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论文代写-西方在代谢期结构中对日本建筑产生的影响。在此之前,日本从未受到过西方世界的任何影响。但现在情况发生了变化。1960年,世界设计大会在东京召开,讨论与通用设计有关的问题,从中可以看到西方的重大影响。正是在这次会议上,对西方建筑进行了相关的讨论,并与日本建筑进行了相同的实现。会议由世界上一些最好的建筑组成,包括浅田隆、阿瓦祖清吉、关健二。这些艺术家的创作动机来自于西方乌托邦式的巨型结构建筑(Nitschke, 1964, pp. 509)。这个群体也受到了勒柯布西人思想的影响。许多伟大的建筑师都受到了西方建筑的启发。这就是西方在代谢期结构中产生影响的原因(Karakiewicz, 2005)。

Some of the influence of the metabolists included the post-apocalyptic and post-war like situations. These were in the form of the characters such as amine and manga. The characters which were related to amine and manga had been related to the environment in such a manner that these were similar to the way in which the people interacted with the environment.
The names of the city were also done in such a manner that were inspired from western thought in some or the other manner. The city names were dependent on the basis of the machine. The metabolism architecture was practiced during those times. The metabolist architecture consisted of the designed which were generally, movable, flexible and were built out of the cells which were similar to that of the living organism (Kuan, 2013, pp.189). The plan also allowed for enabling of the dynamic growth and was also much responsive to the inhabitants in spite of trying to have an overarching construction which the inhabitants actually wanted to implement.
Another major thought which was popular during the Metaboist age was to do the significant rebirth from the physical devastation which was done during the times of World War 2. The architects during these times believed that the Metabolists were interested more in the culture and tradition of Japan but along with the same, they were much more interesting in combining the same with some of the recent ideas related to the technology.
The theories which were implemented during these times were economical as well as it was easier to add small components rather than to create several individual buildings. Because of the same, the urban cities where Metabolist architectural styles were implemented were much more cohesive in comparison to other cities of the world. Another great architecture in Japan during this period was Kenzo Tange (Pernice, 2004). The designs of Kenzo Tange were also an aid to the metabolist movement. His plans were so effective and impactful that they gave boon to metabolism. His architecture was inspired from that of West and many of his works includes the elements from western architecture (Cho, 2012, pp. 72). An example of his work during this period includes the Tokyo’s Bay Plan. This was a mega structure which consisted of a very large framework consisting of a number of movable and smaller parts. This was again inspired from the West and the buildings were attached and detached from the super highways. The design of the entire structure build over Tokyo Bay was inspired from the Western architecture. The roads which were planned to be created under such a plan were designed in such a manner as if they appeared as the arteries or veins. This kind of construction was inspired from west as these roads were previously available only in the western architectural forms.
Another famous architecture which consists of western influences was the Marine city. This structure had been built after the conference held in Tokyo. The structure of the interior of the building had been setup in such a manner that it was a permanent and an open living space which had been surrounded by the spaces which could be easily replaced. In addition to this, the Marine City features a large number of cylindrical towers which also permits a large number of circular units which were joined and plugged. Some of these towers had been placed in such a manner that they appeared as the circular disks which floated over water. This was another plan which was influenced from the western architecture (Schalk, 2004).

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