

ps代写-计划、时间线和任务之间的联系。计划、时间线和任务之间的联系是任何项目的基础,因为它们为控制项目提供了重要的指标。它有助于管理时间、成本和资源的三重约束,从而获得最佳路径,为公司带来最大的利润。这是很重要的,因为公司可以以牺牲其他两个为代价来实现其中一个约束(Holand et al., 1999)。在风险管理中,时间被估计到最小的细节。评估完成所有风险约束所需的时间。当评估完成时,这些基础被进一步分配到完成工作的各个部分所需的时间段中。显然,从大部分情况来看,我们有能力评估合资企业的时间周期,另外,如何以及多少/多少资源需要给予该项目,以及由于缺乏任何两项资源而造成的任何延误将成为主要的限制因素。

From this stage, we will receive output as a document file consisting limitations, requirements and essential notes. From these notes, the necessities of staffs in the hardware and software part and additionally other materialistic requirement can be evaluated. In brief, this document will work as a basis for future venture and support us in estimating problems which can be confronted in later stage of the venture. But it is important that this configuration meets the expectations and requirements of the company. The important steps included in configuration steps are total hardware and software design in execution of whole system. The major activities of this stage are as follows:
Network Design
Placing of orders
Design of entire ERP
Integration plan
Installations in all facilities
Connection and integration
Up gradation of software
Implementation of all necessary tools
Fourth Milestone- Implementation Phase
After the completion of blueprint, we enter the real stage called execution & Implementation phase which incorporates the actions to begin manufacturing and addition of the blueprint. Preparation and testing of the software code is the major work of this stage. All bugs ought to be rectified. While doing the rectification it must be kept in mind all these must be as per planning and design phase and at the last it is essential to examine the practical functionality of the framework as per project’s scope and specifications (Holand et al., 1999).

Scheduling, timelines and linkages amongst the tasks act as back bone of any projects as it provides important indicator to control the project. It helps to manage triple constraints of time, cost and resource in such a way so the optimum path can be obtained which will generate maximum profit for the company. It is important as company can achieve one of the constraints at the expense of other twos (Holand et al., 1999).
In venture management, time is estimated to its smallest detail. The estimation of time required to complete all venture constraints is evaluated. When the estimation is completed, those basics are distributed further more into the time period required to do the various parts of the job. Clearly from the most part of this, we have the capability to gauge the venture’s time period and additionally how and what much/many resources need to be given to that project and any delay due to resources like absence of any two will work as major constraint. The two scheduling methodologies are explained in the below parts (Kendall & Kendall, 2006).

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