personal statement 代写:不同文化的交汇


personal statement 代写:不同文化的交汇


personal statement 代写:不同文化的交汇

There were fourteen students in the class. Two of them were from Korea. They were male and female students. One female student were from Japan. The Janpanese students were fluent in Japanese and had little working knowledge of the English language. Five male students from China and six female trainees who have Chinese ethnic background were enrolled in the class. There were more female students enrolled in the class when compared to the male students. Around eight female students and six male students were enrolled in the class, the age group of the students were found to be between 45 to 55. Most of them had all the basic high school education. This was completed in their home country. The students who were from China were either from Hong Kong or the mainland China. Primarily, the students who had enrolled were looking for jobs in Australia. Chinese students spoke Cantonese predominately and there was also the Mandarin speaking Chinese students. Thus, this was the main composition found in the classroom environment. On 12th October, the teacher focused on vocabularies and phrases and the pronunciations.
The aim of the module was to teach the students basic pronunciation and the basic language knowledge about the operations of the English language. The main objective of this class was to explain the food that the people of Australia like as such. Roast Lamb, meat pie, Pizza and Stew are some of the common Australian favorite foods. Apart from this, there is preference towards eclectic food from different cultures as it is a liberal and Multicultural society that is accepting of a number of different trends across the world. The organization of the classroom has been explained in the following. The particular classroom management of the class is discussed in the following section. This is a typical arrangement. The teacher is made to face the students. The students are seated in a way that they would face the teacher. The teacher uses the resources such as blackboard and certain digital resources to gain the attention of the class. This arrangement was planned owing to the fact that the people across the world follow a similar teaching paradigm. This was an intersection of the different cultural point.