


有必要分析冲突基于所有可用的信息冲突。冲突的分析将基于不同意见冲突的来源。冲突可能是基于认知和意义的事件和这些不同有不同的人参与。人们根据他们的不同社会文化和经济背景和这些差异意味着他们还将属性不同的意义和舆论事件。在这种背景下,有必要考虑冲突从不同的角度分析图纸。观点强烈影响等元素的情绪的人很可能压倒反对党的背后的逻辑推理,也假设,猜疑和不信任的一般标签。正如Fisher &布朗(1988),国家”因此,重要的是区分观点和事实。

平衡情绪,原因是冲突管理的一个重要方面,不是因为事实更重要比认知或情感,而是因为利益相关者以不同的方式处理这些问题”(费舍尔和布朗,1988年,页43 – 63)。现在重构是必要的理解,布鲁克林公园问题可能是一个多种族的问题。重塑或角度的变换将用于识别问题的根源从什么将加剧问题或混淆利益相关者从他们的实际重点是什么。现在的根源问题似乎是公园的位置,它不允许为了便于访问来自多个结束的球员。青少年就像青少年一样,但是有某种形式的简单访问会导致更少的拥挤的街道。


It is necessary to analyze the conflict based on all the information that is available on the conflict. The analysis of the conflict will be based on different views on the source of the conflict. The conflict might be based on perceptions and meaning on the event and these vary as there are different people involved in the picture. People vary based on their socio-cultural and economic background and these differences would mean that they would also attribute different significance and opinion to events. In this context, it is necessary to consider conflict analysis by drawing from different perspectives. The perspectives are strongly influences by such elements as that of emotions of the person which could very well overwhelm the logic behind the opposition party’s reasoning, there would also be assumptions, suspicions and a general tag of mistrust involved. As Fisher & Brown (1988), state “It is therefore important to distinguish opinion from fact.

Balancing emotions and reason is an important aspect of conflict management, not because facts are more important than perceptions or feelings, but because stakeholders deal with them in different ways” (Fisher and Brown, 1988, pp. 43-63). Now reframing is necessary to understand that the Brooklyn parks issue could be more than a race issue. The reframing or the transformation of perspective will be useful for identifying the root cause of the problem away from what would exacerbate the problem or confuse stakeholders from what their actual priorities are. Now the root cause of the problem seems to be the fact that the park is so situated that it does not allow for ease of access of players from multiple ends. Teenagers will behave like teenagers, but having some form of easy access will result in less crowding of the streets.