
论文 代写:食物过敏

论文 代写:食物过敏

食物过敏是由免疫系统的反应引起的,这种反应是在吃了一种特殊的食物后立即发生的(比如牛奶、鸡蛋)。即使只吃少量的食物会引起特定人的过敏,也可能引发荨麻疹、消化问题和气道肿胀等症状和体征(Sicherer & Sampson, 2014)。Kuitunen(2014)评论说,有些人对某些食物过敏,可能会有一种叫做过敏反应的严重反应。有时,卫生保健提供者不能区分食物过敏和食物不耐受。引起食物过敏最常见的食物包括牛奶、鸡蛋、花生、小麦、大豆、鱼、贝类、坚果等。本研究的重点是确定牛奶引起的食物过敏的影响以及避免这种过敏的食物替代品。每100个孩子中就有3到6个孩子对牛奶过敏。这种过敏会导致各种健康问题,需要几个月的时间才能被诊断出来。儿童主要受牛奶过敏影响(mayoclinic.org, 2016)。

论文 代写:食物过敏

如McWilliams & Collins(2014)所述,对牛奶过敏的人也会对其他动物(山羊、绵羊等)的奶过敏。牛奶由两种蛋白质组成:酪蛋白(80%)和乳清(20%)。人们可能对一种或两种蛋白质过敏。因此,每当人们吃这些蛋白质的时候,身体就会觉得它是有害的入侵者。因此,蛋白质的免疫系统过度挡,掠袭者,导致过敏反应如气喘、咳嗽、呼吸困难,喉咙闷、声音沙哑、腹泻、红斑、肿胀、血压下降,水,肿胀或眼睛痒,胃痛等过敏反应发生在几分钟到几小时后这些食物包括牛奶蛋白质。Dontje Hulshof & Sprikkelman(2015)认为,过敏性反应是由牛奶过敏引起的最有害的反应,可能导致过敏者死亡。因此,适当地治疗过敏反应是很重要的,否则会危及生命。牛奶过敏涉及免疫系统。

论文 代写:食物过敏

Food allergy is caused by the reaction of the immune system that takes place immediately after consuming a particular food (e.g. cow’s milk, egg). Even eating a tiny amount of the food that causes allergy to a specific person may trigger symptoms and signs like hives, digestive problems and swollen airways (Sicherer & Sampson, 2014).Kuitunen (2014) commented that, some people, who are allergic to certain food, might have solemn reaction called anaphylaxis. Sometime, health care providers fail to differentiate food allergy from food intolerance. The most common foods that cause food allergies include cow’s milk, egg, peanuts, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, tree nuts etc. This study is focused on identifying the impact of food allergy caused by cow’s milk and alternatives of foods to avoid such allergy. Cow’s milk allergy affects 3 to 6 children on every 100. This allergy creates various health issues that take several months to be diagnosed. Children are mainly affected by cow’s milk allergy (mayoclinic.org, 2016).

论文 代写:食物过敏
As stated by McWilliams & Collins (2014), people, who are allergic to cow milk are tend to be allergic to the milks of other animals (goat, sheep etc) as well. Milk consists of two types of proteins are caseins (80%) and whey (20%). People may allergic to one or both the proteins. Therefore, whenever people eat any of these proteins, it is seemed as harmful raiders by the body. Therefore, the immune system overreacts to that proteins for fending that raider that lead to allergic reactions like wheezing, coughing, trouble breathing, throat tightness, hoarseness, diarrhoea, red spots, swelling, fall of blood pressure, watery, swollen or itchy eyes, stomachache etc. The allergic reactions occur within few minutes to hours after having foods those consist of milk proteins. According to Dontje Hulshof & Sprikkelman (2015), anaphylaxis is the most harmful reaction caused by milk allergy that may lead to death of the allergic person. Therefore, treating anaphylaxis properly is important otherwise, it can be life threatening. Milk allergy involves the immune system.