标签存档: essay代写



尽管买方供应商的权力对管理和供应组织都很重要,但从管理的角度来看,增加对供应商的关注将会给组织带来价值。这是通过降低组织在持续的基础上所经历的成本(Poppo和Zhou, 2014)来进行的。研究表明,超过50%的机械化组织预算用于供应本身。这为组织的管理提供了一个关键的动机,以确定这些供应商的职能,以降低组织的成本,从而为本组织节省成本。


买方-供应商的权力和买方-供应商交换的结果对于管理从多种角度来说是至关重要的。购买者和供应商链接的重要性可以从多个组织领域中看到,因为长期和强大的买方供应商的力量可以在创建新产品线的过程中为组织的发展做出贡献(Pulles et al., 2014)。新产品线的引入是业务的一个重要组成部分,有助于产品多样化、成本领先、产品差异化和市场份额的增加以及品牌意识。买方-供应商的权力尤其重要,因为与组织管理紧密合作的战略供应商可以为产品的设计提供有价值的投入。这是在组织和供应商确认的不断增长和不断变化的需要的基础上完成的。这样的关系也可以产生资源的协同效应(Reimann et al., 2017)。与供应商的管理战略联盟有助于降低成本,提高产品投放市场的速度,降低交易成本。


Even though the buyer-supplier power is important for both the management and the supplying organization, from the management’s point of view delivering increased amount of focus on the suppliers will result in providing value to the organization. This is conducted by lowering the cost that are experienced by the organization on an ongoing basis (Poppo and Zhou, 2014). The research has indicated that more than 50 per cent of the mechanized organizational budget is spent on the supplies itself. This provides a critical motivation to the management of organization for identifying such suppliers that function with the focus on reducing the cost of the organization which will enable the cost saving benefits for the organization.


The buyer-supplier power and the outcomes of the buyer-supplier exchanges are essential for the management from multitude of perspectives. The importance of the buyer and supplier link can be viewed from a number of organizational areas as the long term and strong buyer-supplier power can contribute to the organizational development in the process of creating new product lines (Pulles et al., 2014). The introduction of new product lines is a critical component of business that facilitates product diversification, cost leadership, product differentiation and increase in market share along with brand awareness. The buyer-supplier power is especially important as the strategic suppliers that work closely with the management of organization can provide valuable input for the design of the product. This is done on the basis of the growing and changing needs recognized by the organization and supplier. Such relations can also create synergy of resources (Reimann et al., 2017). The strategic alliance of the management with suppliers facilitate the reduction of cost, increased speed of product placement in market and reduced cost of transaction.