論文 摘要 翻譯:產業政策的修正


論文 摘要 翻譯:產業政策的修正
產業政策的修正:考慮到以上所討論的因素,可能需要對產業政策進行大量的修正,才能抵消負面的經濟影響,不侵蝕所感知的利益(Ellyatt, 2016)。上述預算節省下來的開支,必須加以利用,以確保競爭力不會下降。例如,關稅壁壘會影響收入,而產業政策的變化會進一步減少收入或儲蓄。失業增加:由於在歐盟國家工作的人可能失業,就業將會減少。已經存在嚴重的失業問題,隨著英國的退出,情況將會惡化(BBVA, 2016)。儘管在英國,機會就在那裡,但影響將更大。政策制定者必須確保失業問題得到控制,因為它將對經濟產生遞歸影響。流動性下降:金融服務提供商將失去其在歐盟的業務。歐盟國家提供的金融服務將會喪失。在發展中國家提供服務的好處將會存在,但這需要一些時間(Boulanger & Philippidis, 2015)。
對經濟學家來說,保持平衡並確保金融服務提供商確實面臨衝擊將是一個挑戰。經濟的不確定性:英國退歐帶來的好處已經被預測到了。然而,如果經濟狀況發生變化,市場動力受到干擾,這些好處可能不會存在。換句話說,影響經濟的因素有很多(Zangana, 2016)。雖然脫歐可能帶來好處,但也要考慮其他經濟因素。這不僅需要正確有效的決策,也將關係到全局的穩定。這種不確定性不利於做出如此重大的決定。對貿易政策的影響:英國現有的協定將不得不修改。英國的談判將受到影響。除此之外,還必須修改貿易政策,使其具有吸引力。在這兩種情況下,英國的談判將大大減少(Woodford, 2016)。這將對貿易政策產生巨大影響,並將影響預算。

論文 摘要 翻譯:產業政策的修正

Amendments to Industrial Policies: Considering the factors that have been discussed above, a large number of amendments in the industrial policies may have to be done so that the negative economic effects can be negated and the perceived benefits are not eroded away (Ellyatt, 2016). The savings from the budget that have been mentioned above will have to be utilised to ensure that the competitiveness is not reduced. For example, the tariff barriers will impact the income and the changes in industrial policy will further reduce the income or the savings. Increase in Unemployment: The employment will reduce as the people working in European Union countries may lose their jobs. There have already been severe unemployment problems and with the exit of UK, the situation will worsen (BBVA, 2016). Although the opportunities will be there with opportunities in the UK, the impact will be more. The policy makers will have to ensure that the unemployment issue is controlled as it will have recursive effect on the economy.Reduced Liquidity: The financial service providers will lose its business in EU. The financial services provided in EU countries will be lost. The benefit of providing the services in developing countries will be there but it will take some time (Boulanger & Philippidis, 2015).
It will be a challenge for the economists to maintain the balance and ensure that the financial service providers do have o face the hit. Uncertainty in Economy: The perceived benefits from the Brexit have been forecasted. However, such benefits may not be there, if the economic conditions will change and the market dynamics are disturbed. In other words, there are a lot of factors that influence the economy (Zangana, 2016). Although Brexit may bring in benefits, but consideration has to be given to other economic factors as well. This will require not only correct and effective decision making, the overall stability will also be of huge concern. Such uncertainty is not favorable for such huge decisions. Impact on Trade Policies: The existing pacts that UK has will have to be amended. The negotiation by UK will be impacted. Apart from this, the trade policies will have to be amended so that attractiveness is there. In both the cases, the negotiation of UK will be greatly reduced (Woodford, 2016). The impact that will be there on trade policies will be huge and will impact the budget.