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留学 论文代写:合同的制定

留学 论文代写:合同的制定


留学 论文代写:合同的制定

留学 论文代写:合同的制定

Contracts are the fundamentals in business dealings and in other agreements. A contract and its terms regulate and define the relationship shared by the people in the contract. Contracts are usually entered on by parties with proper definitions of each other’s rights and obligations. Parties agree to meet the terms of the contract and per contract law, and in addition both express and implied terms are understood in the formation of a contract. Where a contract is written down, then per the contractual rules and the Parol evidence rule, the terms and obligations are binding.

留学 论文代写:合同的制定
In this context, the essay critically analyses the accuracy of the statement that “Where a written contract exists, Australian courts do not and should not provide remedies for failure to fulfill verbal promises made during contract negotiations, unless those promises are included in the written contract”. The purpose of this essay is to show that the above statement cannot be held as being right always even under the Parol Evidence Rule and sometimes there could be exceptions as well. The essay considers exceptions in the form of written, partly oral contracts, collateral contracts and others.



根据研究人员的研究,战略方式的供应链管理更加强调了买方和供应商之间的紧密联系和加强的纽带,以利用这种联系所带来的利益。买家正在与该组织的战略供应商(Habib et al., 2015)日益密切的联系。研究人员认为,组织的管理逐渐认识到建立一个强大的买方-供应商权力和买方-供应商交换结果的重要性,因为这些实践已经提供了明确的和有利的结果。


学术学者和研究人员认为,随着越来越多的组织发展战略性的供应商合作关系,与战略供应商的支持关系的重要性正在显现。一旦完成,这些组织就会立即在运营市场中获得竞争优势(Hingley et al., 2015)。研究人员指出,为了与战略供应商建立大范围的关系,重要的是买家不仅要意识到,而且还要重视其他供应商的关键优势。其中一个重要的因素是,从战略供应链管理的角度来看,组织成功是一个依赖的变量。研究人员认为,对买方-供应商权力和后续交易的有效管理不仅能使价值创造,而且还能提高组织的绩效。


According to the researchers, the supply chain management of strategic manner is placing more emphasis on the close affiliation and strengthened bond of the buyer and supplier in order to avail the benefits that can be derived from this association. The buyers are growingly developing closer links with the strategic suppliers of the organization (Habib et al., 2015). It is argued by the researchers that the management of organizations is gradually recognizing the importance of establishing a strong buyer-supplier power and the buyer-supplier exchange outcomes as these practices have provided with the defined and advantageous results.


The academic scholars and researchers suggest that the significance of the supportive relations with the strategic supplier is surfacing as increasing number of organizations develop strategic supplier partnerships. Once this is performed, the organizations immediately attains a competitive edge in the operating markets (Hingley et al., 2015). The researchers indicated that in order to develop large range of relationships with the strategic suppliers, it is important that the buyers not only realize but also appreciate the key strengths of the other suppliers. One of the factors that in particular make the buyer-supplier power important to the organizational management is that the organizational success becomes a dependent variable from the viewpoint of strategic supply chain management. It is implied by the researchers that the effective management of the buyer-supplier power and subsequent exchanges can not only enable the value creation but also it can result in enhancing the performance of organization.








It is to be comprehended that this technology has pervaded all aspects of human life. The action of hydraulic technology was originally assumed to be of the wheel technology. This has an implicit impact in all of the modern inventions. These are the important aspects that can be determined from this analysis. The presentation of the hydraulic technology is now compressed and presented to the people in the smaller size and the production is assumed to be for the mass market. The size of the product and the outer aesthetic design seem to implicitly identity and tell the people about the product that is presented in the inside. These are the main allusions that can be determined with respect to the design (May, 2003). The smaller the design and the hiding of the original mechanism are now considered to have impact on the overall product robustness. It can be determined from this analysis that these are the important factors that design plays on the consumer minds. The current capitalistic system is based on competitiveness in the markets. These designs are found to be in demand and hence the supply for the product is now considered to be higher.


Hydraulic pressure and the invention of the wheel technology are not merely used for transport in the current times. It has relevance in the modern products design. From the ancient times to the current times, there is the use of the Hydraulic technology. In the current times, these designs are made smaller and hidden from the eyes of the consumer to add to the aesthetic value of the product design. It is important to comprehend that these are the main design impacts that can be derived from this process. The smaller designs of the hydraulic technology add to the value of sophistication to the modern consumer. It has a mass market based on these designs.
The aspect of design is a subjective matter. However, these principles are applied to create the persona that the products are useful for the people.






The foundation specimens of the museum belong to Sir Hans Sloane who sold his collection to the British government. Paleontologist Richard Owen was appointed as Superintendent of the natural history departments of the British Museum. Alfred Waterhouse designed the interiors of the museum. The museum was initially part of the British Museum, but then separated after implementation of the Museums and Galleries Act 1992.

Research sources
There are several research sources which can be used for the documentary film. Internet is the most common source of information. Websites are primary source of information. By searching information about the natural history museum on internet, a general layout can be prepared. Different areas which are to be focused can be figured out. Information provided by internet sources acts as a stepping stone. When using internet as source, several points should be emphasised. One should be aware of who the author is, what is the domain of the website, who is the primary audience for that information, how updated the information is, whether the information is biased.Second major research source is the Natural History Museum. Several visits to the museum can yield a lot of information about the museum. By observing the museum and its different aspects, new perspectives can be developed. Another way of obtaining information is by interviewing people. Museum staff can be interviewed for information. This will give an insight about how museum works. Museum authorities can be interviewed. They can provide information about the history, planning and architecture and design of the museum. They can also provide information about events, important people associated with the museum, funding and finances etc. Another group of people which can be interviewed are scientific community for information related to specimens and the visitors of the museum for their experience and perspectives. This will provide new insight and perspective.





据了解,自2011年以来,新西兰政府推出了多项留学签证政策。留学专家介绍,2011年 1月新西兰局驻北京、上海和办公室一致同意缩短学生预评估至缴纳学费的时间,由两个月缩短为一个月。但是预评估通过后一个月内不缴纳学费,学生原批准将会失效。其次,从2011年2月7日开始,新西兰移民局开始执行学生签证新政策,此次政策调整包含三个方面:一是在新移民法下,正在申请签证的学生将获得免费发放的“过渡签证”;“过渡签证”是学生签证申请正在审批时由移民局发放的、可以确保学生合法在新西兰学习的一种临时性签证。二是“无犯罪记录”及“体检报告”有效期将从现行2年延长至3年,这对于大学本科学生而言,意味着他们在本科三年学习中仅需提供一次体检报告,这不仅为国际留学生减轻了不小的经济负担,而且还使得学生签证申请变得更为简单。三是食宿担保将更趋于简单化,年满18岁学生不再需要提供食宿担保证明,而对于未满18岁学生,也只需要学生食宿符合教育部对国际留学生要求即可。











Gender in its purest unsullied form is the gift of divinity and nothing else. Primarily, there are two genders, male and female that is considered to be the divine gift in its biological sense. Although it is divinely attributed biologically, its intersection and communication with the other gender invite the burden of social construct to be imposed on it. Civilizations grew from their primitive beginnings, and so came the urge or necessity to impose specific character traits associated with the two genders. Largely, the male gender came to be regarded as masculine owing to its physical superiority and ability to endure and command, and the female gender came to be regarded as the tender and beautiful gender endowed with skills of homemaking and childrearing. Despite these impositions that keep changing in contemporary terms, gender remains a debate endless for its inability to get fixated to a single social construct. On a narrower engagement, the two genders have defined social constructs largely owing to their biological attributes, but they also keep changing in broader terms as gender roles are continuously challenged for their urge of a transcending identity.
This essay describes and elaborates the social construct of the two gender, and how their intersection in multiple situations and biological needs tends to redefine their character traits and predominant attributes.

Definition of gender
Gender is precisely defined as the two distinct individuals of a similar species, of which one is male and the other is female. This is largely derived from the biological differences with which the two genders are born and grow up to become two distinct individuals though being of the same species. However, other definition of gender comes from the identification of social and cultural differences in the two distinct individuals, in that one is socially responsible for bread earning and the other with child rearing and home making. Different cultures have different roles of the two genders and they are known differently in their description. For example, for a country with gender neutral culture, the two genders are only distinguished by their biological difference and nothing else. Whereas, in the Eastern nations and some orthodox or aboriginal communities, there are specific differences between the two genders which define their gender and the associated gender roles.






The proposal was an independence referendum planned on 25 September 2017 for Iraqi Kurdistan. The first round of voting displayed 93% of supporters towards independence. Kurdistan Regional Government continued to regard the results as binding (Chulov, pars. 1-5). This was eventually denied by Iraq’s federal government. This happened after a number of controversies since 2014. It all started when the prime minister of Iraqi was observed to be divisive and that the central government had halted the funding initiatives since internal lobbies might happen affecting the achievement of desired results. The government also failed to develop security forces and the need for a prime minister emerged. It was on July 1, 2014 that this plan developed, but it was postponed due to various reasons. Soon after the referendum happened, Iranian Kurdistan was overflowing with joy and policy makers began with state development plans (Chulov, pars. 9-13). Barzani had also developed a separate political leadership body. Kurdish businesses unfortunately incurred major losses since Iraqi government had stopped the flights, sent troops and the region showed poor resistance to war. The retaliatory attacks had to be handled by Iranian Kurdistan people until Iraqi forces decided to take Kirkuk through an operation on 15 October 2017.

Applicable law
Questioning the right to begin an independence referendum, Article 126 demands a mandatory referendum for a Constitution change. This has to be approved by the majority of members at the Council. About the constituent units of Iraqi constitution and allowance to secede, there is a principle on territorial integrity that explains the concept of secession and the prohibition conditions. Republic of Iraq, according to Article 1, is considered as a completely sovereign, federal and independent state and it shall bind in all parts as per Article 13 (Sen, pars. 6-9). This supremacy dominates the constitution towards the secession demand of Iraq.






Furthermore, these are research studies indicating that social class, income levels and other issues of inequality have a strong effect on not just education and career, but also on health opportunities. Many a research work has been done to discuss how health issues are created because of inequality. In fact, community based health engagement works to provide care for the less fortunate.
The US class structure may be reproduced from one generation to another. Social stratification and social reproduction both exists in the US society. Social stratification is the social arrangement based on how much control the populace will have towards acquiring basic resources. Social reproduction is the concept of how some structures in society lead to the transmission of social inequality from one generation to another (Bourdieu, 2003). Financial, cultural, human and social capital plays an important role in this transmission of social inequality. In the United States, as evident in research works, social reproduction does exist, but then governmental intervention and policy updates do attempt to stop the transmission of such inequality.

Realities about Class
In understanding how class is socially constructed and how inequalities related to class are present in society and are reproduced generation after generation, it could be argued that the American society is not really a society without class or distinctions. The American dream is well within the reach of only some stratification and without interventions, it would be impossible for other stratification to even meet their basic needs.




股东理论是商业道德和企业社会责任的规范理论。这个理论是关于企业领导者如何通过他们的另一种观点在他们的商业环境中讨价还价,一个是强调需要股东的利益,另一个是强调需要更大的商业伙伴的利益。这些不同的观点推动了管理人员和主管如何做出业务决策。股东理论由Milton Friedman提出。


The response of unpracticed and experienced online buyers to the same level of vulnerability in the transaction procedure could be diverse on the grounds that there is a distinction in their resilience of vulnerability. In addition, as a rule, to customers who have web purchasing knowledge, the seen vulnerability is lessened forcefully as a result of their involvement with purchasing on the web, while clients who do not have web purchasing knowledge will see considerably more vulnerabilities in Internet shopping. TCE hypothesis which expressed that buyers will pick exchange systems that manage on exchange taken a toll. At the point when settling on purchasing choice, customers will incline toward an exchange channel that expenses the slightest among all the accessible decisions (Bloisi, W., Cook, C. W., & Hunsaker, P. L, 2003). As such, customers weigh expenses (checking, adjusting expenses) and advantages (the quality playing point of the best purchase) when picking a shopping channel. This thought will influence their choice to purchase online or in physical stores. Therefore, if customers see high exchange cost in internet purchasing, they will be less ready to purchase on the web. Further, as inquiry, observing also, adjusting expenses change, purchaser’s ability to purchase online have a tendency to change conversely.


Shareholder theory
Shareholders theory is a normative theory of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. The theory is about how corporate leaders bargain in their business surroundings by each of their alternate points of view, one is accentuating to put need on shareholders’ interests, the other is stressing to put need on bigger business partners’ interests. These alternate points of view drive how administrators and supervisors make business decisions. Shareholders theory is presented by Milton Friedman.




2.4公司的人力资源管理需要进行改革。公司应努力确保员工的营业额最低[同上]。 ,146


1.Source problem
Tata group is a multinational company with operations in many countries around the globe. This company has garnered a good brand value and has immense scope of growth. This can be achieved if it addresses some of its important internal issues. It has Business operations in 96 countries and contributes about 2.9% of the GDP of India. The revenue of the company in 2006-07 alone is 28.8 Billion USD. The company has managed to be an important player in all the seven sectors it has expanded operations. The extensive expansion of Tata Corporation with decentralized management in many countries has been identified as the source problem of the company.
2.Secondary problem
Short-term issues
2.1 The Company should primarily focus on allocating funds, managing logistics and maintaining reverse logistics is essential for its expansion activities now. The issue of Supply chain and logistics management its funds have been a continuous hassle in the global expansion and by addressing the company will benefit immensely.

2.2 Owing to its excessive expansion policies the company will benefit if it enters into more merger and acquisition deals with the indigenous companies that exist in the individual countries. This will enable the company to deal with the pulse of the local markets.
Long term Issue:
2.3 The company should refocus its attention back to developing products that the consumer really needs.
2.4 Human resource management of the company needs to be revamped. The company should strive to make efforts to ensure that the turnover by the employees is at a minimum[ Ibid. , 146
]. This will prevent loss of proprietary information by the company and will remain as a global player in the markets.