

本研究探討了本研究的若干背景,為了支持本研究的觀點,本研究進行了三次訪談,一次訪談對像是企業家Eddie,另兩次訪談對像是Eddie手下的員工。這次面試的問題是預先設定的,隨著談話的進行,在面試過程中會有一些變化。這些訪談是為了支持所述案例研究組織所經歷的創業活動的關鍵推動者和障礙。再往前,面談是通過電話進行的。因此,可以指出,已經收集了一些主要數據,將根據從訪問中得到的反饋在今後進一步加以分析。在這些訪問的基礎上,將進行進一步的詳細討論,以支持報告前幾部分所確定的因素。這三次訪談從企業家和同事的角度幫助確定了在變化無常的Rooster Productions公司創業活動的幾個障礙和推動者。促銷和銷售活動是涉及擴大和發展業務方面的重大困難的活動。最初,正如Eddie所提到的,他一直不願意參與企業的推廣和營銷。
在這種情況下,他考慮尋找一個代理來推廣他的音樂,這進一步使埃迪能夠集中精力製作新音樂(亨利和約翰斯頓2005)。在採訪中,艾迪說:“我從來都不是一個真正的推銷員;我從來沒有享受過銷售,我從來沒有真正涉足過這方面的事情,我只是覺得做銷售不是一件特別舒服的事情。 ”在與幾家代理商和接受采訪的兩名員工接觸後,艾迪發現他們都不願意接手一個在市場上曝光率似乎較低的新客戶。艾迪發現自己別無選擇,於是開始積極推廣和營銷公司。 Eddie面臨的另一個困難是尋找和獲得業務支持提供者的幫助(Frith 2007)。由於這兩名員工一直在這個責任下工作,他們也支持這個障礙。然而,Eddie的創業能力是企業成功發展壯大的關鍵因素。這說明個體的個性和屬性是創業活動的關鍵推動者,而企業家的素質在這一表現中起著至關重要的作用。


This research has explored a number of contexts within the research and for supporting the claims of this research, three interviews had been conducted, one with the entrepreneur, Eddie, and two with the employees working under Eddie. The questions for this interview had been set in advance with some scope of variation during the interview as the conversation moved ahead. The interviews were conducted for supporting the key enablers and barriers of entrepreneurial activity as experienced in the referred case study organization. Further ahead, the interview had been conducted through telephonic communication.Hence, it can be stated that there has been collection of primary data that will be analysed further ahead as per the feedback obtained from the interview. Based on these interviews, further discussion will be conducted in detail for supporting the factors identified in the previous parts of the report.The three interviews helped in identifying several barriers and enablers for the activity of entrepreneurship at Fickle Rooster Productions from the perspective of both, entrepreneur and the colleagues. The activities of promotion and marketing were the ones involving major difficulties with respect to the expansion and development of the business. Initially, as mentioned by Eddie, he had been showing reluctance in engaging in promotion and marketing of the business.
In this scenario, he considered looking at an agent for promotion of his music that further enabled Eddie for having exclusive concentration on the production of new music(Henry and Johnston 2005). In the interview, Eddie stated:“I’ve never really been much of a salesman; I’ve never enjoyed selling, I’ve never really been into that side of things, it’s just not something that I feel particularly comfortable doing”.After coming in contact with several agents and the two employees interviewed, Eddie identified that all of them had been showing reluctance for taking over a new client who seemed to have less exposure across the market. Eddie identified he was stuck with no other choice and started with actively promoting and marketing the business. An addition difficulty faced by Eddie was to find and obtain assistance from the providers of business support (Frith 2007). As the two employees had been working under this responsibility, they supported the obstacle as well. However, the abilities of entrepreneurship in Eddie had been the key enablers for the successful development and growth of the business. This depicts that individual personality and attributes are key enablers for activity of entrepreneurship and the quality of an entrepreneur plays a crucial role in this performance.