
美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

在传统的设置中,基于团队的项目要求团队成员在特定的时间内在特定的地点出现。全球虚拟团队以接受团队成员参与和项目任务交付的概念而闻名(Majchrzak et al., 2010)。这有助于跨国公司在其全球员工基础中充分利用最广泛的人才资源。团队从来没有面对面的会议,所有的项目工作都是通过VOIP技术以及SharePoint等其他虚拟会议应用程序进行的。ERP可以被看作是一个行业术语,用来描述为业务流程管理向组织提供支持和帮助的活动的广泛组合。ERP可以定义为企业管理软件的一个类别,组织可以使用它来收集、存储、管理和解释来自任何业务活动的数据(HassabElnaby et al., 2012)。这通常由一组集成的应用程序组成。

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目
Rezgui(2007)对虚拟团队的有效性进行了调查,重点研究了构建部门和影响采用成功的因素。此外,May和Carter(2001)对欧洲汽车行业虚拟团队工作的研究,描述了地理分布的工程师团队之间协作和沟通的增强。在缩短上市时间、降低成本和提高质量方面已确定了一些好处。形成和性能的虚拟团队可以被视为重大项目持有跨越边界的要求或跨职能技术投入,创造价值的关键是确保的位置——定义的策略来克服文化和时区问题(HassabElnaby et al .,2012)。虽然可能会考虑将沟通作为团队的传统问题,但这个问题在语言、文化多样性和距离方面的影响被放大了。

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目

In the traditional setting, projects based on team held the requirement of physical presence of team member at a certain place for a specific duration of time. Global virtual teams are known for embracing the concept that there can be engagement of team members and delivery of their project tasks with no or limited physical direct interaction with the others (Majchrzak et al., 2010). This helps multinational companies for drawing upon the broadest available pool of talent among their global base of employees. There is never a face-to-face meeting of team, and all project work is conducted by the use of VOIP technology, along with other applications for virtual meeting like SharePoint. ERP can be considered as the industrial term used for the wide combination of activities providing support and assistance to organizations for the management of business processes. ERP can be defined as a category for software of business management that can be used by organizations for the collection, storage, management and interpretation of data from any activities of business (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). This typically consists of a suite of integrated application.

美国 essay 代 写:团队项目
The effectiveness delivered by virtual team was investigated by Rezgui (2007) focusing on the sector of construction and exploring factors that affect the success of adoption. In addition, research on work of virtual team in the automotive industry of Europe by May and Carter (2001) depicted the enhancement of collaboration and communication among the team of engineers with geographical distribution. Several benefits were identified with respect to reduced time-to-market, reduced costs and improved quality. Formation and performance of virtual teams can be considered as significant for projects holding the requirement of cross boundary or cross functional skilled inputs, and the key for creation of value is ensuring the placement of a well- defined strategy for overcomes issues related to culture and time zones (HassabElnaby et al., 2012). While there might be consideration of communication as the traditional issue of team, there is a magnified effect of this issue in terms of language, cultural diversity and distance.