


这种竞争一直要求团队合作,如果企业最终能将分散注意力的差异减到最小,同时专注于共同的使命,那么团队合作就会兴旺起来。通过在这份“法庭之友”简报上签上自己的名字,迪士尼承认,它坚信,在最重要的任务中,同性婚姻增强了它的地位,而不是阻碍它。迪士尼世界还考虑聘请乔治·卡洛里迪斯(Georgy Kalogridis)担任首位公开的同性恋总统,他曾在2011年的一段视频《It Gets Better》中担任主角。在视频中,他一直在鼓励任何一个被欺负过的人成为同性恋,最终会变得更好。卡罗里迪斯和他的合作伙伴安迪·哈迪(Andy Hardy)正在考虑在迪士尼世界(Disney World)新的豪华分区——金橡树(Golden Oak)建立一个住宅。

1997年,南方浸信会考虑抵制华特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)推广同性恋等不道德意识形态的决定,引起了媒体的广泛关注。由于迪斯尼以在主题公园非正式地赞助“同性恋日”而闻名,大会的成员表现出了他们的压迫。此外,该公司于1996年决定扩大向同性恋雇员及其家庭伴侣提供的健康优势。再往前,1995年,迪斯尼与其子公司Hyperion Books合作,成功地出版了一本名为《同志成长》的书。对于南方浸信会教徒的恐同言论,迪士尼乐园并没有表现出积极的态度,尽管迪士尼是最后几家为同性伴侣提供医疗服务的公司之一,但它似乎是进步的。


This competition has been demand teamwork, and teamwork will thrive if the business ends up minimizing the distracting variations, while focusing on a common mission. By placing a signature on this amicus brief, Disney made an acknowledgment that it holds the belief that at the forefront, its key mission has been enhanced by same- sex marriage, rather than being hindered. Disney World also considered hiring Georgy Kalogridis as the first openly gay president who was featured in a video of “It Gets Better” in the year 2011. In the video, he had been encouraging anyone who has been bullied ever to be gay that ends up getting better. Kalogridis along with his partner, Andy Hardy, are considering the establishment of a home in the new luxury subdivision of Disney World, Golden Oak.

In the year 1997, the Southern Baptists Convention resulted in the generation of significant media attention when it considered the decision of boycotting Walt Disney Company for the promotion of immoral ideology like homosexuality. The members of the Convention showed their oppression as Disney is known for the sponsorship of “Gay Day” unofficially at the theme parks. In addition, the company took the decision to extend the health advantages provided to gay employees and their domestic partner in the year 1996. Further ahead, conducting operations with its subsidiary company Hyperion Books in the year 1995, Disney had been successful in publishing a book under the name of “Growing up Gay. Not showing favorable views towards the homophobic rhetoric of Southern Baptists, Disney Land appeared to be progressive even if Disney was among the last studios extending benefits of health services for partners of the same sex.