


这款帝国圣诞布丁是一道圣诞晚餐上的甜点,但它的历史并不为人所知。几个世纪以来,当大英帝国扩张时,经济也需要增长。因此,为了增加贸易,帝国营销委员会成立(Berg, 2003)。这个委员会是为了从大英帝国进口所有商品而设立的。通过这种方式,帝国将所有的商品出口到英国,它可以显示其统治的力量(Zutshi, 2009)。为了实现这个梦想,帝国营销委员会想出了一个绝妙的主意,通过不同的渠道来销售这种布丁。国王宣布在圣诞晚宴上只使用帝国的物品;所以在这个布丁中,使用了帝国各地的原料。这是他们利用自己的帝国,创造收入的方式,也使他们的经济更加富有和强大(波特,2004)。

这是另一张海报,讲述了英国帝国在非洲扩张的故事(克拉克,1926)。这张海报被帝国营销委员会用来积极鼓励在英国和帝国的业务。这张海报的目的是让人们能够从帝国购买产品。它的第二个目的是看看帝国的商品是否对英国的商业有任何用处,这样它就可以被恰当地用于商业繁荣(Young, 2005)。这张海报既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。它表明,非洲国家的商品正在被推销,因此他们的经济在商业上获得了动力。然而,海报中看不到的最重要的影响是英国对非洲食物的负面影响。通过这样做,英国利用了所有来自非洲的资源来生产他们的商品,而非洲人却没有任何资源。


This empire Christmas pudding is a dish which is a dessert served in Christmas dinner, but it has the past which is not known to everyone. In centuries, when the British Empire was expanding, there was a need to grow economically also. Thus, in order to increase trade, the empire marketing board was established (Berg, 2003). This board was created to import all the goods from the empire in Britain. In this way, the empire will export all its goods to Britain and it can show its power of dominance (Zutshi, 2009).For this dream to come true, the empire marketing board came with the fantastic idea that to market this pudding through different sources. The King declared that in Christmas dinner only goods of empire is going to be used; so in this pudding, ingredients of all places in the empire are used. This is the way by which they exploited their empire and made revenues, and also made their economy more rich and powerful (Porter, 2004).

This is another poster which says the story of Britishers empire expansions in Africa (Clarke, 1926). This poster is used by empire marketing board to actively encourage business in Britain and empire. This poster was created to enable people to purchase products from empire. Its second purpose is to see whether goods from empire are of any use for the business in Britain, so that it could be utilised properly for its business prosperity (Young, 2005).This poster has both negative and positive aspects. It shows that African countries’ goods are being promoted for selling and by this their economy is gaining momentum in the business. However, the most important effect which can’t be seen in the poster is that the negative impact of the African food exploited by Britain. By doing this, British utilised all the resources from Africa for their goods and the Africans were left without any resource.