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This model has elucidated a sequential relationship between the sender and the receiver in which each of them takes turns to send or receive information. In the case of GM, the Twitter team and any customer had exchanged messages in turn to ultimately reach a consensus decision and resolution of the recall problem (Mountain, 2017). In one instance, a customer named Joyce Burns had resorted to Facebook to make a complaint at the GM customer care page. He posted a problem of failure to fix his daughter’s Cobalt recall problem on March 2016 at 6:56 pm and the response of the GM customer care was received on March 17 at 7:31 pm with a relevant email to contact the GM social media unit (Goel, 2014). The response is sequential in which the customer had made his post as his turn and was awaiting the turn of GM to reply to his post.
The mode of communication using the social media platforms have been found to be responsiveness and effective as customers have sufficiently received help and support from GM. For example, Donna Genader had failed to communicate with the GM customer service representative over the phone line and thereby posted a complaint on GM’s Facebook page. Customer service representatives of GM had replied to the posts and counter comments in order to address recall related queries and engage the customers in ironing out private messages so that they are able to solve individual problems. In the case of Genader’s daughter, she had received a loaner car against her 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt (Goel, 2014). GM had undertaken a dual approach in maintaining a normal business outlook in the social platforms and in shaping the brand perception of the customers by responding online. In this regards, social penetration theory is relevant as it helps to develop an unpredictable relationship. Individuals who attempt to engage in communication learn about others and then develop a better understanding of the specific situation and thereby plan how to interact (Tang and Wang, 2012). When GM failed to establish an effective communication with the raging customers, the customers resorted to the social media websites for posting public messages at the pages. Here the customers had analysed what the other customers have done and whether their act was effective. When assurance of resolution of recall queries was ascertained, more of the GM customers started posting messages on social media pages. The social penetration theory states that self-disclosure is important for gaining progress in communication. It is quite evident that companies like GM are aware of the robust public response that would tarnish their company image and so construction of an effective digital communication strategy had proved to be beneficial for GM to regain its communication confidence with the customers (Oleksak, 2005).

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