


尽管《2001年公司法》(Cth)中有严厉措施禁止内幕交易,但这一罪行至今仍很普遍。《公司法》第1043A条对拥有内幕信息的人的禁止行为作出规定。在这些禁令的背景下,内幕人士被定义为拥有内幕信息的人,将被禁止获取或处置相关金融产品或基于上述信息签订协议。有禁止传递信息、采购交易的禁令,但也有一些例外和辩护。关于内幕信息将如何被考虑和处理,有一些含意。内幕信息是基于领土联系获得的信息(Lyon & Du-Plessis, 2005)。它是拥有的、物质的信息,通常也不能获得。因此,被告知道事实或法律规定,必须以合理的方式知道,否则公众将无法获得此类信息(Lyon & Du-Plessis, 2005)。


此外,这些信息对一个人或一项贸易有重大影响,它可能会影响人们和贸易。与内幕信息相比,法院认为有必要定义容易且普遍获得的普通信息(Bhattacharya & Daouk, 2002)。这种形式的信息是容易观察到的,而且是公开披露的,或者是发布的信息集的一部分,或者可以通过推论、结论和推断来理解的信息。现在,由麦卡勒姆法官主持的R v柯蒂斯(第3号)[2016]NSWSC 866的案例研究,是被指控犯有内幕交易罪的罪犯之一。这里提出的指控是串谋为获取资料而犯罪。违法者所违反的章节为第1311(1)(a)和第1043A(1)(d)款。


Despite the presence of strong measures in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) which prohibits insider trading, the offence remains prevalent today. Section 1043A of the Corporation Act makes provisions to clarify the prohibited conduct of persons who are in possession of inside information. In the context of these prohibitions, the insider is defined as someone that possesses inside information and who will be prohibited from acquiring or disposing of relevant financial products or entering agreements based on said information. There are prohibitions placed on the passing of information, the procurement of trading, but there are some exceptions and defences available, too. There is implication as to how insider information will be considered and dealt with. Insider information is information that is obtained based on a territorial connection (Lyon & Du-Plessis, 2005). It is information that is possessed and is material and is generally not available as well. Therefore, the defendant knows it for a fact or as the law mandates, must know in a reasonable way that such information would not be available to the common public otherwise (Lyon & Du-Plessis, 2005).

Furthermore, such information has a material impact on a person or on a trade and it would be likely to influence people and trade. As compared to insider information, courts felt it necessary to define normal information that is readily and generally available too (Bhattacharya & Daouk, 2002). This form of information is that which is readily observed and which has been disclosed more openly or is part of a published information set, or that which can be understood by deductions, conclusions and inferences. Now the case study of R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, as presided over by Judge McCallum is one where the offender in question was convicted for insider trading. Here the conspiracy to commit offence for procurement of information was the allegation issue that was raised. The sections that were contravened by offender are subsections 1311(1)(a) and 1043A(1)(d).