




Basically the outdoor scheme is designed for children and their parents but sometimes it does not serve the purpose of creation. It happens when enough loose parts are not provided to children to depict their own ideas physically. The major aim of the scheme is to create a playing option for children where they can do whatever they want in accordance with their choice. The children who attend the place visit there frequently and enjoy being there and spending time there with their friends. The access that is provided to them in a form of wide range of resources available to play with enables the children to show their interests and creativity. Although children cannot leave the scheme unaccompanied, this hasn’t proved a problem. There is a scheduled off time for children in general but many of the children make arrangements with their parents to come earlier and manage to go back earlier when their parents come into pick them up.
As far as the outdoor play area is concerned it is treated to be a home for many loose parts such as tyres, bicycles, toys, boats, tractors, timber and pallets, for the purpose of construction. In addition to this ropes, spades, traffic cones, wheelbarrows, old table and chairs and many other things are also provided to them to play. All these objects that are provided to them contribute to encourage the children to manipulate their environment with a view to create interesting and enjoyable environment for them.