syria. Similarly, the Government of Jordan has been greatly concerned with the people who are fighting for IS and are used as sleeper cells. The government has decided to close the border with Syria and has refused to accept new refugees in the nation (Kfir, 2014). The government has implemented a law according to which Jordanian foreign fighters can undergo prosecution and arrest if they are found to be involved into terrorism.

The law of Russia has provided the right to imprison the one who has joined any foreign militant group if it is observed to work against the interest of the state. Similarly, the government of Saudi Arabia has implemented a royal decree to impose a prison sentence for all the people between the age groups of 3 to 20 years who are joining in any fight which is outside the nations. The internal security of Saudi has also increased with the help of the massive executions and the arrests.

Though, the condition is not so ideal in Lebanon. This is because of the extreme polarization of the politics of Lebanon. The armed force of Lebanon doesn’t have a powerful army to control and stop the flow of the people to Iraq and Syria. Similarly, the Islamist led government in Tunisia initially look a less focussed approach to the movement of foreign fighters to Syria (Peeters, 2014). But after the mass shooting in one of the tourist resort in Tunisia, the government has imposed several travel restrictions for the people of Tunisia under the age of 35. According to the reports by the government, it has banned around 15000 Tunisians in the nation.

論文范文新西蘭代寫-歐洲各國的反恐法律就為留學生分享到這裏。中國留學生英語論文不會寫怎么辦?可以找新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台幫助中國留學生解決論文寫作難題,為留學生提供碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,保證論文原創,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!


论文代写-Netflix品牌可持续增长和发展的机遇。Netflix将当代媒体的蓬勃发展概念化,并采取策略,在美国提供多平台的序列化内容和有线频道订阅。它与消费者的观看行为和实践相联系,尤其注重品牌。Netflix在美国以外的发展中市场的增长速度,受到了在相同商业模式下运作的国内企业和地区竞争对手的极大影响。因此,Netflix在国际市场上的空间有限,原因是当地的竞争,以及缺乏一个可以访问本地内容的详尽的媒体库。这使得它在主要是新推出的市场上的吸引力明显下降。对于Netflix这样的内容营销品牌来说,内容是所有增长和机遇的中心。如果提供的内容不够吸引人,那么观众就会失去兴趣,转向提供更好内容的其他品牌。Netflix已经能够在全球范围内保持强大的用户基础,并且是少数几个在激烈竞争的行业中获得成功的品牌之一(Teece, 2010)。Netflix将品牌所面临的挑战转化为可持续增长和发展的机遇所采取的策略总结如下:

Netflix rate of growth in developing markets outside the US is highly impacted by domestic players and regional competitors functioning on the same business model. Hence, there is limited scope for Netflix in the international markets due to local competition and lack of an exhaustive media library with access to local content. This makes it significantly less compelling in markets that are mostly newly launched.
Rivalry from other media companies
The value of Netflix comes from the content that it offers to its subscribers. Many other media companies competing against Netflix are reluctant in selling their content to streaming service providers. For example, Time Warner, an American cable television company, stressed on extending the time between the original air time of a show on television and the running of the same on video on demand services like Netflix.
Brand Resurgence Strategies of Netflix
For content marketing brands like Netflix, content is the centre of all growth and opportunity. If the content offered is not compelling enough, then the audience would lose interest and switch to other brands offering better content. Netflix has been able to maintain a strong subscriber base worldwide and is one of the few brands who have already found success in this industry with cutthroat competition (Teece, 2010). The strategies adopted by Netflix to transform the challenges faced by the brand into opportunities for sustainable growth and development have been summarized as below:
Quality over Quantity
Netflix chose to offer the best content to its customers without compromising on the cost because it understood that focusing on higher quality content even at higher prices is far better than offering limited/average content at lower prices. The company’s deal with Disney for exclusive rights to streaming costed a whopping $300 million but this investment was positive to give exponential returns given the huge passion and demand for Disney’s content. With Disney’s charm and influence on audience, Netflix saw this investment as an opportunity to create an impact on potential customers and build a bigger subscriber base in one swoop (Mithas and Lucas, 2010).
Knowing the audience
To market the product effectively, reaching the right customers is very important. For example, while marketing products for children, it is crucial to think not only from the point of view of parents, but also from the perspective of a child. If children in a house demand to see a movie like The Lion King immediately, then what would be the state of a parent. Hence, to win over the loyalty of parents, Netflix focused on understanding the desires of their children and positioned the brand accordingly to lock their loyalty and willingness to purchase content from Netflix (Bell and Coren, 2007). Giving subscribers that content that they want, demand and desire is the smartest mover for long-term sustainable growth of business.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!




代写-风力发电的预测模型。预测模型是风力发电的重要一步,因为它们改变了能源市场的面貌。长期以来,能源市场一直依赖于不可再生能源的采购,许多情况下的短缺使得能源市场不得不应对高成本和更多的问题(Karki et al, 2006)。火力发电厂和其他电网系统只能支持在应对能源短缺时出现的一定程度的赤字。考虑到初期的基础设施、成本等因素,使用太阳能等其他不可再生能源的成本相当高昂。

The most common risk faced by operators here are how the wind power ramps up and down. The wind power issues as seen here lead to multiple risks. Primarily, there are financial risks for the company. Because of the uncertainty in wind power generation, it is possible that companies have to have alternate supplies in energy. This means that they have to invest in two forms of energy supplies and this increases the overall cost as well. Secondly, in the electricity market, it is easier for the industries in the market to face the demands of customer, if they know how much energy they would have to meet it. The uncertainties in wind power energy results in the issues of mismanagement and problems of allocation based on demand and capacity. Now the use of smart grid technologies changes how intelligent load management is done. Therefore, having a proper forecast model will actually result in better integration of wind power for the existing energy markets (Wang et al, 2008; Buizza 2003.)

Finally, forecast models are a significant step in wind energy generation because of how they change the face of the energy markets. Energy markets for long have relied on non-renewable energy sourcing and the shortages in many contexts have left the energy market to deal with high costs and more (Karki et al, 2006). Thermal generation plants and other grid systems are able to support only a certain extent of the deficit that occurs when dealing with energy shortages. The use of other non-renewable energy sourcing such as the solar energy quite expensive given the initial infrastructure, costs and more. The use of conventional thermal systems is furthermore becoming outdated. There is a growing need for replacement. The search for renewable energy sourcing’s are also taking place. Given this context, the discussions on wind energy and the form of energy portfolio mix that wind energy brings to the energy market is indeed interesting. From offshore wind, tidal plants and more, wind power generation is considered to be operationally less intensive if they are set in the right place in the right weather conditions. The use of the appropriate forecasting models would hence add to the use of this energy source in better terms.

Some of the key models used in current research that are classified based on the underlying math design are as follows. 1) Prediktor model: this is a model developed by Landberg in Denmark and it is a physical model and is currently used in countries such as Spain, Denmark, Ireland, France, etc. 2) WPPT is a model that makes use of mathematical modelling techniques and statistics and was developed as a collaborative project with the Danmarks Tekniske University. This model is once again made use of in Denmark, Holland, Canada, etc. The Zephyr, the WPS are some of the other models used (Juben et al 2007; Landberg, 2001).

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Perhaps in a situation where one desires to donate his time or money out of genuine desire of support or help, there seems to be no power and its relevance (Hougaard and Bjerre, 2002). In charity, power is absent to a large scale and it defies the profitable nature of power assumed in for-profit corporations. In some sections of healthcare, power has limited usage and relevance, because the service provided by the doctor is bound by his ethical commitment to save lives and is not indulged into practices that violate the very spirit of healthcare provision. Even in small rural villages, there may be only one doctor for a patient. Sometimes power plays no role in the negotiation. In such situations, saving the life of the patient is the utmost and foremost priority of the doctor, nothing else.
In some conditions of controlling the use of power in upstream partners, trust is more useful and of value than power. For example, when a small supplier is negotiating with a large buyer for rendering services, if the small supplier uses trustworthy behaviour and remains genuine to his commitment and wins the trust of the large buyer, it can be an advantageous situation (Cox, 2004). Behavioural imposition is important for the supplier to be used on most terms as trust may win a good contract in favourable terms that power will never be able to. It is always recommended that the buyer or supplier who is in a weaker position uses trust foremost as a weapon to secure a favourable contract because it does not cost much to be trustworthy. When trust is becoming obsolete in global markets, it could be converted into the best instruments to secure a long term client who can continue to be associated for decades.
The Guanxi factor which refers to social relationships and connections is another factor of redefining a contractual relationship. When relationships are strong, long-lasting, trustworthy, and transcendent in their conduct and secure for both, there can be less use or even inclination to use power to negotiate a contract. When strong power is used to dominate a contractual relationship, it can possibly destroy the bond and also invite an unwanted stigma to the company. Hence, it is always useful to refrain from using too much power and instead use as much trust as possible as a genuine tool to secure long term contractual relationships, where mutual benefits are shared and a win-win situation is secured by both entities.

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圣保罗医院(St. Paul ‘s Hospital)正成为医疗行业的一个新威胁,这一点很容易从不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)居民所享受的服务质量来判断。随着安老院业务的进入,医院业务的提升可以通过未来5年的增长表现出来。未来五年的增长将被描述为停滞不前,而以现金牛形式出现的矩阵的发展可以很容易地被描述出来(Etzel, Walker & Stanton, 2007)。现金是由现金牛产生的,现金牛用于医院的发展,将包括医院的新部门。如果圣保罗医院能投资《星报》,在服务方面会更好。作为医疗保健行业的新参与者,狗在投资组合中没有任何位置。哈密尔顿论文代写-圣保罗医院的BCG分析如下:

Product Decisions
Types of Products
The types of the products that are provided by the St. Paul’s Hospital are inpatient and outpatient services, dietician counselling, mental health care, treatment for HIV/ AIDS and other health related diseases.
Product Lifecycle (PLC)
The product life cycle is determined to be long term as it is surrounding the quality of the services provided to the patients. The shifting conducted by the St. Paul’s Hospital in the expansion of the branches in the research and the development of the treatment and care for general health related diseases are creating a growth in the product life cycle (Ramachandra, Chandrashekara & Shivakumar, 2010).
Branding Strategy
The branding strategy is depicted by the aims and the goals prefixed by the St. Paul’s Hospital. This enables the establishment of the appropriate branding strategy.
Service marketing
The service marketing in the case is referred as the B2C kind of service marketing since its products are provided in the form of the services to the patients (Winer & Dhar, 2014).

The SWOT analysis of the St. Paul’s Hospital is provided in the following points which are as follows:
Strong brand name and the widespread facilities that are provided in the form of operations.
Known for the best treatment of the mental health care and counselling services.
Selling its products and the services in the national regions (Du Plessis, Strydom & Jooste, 2012).
Negative publicity of the rivalries.
Delaying in the services.
Inappropriate internal conduct within the staffs.
Improvement in the products and the services.
The increment of the more geological reach with providing more distribution outlets.
It consists of the expansion of the business outside the national region.
Technological capabilities of the competitors (Sheehan, 2011).
Inappropriate FDA warnings over the product portfolio.
Competition at the national level.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!



Marquez used a very procrastinating and indirect narrative technique to point out the dominance of patriarchy in the Columbian society. The readers become impatient as in every paragraph the desired action is delayed by the characters due to some situational reasons. In fact, the author leaves the scope of doubting the authentication of the entire narrative as the narrator heard it from Santiago’s mother. The novel begins with “On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning to wait for the boat the bishop was coming on”. The murder was replaced by something very petty and light fact. On the other hand, the Vicario twins halt at two places, first at the butcher’s and then the milk shop and proudly reveal their plan of murdering Santiago. The inhabitants of the town already know their motives. The pace of the narrative seems to slow down since the revelation of their plan in order to accommodate the space for different approaches of different people to the murder and the twins seem hesitant about the murder. In fact, Marquez has employed this narrative technique specifically to criticise the typical traditional mindset of Columbian society at that time. The characterization of the Vicario by Marquez as twins is intentional so that the harsh reality of gender equality can be brought forth through the story narration. Their physiological similarities are stated as “so much alike that it was difficult to tell them apart”. This indistinguishable characterisation validates the previous observation. Moreover, shaving symbolizes the machismo and back then exhibiting machismo was almost ritualistic and men used to compete with each other. This is substantiated in the line “and she brought him the brush, the soap, the hanging mirror, and the safety razor with a new blade, but he shaved with his butcher knife”. It should be noted the traditional masculine professions are all associated with some sort of brutality. In the novel, Angela’s two brothers are responsible for safeguarding this tradition of honour just as every member of the society should have. When they hear that their sister has lost her virginity before marriage because of Santiago, they decide to kill him because “it was a matter of honour”. Therefore, it can be said that the novel is an apt reflection of the male dominance and chauvinism.

The multi-layered narrative technique has been applied in this novel in order to bring out the hypocrisy of the society. Santiago is murdered openly and many villagers are aware of this occurrence. Ortega suggests that the readers can easily understand the social custom of this community as Marquez uses first person nonlinear narrative whereby he narrates the story through the many thought processes of characters in the novel. Besides, it is Santiago himself who tells “They have killed me” after being stabbed several times by the Vicario twins. In fact, the climax of the murder of Santiago has been the most repeated truth in the entire novel. Actually, Marquez devises this narrative technique to criticize the society for mostly being blind despite knowing the truth. Many people in the town console themselves with a pretext that reads, “Affairs of honour are scared monopolies”. The ignorance of the people of this place in the name of honour killing is well elaborated in this case. The narrator claims that the town people’s action could have prevented the murder from happening. There was abundant use of direct speeches in the novel but Marquez kept them ineffective so that the procrastination of the characters could be presented prominently. Several years after the murder, the cook named Victoria Guzman and her teenage daughter admit that they know the motive for this killing as well as the place where the killing has taken place. A retired army colonel named Donor Lazar Aponte and the local priest who have seen him on the dock conclude that the threat “had all been a fib”. Many people are aware of what would happen to Santiago. At a market described as a meat market, the narrator argues that around twenty-two people have heard the Vicario twins say that “we’re going to kill Nasar” but none of them pays attention to those brothers. Once again, this attitude of the common people reflects the thinking “Honour must not wait” and the lack of humanity in them.

In conclusion, Marquez successfully portrays a society which is reined by traditional and rigid gender roles. The essay mainly focused on the characterisation of Angela, the narrative of the story in relation to male dominance and the narrative technique used in this novel. Each of those focal points is used to critique the traditions and conventions of society. Societal expectations like virginity and family honour must be upheld at all costs, the most significant of which is the “death foretold” of innocent Santiago. The extensive practice of those traditions of society can be as dreadful as convincing individuals to kill a human.

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!