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Much research on the subject has not attempted to draw a context within the black community to discuss the notion of black lesbianism.
Furthermore, the author argues that black lesbian studs strategically perform their masculinity.
The author makes use of arguments taken from academic research works and also directly quotes the words of the women who were interviewed.
(Situating Black Female Masculinity in History) Third Page
The argument of black feminists is that their race, homophobia they are subjected to and more will intersect with their perceptions of gender. Black liberation and gay liberation struggles have to be understood as one in order to strengthen resistance.
The stud’s masculinity is understood in the Black male masculinities where the black men even after being freed were not given the right political and economic power. The emasculation stopped them from attaining the privileged hegemonic masculinity.
Hegemonic Masculinity and Male Masculinity (Fourth Page)
Because of the presence of hegemonic masculinity, Black men were pushed to the position where they had to consider their masculine identity in relation to it. When they felt discrimination and violence because of their difference, it leads to protest situation, landing them in protest masculinity.
The protest masculinity is what gives power to the Black lesbian women.
The author cites the work of Elijah Ward, “Expressing hypermasculinity is socially popular in many black male circles. It seizes upon opportunities for projecting male dominance, possibly functioning as a means to vent the extra frustrations that black men experience in a racist society, while also shoring up a sense of identity in an uncertain social world” (Lane-Steele, 2011, p. 4).
Black Lesbian Resistance (Fifth Page)
This historic background on male masculinities is part of the process called mosaic masculinities where pieces and fragments are drawn upon.
Women also draw on similar pieces of the protest masculinity.
The author states that this might not be a deliberate process, but could be a sub-conscious process where Black lesbians draw the strength to offer resistance to oppressions and discriminations.

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