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Ironic and self-mocking, the creation psychology of Karwai Wong reflects changeable life and lonely feelings. Karwai Wong belongs to Cancer. The most important feature of this constellation is to wall them off with “a shell” to prevent damages from the outside world. He magnifies it and puts it into his films, which accords with the weak hearts of mortal beings in cities.
In the aspect of reflecting themes, the direct expression object of Karwai Wong is the emotional crisis of urbanites in the postmodern context. Probably, the group images of people and things including bizarre city lights, prostitutes, casinos and gangster Dome with postmodern colour that appear repeatedly in the films of Karwai Wong as well as the collapse of people’s values and the loss of subjects in the postmodern society demonstrate frustrated life, but his films are humorous and ironic, which shows that the director takes a positive attitude towards the value orientation of life in films.
With a cool sense of form, the films of Karwai Wong are filled with feelings. For instance, the irony of fast food-style love in Chungking Express, sensitive and tangled emotion in Happy Together and the scene in which Takeshi Kaneshiro makes ice cream for his father in Fallen Angels are unforgettable. His works always carry through a theme, namely people’s yearning for some confession and communication and the helplessness of having no individual communication which is much stronger than such yearning (Bettinson, 2014). In the Chinese film industry, no one is better at expressing this theme so exquisitely and vividly than Karwai Wong.

In the films of Karwai Wong, the love he wants to show in society is presentable and also important content of characters’ life. In real life, emotion is the dependence of life. An isolated world calls for tender feelings more. People will feel depressed more easily if their needs are stronger. This is a sad fact but true. Namely, people are so lonely. In the crowd, people find it impossible to know and love each other even if “the closest distance between us is only 0.01 centimeter.” (Chungking Express). The deep sorrow of modern people is disclosed in the desperation of post-industrial civilization and the shown theme in a playful tone (Li et al, 2012).

Love is the carrier of stories in the films of Karwai Wong. In his films, on one hand, Karwai Wong shows interpersonal alienation, estranged relationship, paranoid personality and unsuccessful communication, and on the other hand, he uncovers the ubiquity of loneliness and unrequited love in the people. Through describing the changeable life and lonely feelings, he always adheres to focusing on the narrative theme of “pursuit and refusal”.

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