


从上面的计算很明显,英国石油公司的营业利润下降在过去的三年。2013年,营业利润百分比为8.01%,油价下降一样在2014年有所下降。然而,利润下降主要是因为收入下降而不是因为更高的成本。2015年的营业利润是负的4.23%。在同一时期,石油探索行业也出现了最大利润率下降。英国石油公司(BP plc)的净利润率在2013财政年度,但一个健康的6%下降到2014年的1.11%下降到了较低的收入和更高的成本。然而,真正的冲击是在2015年当净利润率负1.77%。在同一时期,其他行业领导者也经历了类似的下降由于较大的固定成本和收入下降,他们的收入是维持长期费用严重不足(迈克尔,2013)。

英国石油公司的净收入在2013 – 2015年之间下降了42%。这种衰退是仅仅因为价格下降甚至随着原油产量的增加和销售整体增加了体积。这就是为什么英国石油公司的管理把重点放在大幅减少生产成本。然而,在同一时期(2013 – 2015),石油巨头埃克森美孚使得更高的回报。2013年,公司的净利润% 8.67%(高于BP), 2104年,形成了7%的利润率(再次高于BP)和2015年埃克森美孚的利润率是令人印象深刻的6.31%。然而,埃克森美孚报道相同的测量基点。埃克森美孚石油公司的利润是162亿美元,在2015年与320亿年超过320亿美元。下游的收益在很大程度上抵消大宗商品公司的上游业务的利润率。


From the above calculations it is quite evident that the Operating profits of BP have declined in the last three years. In 2013, the Operating profit % was 8.01% and the same declined as oil prices has declined in 2014. However, the margin declined mainly because of declining revenue and not because of higher costs. The Operating profit is negative 4.23% in 2015. In the same period, the Oil exploring industry has also seen a largest decline in the profit margin overall. The Net Margin of the BP plc was a healthy 6% in FY 2013 but fell down to 1.11% in 2014 as a result of lower revenue and higher costs. However, the real shock came in 2015 as net margins became negative at 1.77%. In the same period, other industry leaders have also experienced similar declines owing to a larger fixed costs and as revenue declined, the revenues of them are grossly inadequate to sustain the long term expenses (Michael, 2013).

Net Revenue of BP has declined by 42% in between 2013-2015. This decline was solely because of decline in prices even as crude production increased and sales overall increased by volume. This is why the management of BP has put a drastic emphasis on reducing production cost. However, in the same period (2013 to 2015), oil Major Exxon Mobil has made higher returns. In 2013, the net profit % of the company was 8.67% (which is higher than BP), in 2104 the form made a profit margin of 7% (again higher than BP) and in 2015 the profit margin of Exxon Mobil is impressive at 6.31%. However, Exxon Mobil reported the same measure as BP. Exxon Mobil’s profit was $16.2bn in 2015 as against more than $32bn in 2014. The gains in the downstream were largely offset by lower commodity margins in the firm’s upstream business.