


根据一份名为《粮食和农业的未来》的报告,这项研究涵盖了34个国家的400名科学家。该报告于2011年通过英国政府商业创新和技能部首次发表(Key et al, 2006)。最基本的令人不安的结论是,世界现有的粮食体系在全世界都失败了。国与国之间经济性质的不平等以及相关因素导致了全球食物链系统的形成,数十亿人面临饥饿(无法获得足够的大量营养素,如脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质)。其他数十亿人则遭受着隐性饥饿(饮食中缺乏必需的矿物质和维生素),其他人则过度消费,患上肥胖症。这份由Foresight杂志代表英国政府撰写的报告还预测,未来世界各地的农作物价格将大幅上涨,导致以粮食为基础的冲突可能性和移民增加。

这也围绕着这样一个事实:除非全球粮食系统在工业革命的规模上得到转变,否则人类无法在不破坏地球的情况下正常进食(Lence et al, 2003)。根据发展研究所所长劳伦斯·哈达德(Lawrence Haddad)的说法,在考虑解决或考虑饥饿问题时,全球粮食生产体系非常糟糕。该报告进一步警告说,世界人口正在增长,特别是考虑到气候变化的发生,自然资源的过度开发是造成灾难的原因之一。根据美国环境、食品和农村事务部。K和U。据《委托粮食系统》报道,农民现在要求以较低的价格向外界种植更多的粮食。这可能看起来很简单,但决定生产特定食品是否经济可行的因素有很多。修复全球粮食系统将不是一项重大任务。然而,最重要的是当前为提高产量而向发展中国家传播的知识和技术(Yee et al, 2006)。


According to a report “The future of food and farming”, 400 scientists were included in the study across 34 nations. The report received first publication in the year 2011 through the Business innovation and skills department of British government (Key et al, 2006). The basic troubling conclusion is that the existing food system of the world has failed across the world. Inequality of economic nature between countries and the related factors have contributed to a system of global food chain wherein billions of individuals face hunger (inadequate access to enough macronutrients amounts such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins). The other billions of individuals suffer from hunger of hidden nature (inadequate essential minerals and vitamins present in diet) with others over consuming and suffering from obese. The report prepared by Foresight magazine on behalf of the British government also predicted that the price of crops across the world will increase in the coming future at a sharp rate causing an increase to food based conflict likelihood and migration.

This also revolves around the fact that individuals would not be able to properly feed without planet destruction until the global food system is transformed on industrial revolution scale (Lence et al, 2003). The global system for food production is bad spectacularly when considering hunger tackled or considered according to the development studies Institute Director, Lawrence Haddad. This report further warned that the world population is expanding with natural resources over-exploitation being a recipe for disaster particularly considering the climate change onset. According to the Envi ronment, Food and Rural Affair department of U.K and U.S, commissioning food systems report, farmers now require growing more food at lower price to the external environment. This might appear something simply but various factors are responsible for determining whether producing specific food is viable economically. To fix the global food system will not be a major task. However, of most significance is the current knowledge spread and technology to the developing nations for boosting yields (Yee et al, 2006).