


在这一商业理念的背景下,少数民族创业被认为具有其独特的属性,不同于创业概念背后的主流。少数民族企业家主要由移民和少数民族的第三代或第二代人组成。众所周知,在文化和社会接受程度、教育、语言、技能和支助的可及性以及社会主流环境的融合范围等方面,与当地人相比,他们有许多缺点。Fadahunsi et al.(2000)、Deakins et al.(2003)、Assudani(2009)等前人的研究表明,少数民族企业最终会面临许多新的挑战和困难。对于少数民族以下的一些企业家来说,似乎缺乏基本的语言技能和正式资格。



In context of this business idea, entrepreneurship of ethnic minority is known to be having its unique attributed varying out of the mainstream underlying the concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs of ethnic minority mainly are consisting of migrants, and third or second generations out of ethnic minorities. They are known to be having a number of disadvantages when compared to natives with respect cultural and social acceptance, education, language, accessibility of skills and supports, and the scope of integration across the mainstream of a social setting. It has been revealed by previous researchers such as Fadahunsi et al. (2000), Deakins et al. (2003) and Assudani (2009) that businesses of ethnic minority end up facing a number of new challenges and difficulties. For a number of entrepreneurs under ethnic minority, there seems to be an absence of basic skills of language and formal qualification.

Majority of them show willingness in taking risks by the set-up of new business in association with the native sources of customers or suppliers. In a number of cases, for individuals having no or less chance to gain employment in formal setting, therefore, self- employment turns out to be the best option. Among a number of entrepreneurs of ethnic minority, the key intention of their business ventures are small- sized and micro, within key concentration in industries such as that of commerce and catering. Chinese food has been identified as the favourite international cuisine of UK as identified by Mintel, a research organization. Food inspired by the most populous nation of the globe is the favourite cuisine of Britain both in ethnic restaurants and at home.