

為了處理交叉載荷,斜向旋轉起著至關重要的作用,允許各因素相互關聯。然而,在典型的意義上,項目並不是優先考慮許多因素。在這個特定的場景中,可以通過使用其他可用的斜旋轉,如oblimin,來檢查因子載荷,以查看這些交叉載荷的重現(O’Rourke & Hatcher, 2013)。通常忽略一些交叉負載。然而,如果有多個具有類似交叉加載的示例,則這可能表明項目與多個因素之間存在關聯。在典型的意義上,這些項目是被丟棄的,直到或除非有強有力的實際或理論理由來保留它們。這可能有助於提供兩個不同的示例來處理交叉加載問題。 PCA作為一種分析探索性數據的工具,在建立基於預測的模型中起著至關重要的作用。通過對數據矩陣進行特徵值分解,得到數據矩陣中奇異值協方差的PCA性能。這主要是在均值集中到每個屬性的數據矩陣之後。主成分分析得到的結果主要是關於組件範圍的討論,也稱為因子得分和負載。因子得分可以定義為轉換後的變量值,以對應特定的數據點(Abdi & Williams, 2010)。
負荷是通過對每一個原始變量的權重進行標準化後,必須乘以得到各分量的得分。數據以投影數據位於第一個坐標的方式轉換為新的坐標系統。結構方程模型是指統計方法、計算機算法和數學模型的多種組合,用來擬合每一個構建數據的網絡。作為一個術語,SEM目前在進化心理學、社會學和其他社會科學中使用,最初是由Sewall Wright建立遺傳路徑模型的方法。它的現代形式是由60年代和70年代計算機的密集實現演變而來的。有進化的掃描電鏡在三個不同的流(O’rourke &孵卵器,2013):1)系統方程回歸的方法主要是在斯委員會2)迭代算法的最大似然路徑的分析主要發達國家教育考試服務由卡爾·古斯塔夫Joreskog,和3)迭代算法的典型相關分析適合的道路。這些發展中的大多數發生在通過現有的模擬計算方法提供大量的自動化計算升級的時期(Bowen & Guo, 2011)。這些後來被證明是19世紀後期辦公設備創新激增的產物。


In order to deal with cross loading, oblique rotation plays a crucial role, allowing the correlation of the factors. However, in the typical sense, items are not preferred to be leaded over a number of factors. As in this particular scenario, there can be examination of factor loading by the use of other available oblique rotations like oblimin for seeing the re-appearance of these cross loadings (O’Rourke & Hatcher, 2013). There is often ignorance of some cross loadings. However, in case there are multiple samples with similar cross- loadings, then this might indicate the association of the item with multiple factors. In the typical sense, there is discarding of these items, this would be done until or unless there is a strong practical or theoretical rationale for their retention. This might help in providing two different samples for dealing with the issues of cross loading. There is mostly utilization of PCA as a tool in analysis of exploratory data and crucial to make prediction based models. There can be performance of PCA by eigenvalue decomposition over a matrix of data, with covariance of singular value in a data matrix. This is mostly after mean is centred to the matrix of data for each and every attribute. The results obtained from PCA are discussed mostly with respect to component scope, also referred to as factor scores and loading. Factor scores can be defined as the variable transformed valuing to correspond specific point of data (Abdi & Williams, 2010).
Loading is the weight through each and every original variable standardized have to be multiplied for obtaining the score of component. There is transformation of data to new system of coordinates in a manner that the projected data lies across the first coordinate.Structural Equation Model is referred to as a diverse combination of statistical methods, computer algorithms, and mathematical model fitting each and every network of constructing data. As the term, SEM is used currently within evolved psychology, sociology and other social sciences from the initial methods of modelling genetic path by Sewall Wright. There was evolution of its modern form from the intensive implementations of computer during the years of 1960s and the years of 1970s. There was evolution of SEM across three different streams (O’Rourke & Hatcher, 2013): 1) systems for methods of equation regression mainly across the Cowles Commission, 2) iterative algorithms of maximum likelihood for the analysis of path mainly developed at the Educational Testing Service by Karl Gustav Joreskog, and 3) iterative algorithms of canonical correlation fit for analysis of path. Majority of these developments took place in the period where there is offer of substantial upgrades by automated computing across the current methods of analogue computing available (Bowen & Guo, 2011). These turned out to be the products proliferating innovations of office equipment during the later period of 19th century.