


权力关系是通过影片中的天使来创造的。根据角度可以有不同的权力关系;例如,当一个人出现在鸟瞰图上时,这可能意味着被拍照的人可能是微不足道的,或者一个高度聚焦于某个人的角度会表明他们是重要的。有眼睛水平的镜头,用来创建一个正常的和更清晰的观点的主题没有太多戏剧性。至少,可以这样说,眼睛水平拍摄本身并没有创造戏剧。在低角度的情况下,一个人会以一种更强大的方式表现出来。分析时考虑的镜头要比眼睛水平得多。这里没有建立权力关系,考虑到电影的背景,也没有涉及到这种情况的戏剧性场景。密度是米新场景中的一个重要元素。被压缩到场景中的视觉信息将创造场景的密度(Bordwell, 2013)。有些场景可能什么都没有,前景和背景都没有这些是普通的或者纹理粗糙的,然后是非常详细的。在被分析的镜头中,背景中有很多元素,可以说镜头是一个非常细致的镜头。
然而,镜头中元素的密度并没有为正在分析的场景创造任何东西。除了Enid似乎拿着的道具(一个盒子),这里没有什么重要的材料。考虑一下照片中的构图,这里有一个更加垂直的二元构图。在二元构图中,镜头传达出强烈的平行感。在垂直组合的情况下,在静止处创建了垂直线(Bordwell, 2013)。由于两个角色面对面,所以在镜头中创建了二进制组合。二元结构似乎创造了强度。垂直的组合是由洗碗机、打开的盒子和背景中的风基创建的。就形式而言,场景要么是开放的,要么是封闭的。在一个开放的形式中,为观众创建了一个视图,但也显示了框架之外的世界。在一个封闭的形式,只有视图显示给观众,而不是字以外。这是一个明显的开放表单快照,尽管创建了视图,但它确实显示了视图之外的细节。


Power relationships are created in the shot by means of the angel in which the movie has been made. Different power relationships are possible based on the angle; for instance, when a person is presented in a bird’s eye view, it could mean that the people being photographed might be insignificant, or a high angle focusing on someone in particular would denote that they are significant. There are eye level shots used to create a normal and clearer view of the subjects without much drama. At least, it can be said that the eye level shot by itself does not create the drama. In the case of the low angle, a person would be represented in a much more powerful way. The shot considered for analysis is much more eye level. No power relationship has been created here and given the context of the movie that there are no dramatic scenes involved in this situation. Density is an important element in the Miseen scene. The visual information that is packed into the scene will create the density of the scene (Bordwell, 2013). Some scenes might not have anything, both in the foreground and the background and these are plain or texture stark and then there are highly detailed ones. In the shot being analysed, there are many elements in the background and hence it can be said that shot is a highly detailed one.
However, the density of elements in the shot is not creating anything for the scene under analysis. Except for the prop (a box) that Enid seems to be holding, there is not much materials of significance here. Consider the composition in the shots, there is a binary composition in a more vertical sense here. The binary composition is one in which there is a strong sense of parallelism conveyed in the shot. In the case of the vertical composition, there are vertical lines created at rest (Bordwell, 2013). The binary composition is created in the shot because two characters are facing one another. The binary composition seems to create intensity. The vertical composition is created because of the dishwasher, the box being open and the wind sills in the background. In terms of form, a scene is either open or closed. In an open form, a view is created for the audience, but the world beyond the frame is also shown. In a closed form, only the view is shown to the audience and not the word beyond. This is an obvious open form shot, as although a view is created, it does present the details beyond the view.